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Ottawa Canada facts

While investigating facts about Ottawa Canada Map and Ottawa Canada Weather, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 1940, Princess Juliana of The Netherlands was evacuated to Ottawa Canada. When her child Margaret was born, Canada declared her rooms at the Hospital as extraterritorial so the baby would have Dutch nationality. As thanks, Princess Juliana has given Ottawa 10,000 tulip bulbs every year since.

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The Dutch royal family took refuge in Canada during WW2 occupation, upon the birth of Princess Margriet, the Ottawa maternity ward was temporarily declared to be Dutch territory by the Canadian government. Since then every year the Dutch people send Canada thousands of tulips in appreciation.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's open on canada day ottawa. Here are 33 of the best facts about Ottawa Canada Day 2019 and Ottawa Canada Day I managed to collect.

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  1. During WW2 the Canadian government housed the Dutch Royal Family and when princess Juliana went into labour Canada declared the Hospital in Ottawa international territory so their child would maintain their Dutch citizenship and remain as the heir to the Royal Family.

  2. In 1857 Queen Victoria chose Ottawa as Canada’s capital because it was the midpoint between Toronto & Montreal thus a political compromise between English speaking & French speaking Canada

  3. In 1943, Canada declared the maternity ward of Ottawa Civic Hospital extraterritorial. This was done so that the newborn Princess Margriet of the Netherlands would derive her Dutch citizenship from her mother. The royal family had fled to Canada three years prior due to the Nazi occupation.

  4. Alert Canada, the northernmost permanently inhabited place in the world is closer to Moscow than it is to Ottawa.

  5. Canada declared the maternity ward of Ottawa Civic Hospital temporarily extraterritorial when Princess Margriet of the Netherlands was born

  6. Piero di Cosimo's most famous mythological art includes "Venus, Mars, and Cupid" now at Staatliche Museum in Berlin, "Vulcan and Aeolus" at the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa, "Tritons and Nereids" now in the Altomani collection in Milan, "The Finding of Vulcan on Lemnos" now at Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford, Connecticut, "Perseus Frees Andromeda" in Uffizi, Florence, and "The Myth of Prometheus: now at the Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota, Florida.

  7. The Dutch royal family took refuge in Canada during WW2 occupation, upon the birth of Princess Margriet, the Ottawa maternity ward was temporarily declared to be Dutch territory by the Canadian government. Since then every year the Dutch people send Canada thousands of tulips in appreciation.

  8. Canada had a stray cat sanctuary beside the parliament buildings in Ottawa. The Canadian Parliamentary Cats attracted up to 300 visitors a day before shutting down in 2013.

  9. Richard Nixon prophesied: "I’d like to toast the future prime minister of Canada: to Justin Pierre Trudeau,” at a post-gala buffet in April 1972 during a state visit to Ottawa.

  10. Alert, Nunavut, Canada - the northernmost settlement in the world - is closer to Moscow than it is to Ottawa

ottawa canada facts
What time is it in ottawa canada?

Why was ottawa chosen as the capital of canada?

You can easily fact check why did ottawa became the capital of canada by examining the linked well-known sources.

The roofs of the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa, Canada, used to be mopped with pregnant horse urine to turn green.

Canada's Parliament in Ottawa burnt almost entirely in 1916. The only surviving room was the library which doors were made of iron. Now all of the parliament is stone built, except for the library's interior which still is made out of wood. - source

Queen Victoria chose Ottawa to be Canada's capital - source

The VIA Rail Station at Ottawa is considered one of the finest examples of the International style in Canadian architecture. Built in 1966, the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada named the station as one of the top 500 buildings produced in Canada during the last millennium

Princess Margriet was born in Ottawa, Canada during WW2. The hospital ward was named extraterritorial for one day to allow the princess to retain Dutch nationality. To commerate the birth the Dutch flag was flown over the Canadian parliament building. - source

When did ottawa became the capital of canada?

Access to 24 Sussex Drive, the official residence of the Prime Minister of Canada, is strictly prohibited to the general public. It is set on almost 4 acres along the banks of the Ottawa River and the three story limestone home features 34 rooms

How did ottawa became the capital of canada?

The Currency Museum in Ottawa used to contain over 100,000 currency-related artifacts from around the world until it closed and reopened as Bank of Canada museum in 2017. Currently most of it is in storage and is not available to visitors

The Rideau Canal in Ottawa, Canada's capital city, becomes the world's largest skating rink every winter. It attracts over one million visitors a year, is serviced by a 24/7 maintenance crew, and it is not uncommon for people to skate to work.

In 1949, Montreal and Toronto experienced large spikes in the use of $2 banknotes for financial transactions. As the spike subsided over two weeks, another one appeared in Ottawa. The Bank of Canada could provide no explanation

For the 1976 olympics the flame was sent via satellite from Greece to Canada. The flame was placed in front of a sensor that detects ionised particles, encoded into impulses, and sent via satellite to Ottawa. The signal activated a laser that recreated the Olympic Flame in a 90 cm urn.

Canada and Ottawa both have more bilingual residents than ever before. For people with English as a mother tongue, bilingualism often doesn’t stick. Outside Quebec, anglophones who develop the ability to conduct a conversation in French usually learn it in school, between the ages of five and 19

When ottawa became capital of canada?

The community of Alert, Nunavut, Canada is closer to Moscow than it is to Ottawa.

Ottawa Canada currently holds the world record for largest group hug, consisting of 10,554 people at an event called "Electric Forest" back in 2010.

Princess Margriet of the Netherlands was born in Ottawa, Canada. Prior to birth, the maternity ward of the Ottawa Civic Hospital was declared 'international territory' to allow her to have Dutch citizenship and not Canadian.

Central Park is a recently developed neighbourhood in Ottawa, Canada known for its New York City themed streets. It has roads named Manhattan, Fordham, Staten, and the current US President

Laurier House in Ottawa was home to two Canadian Prime Ministers, Sir Wilfrid Laurier and William Lyon Mackenzie King. The house had been purchased for the Lauriers in 1897 by Liberal friends and supporters, who felt that the Prime Minister of Canada should have an appropriate domestic setting

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An aerial photography was given 3 years contract by city of Ottawa, Canada to use his drone to chase away Geese from public beaches bcos they were shitting everywhere. He custom design his drone and named is Goosebuster.

Barnett Newman's 1967 painting "Voice of Fire" is now worth 50 million USD. It was purchased by the National Art Gallery of Canada where it still hangs in Ottawa. The painting was commissioned for the Montreal Expo 67. The Art gallery purchased it for 1.76 Million CAD in 1990.

The Rhinoceros Party of Canada threatened to declare war on Belgium if elected (due to unlawful treatment of rhinos in their cartoons)... unless Belgium's embassy delivered a case of mussels and beer to Ottawa... Which they did

A German intelligence officer, who, during World War II, traveled to Canada via U-Boat to track ship movements. He then changed his mind and settled in Ottawa.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Ottawa Canada. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Ottawa Canada so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor