Night Sleep facts
While investigating facts about Night Sleep Music and Night Sleep Death The Stars, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Sleeping less than the recommended eight hours a night is associated with intrusive, repetitive thoughts like those seen in anxiety or depression
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Whenever we sleep in unfamiliar surroundings, only half your brain is getting a good night's rest while the other half stands guard.
Where should my puppy sleep at night time?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering where do birds sleep at night. Here are 50 of the best facts about Night Sleep Vs Day Sleep and Night Sleep Sounds I managed to collect.
why can't i sleep at night?
When we sleep, our brain cells shrink, encouraging cerebrospinal fluid flow which flushes out toxins built up in the brain. This explains why we can't think clearly after a sleepless night.
There is a subset of people that can function perfectly fine with less than 5 hours of sleep. They are early birds, night owls and short sleepers at the same time and do not need the assistance of coffee or mid-day naps to function. They are the Sleepless Elite.
The very last Peanuts comic strip, in which creator Charles Schultz ended the story of Charlie Brown and said farewell to his fans, was drawn by Schultz in November of 1999. He would die in his sleep three months later — the night before the final comic was published.
According to researchers, "Night Owls" (people who prefer to stay up late and sleep in) tend to be more extravagant, impulsive, and novelty-seeking. They also tend to be more likely to develop addictive behaviors, mental disorders, and antisocial tendencies.
A sleeping pilot awoke to see Venus in the night sky, mistook it for an oncoming plane and dove the plane down. Unsecured passengers were thrown against the ceiling.
In medieval times it was common to have "2" sleeps per night. You would fall asleep for 4 to 5 hours, wake up for 2 hours or so and fall back to sleep for another 3 to 4. It's been suggested that we may have evolved this way to tend to the fire in order to keep us warm and safe.
The average male has 5 erections per night (while sleeping) and they last anywhere from 20-30 minutes.
In 1993, an Army husband cut off his wifes lovers head, dropped in her lap while she was in the hospital pregnant and said ""Look Diane, Glover's here. He'll sleep with you every night, only you won't sleep at night."
About Dean Karnazes, a man who can run without ever getting tired due to his exponentially high lactate threshold. He was able to run a Marathon in the south pole at -25C and run for three consecutive nights before having to stop for sleep.
There is rare genetic variation (SNP rs121912617) that allows people to sleep 2 hours less a night with no ill effects.
Night Sleep data charts
For your convenience take a look at Night Sleep figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why can't i sleep at night by examining the linked well-known sources.
Doping Cyclists in the early 90s at the Tour De France used so much EPOs that they had to exercise throughout the night to Prevent Heart Attacks in their sleep
Street dogs in Moscow have learnt to take the trains from the suburbs into the city for food during the day, then return to the safer, more comfortable suburbs to sleep at night - source
In 2012 a cat called Pudding saved his owner's life the same night he was adopted. The owner had a diabetic seizure in her sleep. Pudding brought her back to consciousness, ran into her son's room and pounced on him until he woke up and called for medical assistance. - source
In a baby’s first year, parents lose around 350 hours of sleep at night.
On average, a person preoccupied with money problems exhibited a drop in cognitive function similar to a 13-point dip in IQ, or the loss of an entire night’s sleep. - source
When do babies sleep through the night?
On Metallica's 1986 tour, guitarist Kirk Hammet and bassist Cliff Burton drew cards for bunks. Burton won, drawing the ace of spades. Hammet replied, "Fine ... I'll sleep up front, it's probably better up there anyway." That night, the bus flipped and Burton was thrown from his bunk and crushed.
How to get baby to sleep through the night?
Hitler went to sleep very late the night before D-Day. He gave orders not to be woken up for any reason. His staff obeyed the order. When Hitler woke up, it was too late to stop the invasion.
A horse named Sergeant Reckless, who was purchased by the Marines as a pack horse in a division where she would sleep on cold nights, and was known for her willingness to eat nearly anything, including scrambled eggs, beer, Coca-Cola and, once, about $30 worth of poker chips
While filming Dumb and Dumber, Jim Carrey stayed in the Stanley Hotel (where The Shining was filmed) for a night and requested to be in room 237. About three hours after he went to sleep, he came running out of the room and left the hotel. To this day, he hasn't told anybody why.
A French mathematician named Abraham de Moivre claimed that he noted that he was sleeping an extra 15 minutes each night and calculated the date of his death as the day when the sleep time reached 24 hours, the date was November 27, 1754. On that exact same day, Moivre was found dead in London.
Morning wood" occurs during REM sleep when certain neurotransmitters slow down which normally control blood flow. Morning wood also helps with bladder control at night.
Night sleep infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Night Sleep numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Sleep quality correlated to moon phase after 410 nights' sleep analysed by sleep tracker app