Incredible and fun facts to explore

Odd Number facts

While investigating facts about Odd Number, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A group of embittered singles in Shanghai purchased all odd-numbered cinema seats forcing couples to sit apart on Valentine's Day

A group of embittered singles reserved all the odd-numbered seats at a cinema's primetime screening on Valentine's Day so that couples would be forced to sit apart

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Odd Number I managed to collect.

  1. It is impossible for a centipede to have 100 legs. They have one pair of legs per body segment, but always an odd number of body segments, allowing for 98 and 102 legs, but not 100.

  2. If an odd number of golfers make the cut at the Masters, they have a member named Jeff Knox fill in, who has bet against and beaten some of the best golfers in the world

  3. It's a faux pas in Russia to give your date a dozen flowers; You give an odd number of flowers for a happy occasion, and an even number for condolences.

  4. If an Interstate is an odd number, it runs North and South and even numbered Interstates run East and West.

  5. American roulette wheels are different than wheels in other parts of the world. Casinos in the U.S. use a 0 and double 0 to decrease the odds of winning to 1/38, while other countries use just 0, making the odds 1/37 when betting individual numbers

  6. The common banana doesn't have seeds because it has 3 copies of DNA. An odd number doesn't split evenly when forming progeny, so the result is a seedless fruit. Seedless watermelon, grapes, etc also have an odd number of copies of DNA.

  7. Choose numbers higher than 31 if playing the lottery. Not better odds of winning, but decreases the chance you must share your prize. People use birthday dates as a number, and no date falls higher than 31.

  8. Despite the name, no centipede has exactly one hundred legs because they always have an odd number of leg pairs

  9. Two snowflakes CAN be atomically identical, but the number of possible snowflake structures exceeds the number of atoms in the universe, so we say the odds are 0.

  10. Cats don't have a consistent number of nipples. On average they'll have six or eight, but some have as few as four and others have an odd number of nipples.

odd number facts
What are the best facts about Odd Number?

What is true about odd number?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

China had a peace treaty with Taiwan called an "even-day ceasefire" where they would only shell a Taiwanese Island on odd-numbered days

In 1994 a mule gave birth to a foal, which was previously thought genetically impossible due to the odd number of chromosomes - source

Cats can have anywhere from 4 to 10 nipples. The average number is 6. Some cats have an odd number of nipples. - source

The oldest unsolved problem in mathematics is proving whether or not odd perfect numbers exist. Mathematicians have been trying to solve this problem for 2,300 years.

Marshall Ledbetter. American photographer, psychedelics enthusiast and unconventional protester. In 1991 he broke into the Florida State Capitol building and phoned a number of odd demands. Amongst them was 1 large veggie pizza, 1 ounce of weed and 666 donuts for the cops. - source

Central Park's lampposts contain a set of four numbers that can help you navigate. The first two tell you the nearest street, and the next two tell you whether you're closer to the east or west side of the park (even numbers signal east, odd signals west).

The US interstate system is organized numerically by routes with odd numbers running north-south (starting with I-5 on the west coast to I-95 on the east coast) and routes with even numbers running west-east, (with I-10 in the south and I-90 in the northern US).

Augusta National member Jeff Knox is the lucky non-competing marker who gets to play the Masters every year when the cut is an odd number

If you square any odd number above 1 it is always devisable by 8 plus 1

Psychological Pricing is a pricing strategy where retail prices are set to odd numbers like $19.99 because consumers perceive them as a lower cost than they actually are. People will often round down to the next unit, so $19.99 becomes $19.00 in their mind despite being much closer to $20.00

Interesting facts about odd number

Until 1993 the Principality of Andorra paid in odd-numbered years a tribute of approximately $460 to the French ruler, while on even-numbered years, it paid a tribute of approximately $12 to the Spanish bishop, plus six hams, six cheeses, and six live chickens.

At the age of 5, mathematician Andrey Kolmogorov proved the regularity of odd numbers (1 = 1^2, 1 + 3 = 2^2, 1 + 3 + 5 = 3^2, etc).

Simon Pegg's character in "Spaced" viewed each odd-numbered Star Trek film as crap, and now Pegg is currently writing and starring in "Star Trek Beyond" (#13 in the series).

United States highway numbers are categorized and have meaning. Odd-numbered highways run north-south, while even-numbered highways run east-west. Lower-numbered highways are in the east, while higher numbers will be found in the west

A growing number of physicists posit a hypothesis that we are living within a computer simulation. Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of the American Museum of Natural History's Hayden Planetarium, put the odds at 50-50 that our entire existence is a program on someone else’s hard drive.

That, in the US, odd-numbered interstates run north-south and increase numerically from West to East, while even-numbered interstates run east-west and increase numerically from the South to the North and arterial interstate numbers are divisible by 5.

In the US interstates are number based on direction so North-South roads are odd numbered and East-West roads are even numbered

A disease called Seasonal Acute Pan-Uveitis(SHAPU). It is a disease that has been reported only in Nepal, and only in odd numbered years too.

Before 1993, Andorra had to pay in odd-numbered years a tribute of approximately $2 to its Prince the French President, while on even-numbered years, it paid a tribute of approximately $8 to its other Prince the Spanish bishop of Urgell, plus six hams, six cheeses, and six live chickens.

All Mules are Infertile, this is due to the fact that they have an odd number of Chromosomes: 63

The fear of odd numbers is called disparnumerophobia

The back of the British two pound coin has 17 gears linked concentrically to symbolize the history of technological achievement. But, because the design contains an odd number of gears, the gears would not be able to rotate in reality.

In 1979 the U.S. had specific days to get gas based on if you're license plate ended in an odd or even number.

The number of an interstate denotes the direction in which in runs; odd numbers run north/south, even numbers east/west (ex. I-95 (odd) runs from ME to FL, whereas I-90 (even) runs from MA to WA).

Mexico City has certain times and during the week that vehicles with plates that end in a odd number cannot be on the roads on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month.

Elements with an even atomic number (such as carbon) are more common than elements with an odd atomic number (such as nitrogen).

Rock-Paper-Scissors can contain any odd numbered amount of objects as long as each item can 'defeat' exactly 50% of the field, documented here is a 101 item variation

Interstate highways in the US ending in odd numbers (I-5 in California) typically run north-south while even number highways typically run east-west

In men, sexual orientation correlates with the number of older brothers, each additional older brother increases the odds of homosexuality by approximately 33%.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Odd Number. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Odd Number so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor