Olympic Sized facts
While investigating facts about Olympic Sized Pool and Olympic Sized Swimming Pool, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Tim Duncan grew up in the US Virgin Islands where he was gearing up for the 1992 Olympics as a competitive swimmer until Hurricane Hugo destroyed the island's only Olympic-sized pool. The only alternative was to swim in the ocean, and Duncan was afraid of sharks, so he turned to basketball.
how big is an olympic sized pool?
The total amount of gold mined in human history is approx 166,500 tonnes. If it was all melted it would fit in an Olympic size pool.
What are the dimensions of an olympic sized swimming pool?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the capacity of an olympic sized swimming pool. Here are 34 of the best facts about Olympic Sized Pool Length and Olympic Sized Pools Near Me I managed to collect.
what is an olympic sized pool?
Basketball legend Tim Duncan was a teenage champion swimmer in the Virgin Islands. When Hurricane Hugo destroyed the island's only Olympic-sized swimming pool in 1989, Duncan was forced to swim in the ocean and he quickly lost his enthusiasm for swimming because of his fear of sharks
Sunscreen is contributing to decline of coral reefs. The damaging effects were seen in coral in concentrations of oxybenzone as low as 62 parts per trillion, which is equivalent to a drop of water in six and a half Olympic-sized swimming pools, according to the researchers.
It would take the average person 61 lifetimes to produce enough urine fill an Olympic size swimming pool.
The first time Eric Moussambani saw an Olympic size swimming pool was when he swam in the 2000 Olympics. He has by far the slowest time in Olympic history and struggled to finish the race. He won his heat after his competitors were disqualified and set a personal best and a national record.
Wilmar International has been buying up vast quantities of sugar on the commodities market. Since 2015, six million tons of sugar have been bought and delivered to worldwide storage facilities at a cost of $2.3 billion. This volume of sugar would fill 3,000 Olympic-size swimming pools.
3.42 Olympic-sized swimming pools could contain all the gold ever mined
In just the US, enough embalming fluid is buried every year to fill eight Olympic-size pools; more steel (in caskets alone) than was used to build the Golden Gate Bridge; and enough reinforced concrete to construct a two-lane highway from New York to Detroit.
It takes six and a half years for the average American household to use the amount of water required to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool
All the platinum ever produced would only cover your ankles in one Olympic sized swimming pool. All the gold ever produced would fill three Olympic sized swimming pools.
Finland is the most successful Olympic nation if you factor medals to size of population
Olympic Sized data charts
For your convenience take a look at Olympic Sized figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why is olympic national park famous by examining the linked well-known sources.
We have mined over 166,500 tonnes of Gold and if you melted it into a solid cube 20.5m on each side it would fit into an Olympic size swimming pool.
A dog can smell one teaspoon of sugar diluted in one million gallons of water (the equivalent of two Olympic sized swimming pools!) - source
Four Olympic size swimming pools is more than adequate to hold all the gold ever mined in history. - source
The Sidoarjo Mud Volcano in Indonesia. Caused by drilling it has killed 13 people, covers 25km^2 and is growing by 12 Olympic-sized swimming pools for the next 30 years.
7‑Eleven stores sell almost 45 million gallons of fountain drinks a year – enough to fill approximately 68 Olympic-size swimming pools. - source
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About Eric "the Eel" Moussambani, the Guinean Olympic swimmer who had never seen am Olympic sized pool before arriving
How many olympic sized pools in uk?
All the gold that has ever been mined can fit into an 3 olympic sized swimming pools. 66% of that gold has been mined in the last 7 decades.
Some sharks can detect their prey at one part per 10 billion. Which is equivalent to one drop in an Olympic-sized swimming pool
All the gold ever mined throughout history could fit inside just three Olympic-sized swimming pools.
The Seawise Giant, the largest ship ever built, could carry ~178,000,000 gallons of oil. This is roughly equivalent to 270 Olympic-sized swimming pools.