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Nile Crocodile facts

While investigating facts about Nile Crocodile Size and Nile Crocodile Florida, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The Nile Crocodile can survive for a full year without food or water.

how big are nile crocodiles?

A Nile crocodile named Gustav has killed approximately 300 people

What is a nile crocodile?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does a nile crocodile eat. Here are 21 of the best facts about Nile Crocodile Bite Force and Nile Crocodile Vs Saltwater Crocodile I managed to collect.

what do nile crocodiles eat?

  1. The largest crocodiles in Africa are found along the Nile River.

  2. Natural enemies of ospreys are raccoons which steal their eggs and Nile crocodiles which hunt adult birds when they land on the surface of water to catch fish.

  3. There is a Nile Crocodile called Gustave who is 25 feet (7.5m) long and is rumored to have killed as many as 300 humans

  4. Only 6% of American aligator attacks are fatal, compared to 63% of Nile crocodile attacks

  5. Main predators of Goliath frogs are snakes, Nile crocodiles and large lizards such as Nile monitors.

  6. Gustave The Large Male Nile Crocodile Who Supposedly Killed 300 People And Survived A Glancing Blow From An RPG

  7. Despite common opinion that Nile crocodiles have the strongest bite force at ~5,000 psi, Orcas actually have a stronger bite force though not accurately measured, it has been approximated more than 19,000 psi.

  8. The Ancient Egyptians mummified crocodiles. They only used West African crocodiles, which are a lot more docile than Nile crocodiles.

  9. Gustave, a Nile crocodile rumored to have killed 300 people still lives in Burundi's Rusizi National Park

nile crocodile facts
What is the difference between a saltwater crocodile and a nile crocodile?

Why do nile crocodiles burrow?

You can easily fact check why can't you kill a nile crocodile in florida by examining the linked well-known sources.

Nile crocodiles have been found in Florida

Nile Crocodiles have been known to occasionally prey on larger animals such as giraffes, rhinos, hippos, cheetahs, cape buffalos and lions - source

Nile crocodiles have recently been found in the wild in Florida. This species grows up to 16 feet long and is responsible for 200 human deaths a year in their native sub-Saharan Africa. - source

Around 200 people die annually from Nile Crocodiles - source

When was the nile crocodile discovered?

Awesome video on Gustave, the infamous man-eating crocodile, learned so much about Nile crocodiles.

How to draw a nile crocodile?

The Nile Crocodile has the strongest bite in the animal kingdom at 5,000psi

Nile crocodiles burrow up to 12m underground and that my past fear of subsurface monsters eating me was all too valid.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Nile Crocodile. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Nile Crocodile so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor