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National Security facts

While investigating facts about National Security Advisor and National Security Council, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 2007 Russia planted their national flag underwater in hopes of securing the arctic's potential natural resources. “This isn’t the 15th century,” one foreign minister said. “You can’t go around the world and just plant flags and say, ‘We’re claiming this territory.’

how long does national security vetting take?

The Royal Navy admitted their ships would be empty if they discharged "all the men with homosexual experience". Investigations in the 1960s reveal hundreds of British naval officers were sexually involved with other men, so for national security, discreet homosexuality was mostly ignored.

National security advisor?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the national security council. Here are 50 of the best facts about National Security Movie and National Security Strategy I managed to collect.

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  1. In the 1970's, a plane carrying 6,000lbs. of marijuana crashed in a remote area of Yosemite National Park. Local mountaineers, rock climbers, hippies, and drug dealers made excursions to the area to take as much product as they could, all while the US government tried to secure the drugs.

  2. Jimmy Carter said if he became president, he would release all government UFO information to the public. Once elected however, he decided not to due to "national security concerns"

  3. Richard Jewell, a security guard who was a national hero, when he saved hundreds of people by spotting a bomb at the 1996 Olympics. He was later wrongly accused of the crime, enduring a trial by media - which took a toll on him personally and professionally.

  4. 1983 blockbuster WarGames (Matthew Broderick) caused President Reagan to ask national security officials if this type of "hacking" was possible; Gen. Vessey replied "The problem is much worse than you think." This influenced national security policy, ARPAnet, & ultimately the modern Internet

  5. Jimmy Carter said if he became president, he would release all government UFO information to the public. Once elected, he decided not to due to "national security concerns"

  6. The Largest Nuclear Power Plant in the world is in Ontario, Canada and that their security force has won the U.S. National SWAT Championship four times.

  7. All unreleased Kennedy assassination documents are scheduled to be released to the public by 2017, twenty-five years after the passage of the JFK Records Act. Among the items most sought after by researchers are some 1,171 documents still closed by the CIA on national security grounds.

  8. In 2002, BBC News Accidentally Used The UNSC Logo From The Halo Video Game Series Assuming It Was For The 'United Nations Security Council'

  9. In 1980 Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser was awoken to a report of 2,200 incoming Soviet missiles... it was a false alarm due to the malfunction of a 46 cent chip.

  10. Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser was once awoken to a report of 2,200 incoming Soviet missiles: a false alarm due to the malfunction of a 46 cent chip

national security facts
What is national security law?

National Security data charts

For your convenience take a look at National Security figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

national security fact data chart about I analyzed the Baby Names from Social Security Card Applicat
I analyzed the Baby Names from Social Security Card Applications - National Data dataset and plotted the population growth and most trending names.

national security fact data chart about Word Frequency Comparison National Security Strategy 2015 v
Word Frequency Comparison National Security Strategy 2015 v 2017

Why national security is important?

You can easily fact check why national security is more important than privacy by examining the linked well-known sources.

About the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, a federal law designed to block new inventions and technologies, restricting their publication if government agencies believe that disclosure would be “detrimental to the national security.” There were over 5000 inventions on the list as of 2010.

Charlton Heston narrated for highly classified military and Department of Energy instructional films, particularly relating to nuclear weapons. For six years, he held the nation's highest security clearance. - source

The EPA and former employees sued Area 51 for failure to comply with hazardous waste disposal laws. The case was thrown out on national security grounds. - source

John Oliver, from the Daily Show, met his wife at the 2008 Republican National Convention. He was doing a piece for the show, and she was working for "Veterans For Freedom." She helped to hide him, the other correspondents, and the camera crew from security.

Venona Project revealed that there was not a single agency of the American Government that Soviet espionage had not thoroughly infiltrated, and stole secrets concerned with national security. - source

When national security advisor?

In 1997, a former head of Russian National Security alleged that 100 suitcase-sized Nuclear Bombs had gone missing

How to cite the national security strategy?

William Donovan, the only person to have received all four of the United States' highest awards: The Medal of Honor, the Distinguished Service Cross, the Distinguished Service Medal, and the National Security Medal. Donovan was also awarded the Silver Star and three Purple Hearts.

In 2003, a panel of prominent US experts decried Americans' ignorance of outside world and argued that Americans' reluctance to study foreign civilizations could eventually become a threat to national security.

Wales' national symbol is a leek because on the eve of the battle against the Saxons, St David advised the Britons to wear leeks in their caps so as to easily distinguish friend from foe. This helped to secure a great victory.

There is a classified airline called "Janet" that operates out of Las Vegas' McCarran Airport which transports contractors and government workers to and from the Nevada National Security Site (Area 51).

When is national security day?

Only five nations have the capability to launch a missile to any place on earth, and they happen to be the exact same five countries that are designated as permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (United States, China, France, Russia, Britain).

Once Marines realized that the secret Navajo code in WWII was truly a matter of national security, bodyguards were ordered by high officials to follow code talkers around and to ensure their safety and that they were not captured by the enemy, or imprisoned by American soldiers.

Over 5,135 patent applications have been restricted from publication under the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951. Photovoltaic Generators w/ over 20% efficiency and Energy Conversion Systems “in excess of 70-80%” efficiency are subject to restriction in the name of National Security.

Ukraine banned Steven Seagal as threat to national security

Despite the U.N. Security Council's permanent member nations being composed of the victors of WWII, Japan has been elected 11 times to the non permanent members and is being considered for permanent membership as it is the second largest contributor to the U.N.'s budget.

How much does the national security advisor make?

Russia and the U.S. are both signatories on the Open Skies Treaty that allows intelligence gathering flights over any part of a member's country, and not be restricted for reasons of national security.

The Congressional "majority report," which was issued by the Democrats, blamed the National Security Council for running its own foreign policy through private contractors, although it didn"t personally blame the president.

The UN has a peacekeeping division. Following Security Council approval the peacekeepers are sent to conflict regions in an effort to restore peace and agreements by discouraging further hostilities.

The National Military Establishment was established in 1947 as a result of the National Security Act.

Bruce Babbit created a land exchange to secure the land for a state park, as he felt it was important to have public access to the waterways.

Nearly 6,000 police officers and 5,000 National Guardsmen served as security for the event.

If you looked at a map or GPS in China, every street, building, and freeway is just slightly off its mark, skewed for reasons of national and economic security

Since 2003 AT&T has operated a telecommunication interception facility, known as Room 641A, for the National Security Agency.

The security guard who noticed the burglars" tape on the doors at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee was Frank Wills.

Henry Kissinger, President Nixon's National Security Advisor and later Secretary of State, played a major role in crafting the Vietnamization policy.

Roosevelt requested that the Soviet Union join the United Nations, but Stalin only agreed to do so if it had veto power on the Security Council.

The Executive Office includes the White House Staff, the National Security Council, close advisors to the President, the Press Secretary, and others.

In 1957 an Indian Statesman gave an 8 hour long speech in U.N. security council to buy time for Indian government to consolidate power in kashmir.The speech ended with him collapsing on the floor and is still the longest speech in United nations history.

Bannerghatta National Park has several safari options for visitors including the Lions and Tiger Safari, the Herbivore Safari, and the Bear Safari. In the Safaris visitors can observe the animals in a secure safari vehicle while the animals roam in their natural environment.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about National Security. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is National Security so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor