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North Cascades National Park facts

While investigating facts about North Cascades National Park Map and North Cascades National Park Weather, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Alexander Ross was the first explorer to cross the North Cascade's peaks, while looking for a trade route.

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There are public campgrounds in the park that visitors can drive to, as well as more remote places for visitors to camp.

What can you do at north cascades national park?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to see in north cascades national park. Here are 16 of the best facts about North Cascades National Park Lodging and North Cascades National Park Camping I managed to collect.

what to do at north cascades national park?

  1. There are several peaks in the park named by the explorers who first encountered them. These include Mount Terror, Mount Challenger, Mount Fury, Mount Despair, Desolation Peak, and Mount Torment. Other landmark names that sound ominous include Ghost Peak, Phantom Peak, and Poltergeist Peak.

  2. North Cascades National Park has at least 11 fish species and 200 bird species.

  3. Rivers that run in Pukaskwa National Park include Pukaskwa River, Cascade River, North Swallow River, Swallow River, White River, and Willow River.

  4. Backpackers and mountain climbers value North Cascades National Park because it does not have a lot of roads and this keeps visitor numbers down and maintains the wilderness. There are 386 miles of maintained trails in the park.

  5. There are also 500 lakes and ponds in total in the North Cascades National Park Service Complex.

  6. The first European explorer known to have arrived in the North Cascades was Alexander Ross, a Scottish employee of the Pacific Fur Company.

  7. North Cascades National Park is often referred to as the American Alps because the mountain peaks in the park are snow covered.

  8. North Cascades National Park's tallest mountain is Good Mountain. It is 9,220 feet tall. Other tall mountains include Buckner Mountain (9,114 feet), Mount Logan (9,087 feet), Black Peak (8,970 feet), Boston Peak (8,894 feet), Eldorado Peak (8,868 feet), and Forbidden Peak (8,815 feet).

  9. Because of the excellent soil and growth of plants, the trails in the park have to be cleared every year to maintain them for use.

  10. In 2013 there were 21,623 visitors to North Cascades National Park.

north cascades national park facts
What is north cascades national park famous for?

What is true about north cascades national park?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Animals that can be found living in North Cascades National Park include black bears, Grizzly bears, mountain goats, wolves, wolverines, pikas, river otters, cougars, moose, coyotes, Canadian lynxes, marmots, and both bald eagles and golden eagles.

North Cascades National Park has more plant species within its boundaries than any other national park has recorded.

There are an estimated 236,000 acres of old growth forest in North Cascades National Park. The biodiversity of the park, much like other areas of the country, is threatened by global warming.

There are more than 300 glaciers in North Cascades National Park. This is equal to one third of the glaciers found in the lower 48 states in the U.S.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about North Cascades National Park. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is North Cascades National Park so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor