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Niger River facts

While investigating facts about Niger River Map and Niger River Delta, I found out little known, but curios details like:

90% of the plastic in the ocean comes from 10 rivers: The Yangtze, Indus, Yellow, Hai, Nile, Ganges, Pearl, Heilong, Niger, and Mekong rivers

how to pronounce niger river?

The Niger River flows through several countries including Guinea, Mali, Niger, Benin, and finally Nigeria before reaching the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean.

River niger and river benue meet at where?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering river niger is located at where. Here are 23 of the best facts about Niger River Pronunciation and Niger River Crocodile I managed to collect.

which civilization was located at the mouth of the niger river?

  1. The Niger River is the main river flowing into the Gulf of Guinea. The Volta River also flows into the gulf.

  2. One of the Niger River's largest dams is the Kainji Dam which provides electricity and helps to control flooding.

  3. The Niger River has different names by those living in its region. In Manding it is called "Jeliba" or "Joliba" which means "great river". In Igbo it is called "Orimiri" or "Orimili" which means "great water". In Tuareg it is called "Egerew n-Igerewen" which means river of rivers". In Songhay it is called "Isa Ber" which means "big river". In Hausa it is called Kwara, In Yoruba it is called Oya.

  4. The Niger River is the world's 11th longest river and it is Africa's 3rd longest river, after the Nile River and the Congo River.

  5. The Niger River floods each year from September to May.

  6. The Niger River has been an important source of water to those in its region since the first inhabitants settled there. There are still approximately 20 native tribes that continue to collect their water from the Niger River, some even utilizing primitive vessels such as animal skin bowls to carry the water.

  7. The Niger River's watershed (area of land drained by the river) is 817,600 square miles.

  8. 90% of the plastic in the oceans come from just 10 rivers. 8 are in Asia and 2 are in Africa.There are the Yangtze, Indus, Yellow, Hai He, Ganges, Pearl, Amur and Mekong in Asia and the Nile and the Niger in Africa

  9. Although the exact origin of the name Niger is not known, the word was also used to name two countries in Africa: Nigeria and Nigeria.

  10. The Niger River flows so weirdly because it's really two ancient rivers joined together

niger river facts
What was the result of the niger river's yearly flooding?

Why might the british want to control the niger river?

You can easily fact check why is the niger river called the niger river by examining the linked well-known sources.

The countries of Niger and Nigeria are named after the Niger River. The river takes its name from the Berber phrase "ger-n-ger" meaning "river of rivers"

The main tributaries of the Niger River include Sokoto River, Kaduna River, Benue River, and Bani River.

A British explorer tried to find the Niger River, while on the Niger River. - source

The Niger River delta is home to the African Lion. The West African manatee, a creature near extinction lives in the Niger River.

Hunting in Niger has been banned since 1974 and one of its major parks is called W National Park, named after a bend in the Niger river. Home to the giraffe, Giraffa camelopardalis peralta, it is reported to be last surviving population of the West African race - source

Who discovered river niger and when did he die?

The first person believed to have used the word "Niger" in reference to the Niger River was Leo Africanus, an Italian who used the name in his geographical book of Africa titled Della descrittione dell"Africa et delle cose notabili che iui sono (Description of Africa), published in 1550.

How long is the niger river?

Due to modern man and the oil industry the Niger River grows more polluted as it flows along its route to the Atlantic Ocean.

Mungo Park, the Scottish explorer who was the first known European to travel the central section of the Niger River (in 1796), died in 1806 when his party was attacked by natives and he drowned.

The Niger River flows through several cities including Tembakounda, Bamako, Timbuktu, Niamey, Lokoja, and Onitsha.

The funk band "War" (Lowrider, Spill The Wine, Why Can't We BeFriends) wrote and performed the soundtrack for the film, The River Niger, with Cicely Tyson, James Earl Jones with Louis Gossett Jr.

Nigeria's Okumu National Park holds a remnant of the lowland forests that once formed a continuous 50–100 km wide belt from the Niger River west to the Dahomey Gap. The white throated monkey, one of the rarest monkeys in the world, is also found there

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Niger River. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Niger River so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor