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Musical Performances facts

While investigating facts about Musical Performances, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Weird Al' Yankovic recorded a parody of Lady Gaga's "Born This Way," entitled "Perform This Way," and all of the proceeds from the parody and its music video were donated to the Human Rights Campaign, to support the human rights themes of the original song.

The Emperor's New Groove was originally intended to be a musical epic similar to the Lion King titled Kingdom of the Sun, but after bad test screenings, the poor box office performance of Pocahontas, and creative differences between the directors, it was made into a light comedy

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Musical Performances I managed to collect.

  1. In 1994, in an attempt to ban raves, the UK passed a law banning public performance of music “wholly or predominantly characterized by the emission of a succession of repetitive beats.” In response, the electronic band Autechre issued a track, Flutter, in which no two bars have the same beat.

  2. Prior to their music careers, Sid Vicious and Johnny Rotten would often perform Alice Cooper covers on the streets for money. People would pay them to stop.

  3. The song "Edelweiss" in "The Sound of Music" was written for the musical, but sounded so much like a classic folk song that after the first performances, native Austrians said they were delighted to "hear that old folk tune again"

  4. The Nightman Cometh," the musical Charlie writes in It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, was adapted into a live-action performance for two nights at the Troubadour theater in 2009. It starred the original cast and began with title cards reading "7:15, On a Friday, Philadelphia PA."

  5. Comedian Demetri Martin incorporated music into his act to prevent Comedy Central from rearranging his performance for TV

  6. Vexations' an 18hr long piece of music. After a public performance in New York in 1963 only 6 people remained to the end, one stood up and shouted "Encore!"

  7. The musical Hamilton has over 20,000 words, and would take 4-6 hours to perform if songs were sung at traditional musical paces

  8. In 1994 a man named Tony Cicoria was struck by lightening while standing next to a public telephone, and resuscitated by a nurse who was waiting to use the phone. Not long after recovery he said his head became flooded with music. He bought a piano and is now a successful composer and performer.

  9. Singer Adele won't play any music festivals because she has a severe panic disorder and can't perform in front of large audiences

  10. Metallica performed in Antarctica just to break a record and be the first musical act to perform on all 7 continents.

musical performances facts
What are the best facts about Musical Performances?

What is true about musical performances?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The 2012 Olympic Committee asked Music Manager Bill Curbishley to have drummer for "The Who" Keith Moon perform the opening ceremonies. Curbishley replied "If they have a round table, some glasses and candles, we might contact him." Keith Moon had been dead for 34 years.

In 1992 dance/pop duo The KLF were invited to play at the BRIT awards. They unexpectedly performed with a grindcore metal band, fired machine gun blanks into the audience, announced they were leaving the music industry, dumped a dead sheep at the afterparty, and deleted their entire back catalog - source

Weird Al's parents both died on the same day of carbon monoxide poisoning. Only hours later, he performed a concert and started by saying "since my music had helped many of my fans through tough times, maybe it would work for me as well." - source

Wendy Williams had to pay Warner Music $700 in royalties in order to sing 'Happy Birthday' to someone on her TV show. Warner bought the song in 1990 for $15 million and claims all public performances of the song are illegal unless royalties are paid to them.

Both of Weird Al's parents died on the same day due to carbon monoxide poisoning. Hours later he performed at a concert, saying that "since my music had helped many of my fans through tough times, maybe it would work for me as well". - source

When Simon and Garfunkel first began performing, their music was considered a joke. The words "Hello darkness, my old friend" were enough to cause an audience to break out in laughter.

The videogame music genre has become a main income source for concert halls ever since traditional classical music performances declined in popularity over the years.

During WWII, over 400,000 German POWs were sent to the United States. In the POW camps, they often held theatrical and musical performances, were allowed to leave the camps without guards on the honor system, and were able to work on farms, mills, and other places for fair wages.

In 2008 there was a music festival called 'Festival of the fuck bands' where bands such as Fucked Up, Holy Fuck and Fuck buttons performed live. It was held in Fucking, Austria.

Only 5% of average musicians' income comes from music sales, and only 12% of overall music industry income goes to the performers

A lot of that weird creepy music in horror movies is performed on one unique instrument called a waterphone

Interesting facts about musical performances

Punk band The Dead Kennedys were invited to perform at the Bay Area Music Awards to play their song "California Über Alles". Instead they wrote a new song "Pull My Strings" to make a mockery out of the event and mainstream music.

Brendan Small, co-creator and voice actor of Metalocalypse, performs the vocals, lead guitar, rhythm guitar, keyboards, and (most) bass guitar for all the studio recordings for the Dethklok music heard in the show, and is frontman for live Dethklok concerts.

Moondog, a blind avant-garde jazz musician who used to wander the streets of New York city donning a cloak and a viking-style hat while performing and selling his music. He would later become known as "The Viking of 6th Avenue" by the people of New York City.

In 1980, Punk Rock band Dead Kennedys was invited to play at an awards show to give the event "new wave credibility". Seconds into their set, they stopped to perform 'Pull My Strings', a song written specifically to take the piss out of the music execs in the room. They never played it again.

In 1994 David Hasselhoff tried to re-ignite his music career by staging a Pay Per View performance. The event however was eclipsed by the live coverage of OJ Simpson fleeing from police. Hasselhoff's event took a 1.5 million dollar loss.

Legendary musician and New Orleans resident Fats Domino refused to leave his home when Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005, leading him to be presumed dead until rescued by the coastguard. At 88 years old, he is still performing live music!

The composer of the Broadway musical RENT died hours before the first performance of the show. He would go on to win three Tony Awards and the Pulitzer Prize, but never got to see the show performed for an audience.

The Replacements (who were replacing The Pointer Sisters at the last minute as the SNL musical guest) smuggled booze and drugs backstage, got drunk with Harry Dean Stanton, broke a guitar on their way to perform, swore on-air, and were banned from returning to the show.

Without the composer's knowledge, Gene Roddenberry wrote lyrics to the original Star Trek theme in order to claim a 50% share of the music's performance royalties

The Star Wars cantina players perform a genre of music called Jizz, making them jizz-wielders. Some jizz-wielders play an instrument known as a jizz box.

A musical work was so disturbing that it almost caused a riot, with "yells for the music to stop, mixed with applause to hasten the end of the piece." One performer recalled: "One woman ... repeatedly banged her head on the front of the stage, wailing 'Stop, stop, I confess.'"

Under French law, 40 percent of all music played on national radio must be performed in the French language.

Pink Floyd were refused payment after a show in 1966. The club owner claimed "Their performance wasn't music". They took him to court and lost

Mozart transcribed a piece of sacred music from the Vatican after hearing it performed twice, creating the only copy outside Rome.

Some fleas in a Flea Circus were glued to a base of a circus enclosure. Miniature musical instruments were then glued to the flea performers and the enclosure was heated. The fleas fought to escape, giving the impression of fleas playing instruments.

A study performed by the University of Texas has concluded that when surgeons listen to their preferred music, their stitches are better and faster

There is a musical piece called 'As SLow aS Possible', written to be played literally as slow as possible (while strictly adhering to the score's temporal proportions). An ongoing performance of the score began in a German church in September 5th 2001 and will end on September 5th, 2640.

There is a heavy-metal band called Okilly Dokilly that plays "Nedal" music, metal music themed around the character Ned Flanders. All five of the band's members perform dressed as Flanders, and the majority of their lyrics are Flanders quotes.

In 1988 a musical version of Stephen King’s CARRIE opened on Broadway. The show was met with hisses and boos from the audience. The actress playing the mother resigned on opening night after nearly being decapitated by a moving set piece. It closed after 5 performances.

That the highest selling band / musical act in Japan in terms of singles sold is a pop band with no permanent members, and who has multiple different different teams of different performers to reduce the workload and to be able to perform in multiple shows simultaneously.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Musical Performances. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Musical Performances so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor