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Officially Acknowledged facts

While investigating facts about Officially Acknowledged 中文 and , I found out little known, but curios details like:

Emperors are recognized above kings in rank and that the only monarch in the entire world that is still officially acknowledged as 'emperor' is the emperor of Japan, Akihito.

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The existence of the BT Tower used to be an official secret. It was 189 metres tall, located in the centre of London, and had a rotating restaurant that anyone could visit. It did not appear on maps and was not officially acknowledged until 1993.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 17 of the best facts about Officially Acknowledged I managed to collect.

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  1. Area 51 was officially acknowledged as an American base when former unnamed employees filed a environmental civil suit with the United States government over hazardous working conditions.

  2. In the year 2000 Michael Moore entered a ficus plant to run against an unopposed Republican for a Congressional seat. Although election officials refused to acknowledge its votes, it had a 4-1 lead

  3. Cubans with US citizenship and their children are considered by Cuba to be solely Cuban. Their US citizenship is not officially acknowledged.

  4. There is a chance that Texas could become the first state to acknowledge officially that, since the advent of the modern judicial system, it had carried out the “execution of a legally and factually innocent person.”

  5. 6 states in the US still refuse to officially acknowledge the Armenian genocide, as well as the US government itself

  6. There is only one acknowledgment of New Coke at the World of Coca-Cola, the official museum of Coca-Cola.

  7. The Russian equivalent of "Podunk town" is "Muhosransk" - an anecdotal place receiving state recognition only because a fly had accidentally shit on a government map, creating a mark that Tsarist cartographers then had to officially acknowledge.

  8. Only in 2013 the authorship of the music to La Marseillaise was officially acknowledged.

  9. An NFL official has acknowledged the link between football and brain disease

  10. The existence of Area 51 wasn't officially acknowledged by the US government until 2013

officially acknowledged facts
What are the best facts about Officially Acknowledged?

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You can easily fact check why is office space rated r by examining the linked well-known sources.

The British government did not acknowledge the existence of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) until 1994. Their official motto is "Semper Occultus" (Always Secret).

The Official Bob Marley Website acknowledges 11 children: three with his wife, one adopted from his wife's previous marriage, one from his wife's affair with another man, and six with six different women. Three of his children were born within a month of each other. - source

In the board game Monopoly, the property name "Marvin Gardens" is a misspelling of Marven Gardens, an actual place in New Jersey. In 1995, 60 years after the game was first released, Parker Brothers officially acknowledged the spelling error and apologized to the residents of Marven Gardens. - source

Alan Smithee was an official pseudonym used by film directors who wish to disown a project until its use was formally discontinued in 2000. The director was required by guild rules not to discuss the circumstances leading to the move or even to acknowledge being the actual director.

The Texas Constitution states that public officials have to “acknowledge the existence of a Supreme Being." - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Officially Acknowledged. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Officially Acknowledged so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor