Incredible and fun facts to explore

Mumbai India facts

While investigating facts about Mumbai Indian and Mumbai Indian Team 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A company in India illegally dumping waste in the Mumbai River in India were cought when the waste was turning local stray dogs blue

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India was attacked on 7/11. Bombs were set off on the Suburban Railway in Mumbai, 209 people were killed and over 700 were injured.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what time is it in mumbai india. Here are 34 of the best facts about Mumbai. Indians. Players. 2019 and Mumbai India Gateway I managed to collect.

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  1. Sanal Edamuruku against whom the Mumbai Catholic Church filed a blasphemy case in 2012 for exposing the science behind a miracle has been in Finland since then since he faces indefinite jailtime under blasphemy laws in India for this act

  2. Breathing the air in Mumbai, India, for just one day is equivalent to smoking 100 cigarettes.

  3. Bhabha was born into a wealth Parsi family in Bombay, India (now Mumbai).

  4. Dilish Parekh of Mumbai, in India has been collecting cameras since 1977. He has more than 4,425 antique cameras in his collection.

  5. There was a made-for-TV flash-animated Johnny Bravo movie set in...Mumbai, India, where Johnny goes to be a Bollywood movie star.

  6. The first air mail ever was sent in India in 1911, when Henri Piquet flew 6500 letters from Allahabad to Mumbai

  7. About the "Seychelles affair" of 1981, a failed coup d'etat attempt by South African mercenaries in the tiny island country. Most of the perpetrators escaped by hijacking an Air India flight to Mumbai.

  8. Mumbai, India has over 20 million people, but also a thriving population of leopards with the highest concentration of these cats anywhere on the planet.

  9. A group of 5000 people carry 200,000 hot lunch packs for other people from their homes to their work by foot or bicycle within 3 hours, and a 60km+ range, every day, with a success rate greater than 99.99966% in Mumbai, India. They are called Dabbawalla's / Tiffinwalla's.

mumbai india facts
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What is true about mumbai india?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Air India moved Over 111,000 people from Amman to Mumbai, by operating 488 flights lasting 59 days to evacuate Indian expatriates from Kuwait and Iraq during the Gulf War. This feat is in the Guinness Book of World Records for the most people evacuated by a civil airliner.

London has more Indian Restaurants than the India Capital City Itself, New Delhi. London also beats Mumbai. Two of the major cities in India. - source

The area with the highest density of wild leopards in the world is in the city Mumbai, India. - source

From 1949 until 1972 Mumbai, India implemented alcohol prohibition which led to the establishment of numerous illegal, tiny "Aunty Bars" in the homes of "Aunts" throughout the city.

The twin-tower residential skyscraper complex called "The Imperial" in Mumbai is one of the tallest buildings in India. Its building firm provides free land and rehabilitation to slum dwellers in exchange for rights for property development - source

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Major ports of the Arabian Sea include India's Kandla Port, Okha Port, New Mangalore Port, Navi Mumbai, and Mumbai Port, Pakistan's Gwandar Port and Port of Karachi, Oman's Port of Salalah, and Iran's Chabahar Port.

The Beer Man, a suspected serial killer who murdered six people in southern Mumbai, India between October 2006 and January 2007. The nickname was gained due to beer bottles left beside each body, which was the only link between the deaths.

Main ports and harbors of the Indian Ocean include Richard's Bay in South Africa, Mumbai in Bombay India, Melbourne in Australia, Kolkata in Calcutta India, Jakarta in Indonesia, Durban in South Africa, Columbo in Sri Lanka, and Chennai in Madras India.

The largest port of the Arabian Sea is India's Jawaharlal Nehru Port in Mumbai.

In 1661 when he married Catherine of Braganza, Charles II of England received Seven Islands of Bombay as part of the dowry.Bombay, which was renamed as Mumbai in 1995 is the most populous and wealthy city in India.

Paris, France has a higher population density than Mumbai, India

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People in India thought a statue of Jesus at a Catholic church in Mumbai wept real tears. A well-known author discovered it was caused by faulty plumbing and had to leave the country because of the resulting backlash

I learned that in India (Mumbai in particular) there is a network of workers (Dabbawalas) who deliver hot meals to ~200,000 (typically male) business people (prepared by their wives) everyday. The service costs ~$131/month, and they only make 1 mistake per every 8,000,000 deliveries

In Mumbai, India there is a very large and sophisticated network of "couriers" that pick up home-cooked food from peoples homes in the morning and deliver it to them at work just in time for lunch, then return the lunch box back to their houses in the afternoon, known as Dabbawallas.

Air India, in association with Indian Airlines and the Indian Air Force, entered the Guinness Book of World Records for “the largest evacuation effort by a single civilian airline”. It flew 1,11,000 people from Amman to Mumbai in 59 days operating 488 flights just before the Gulf war.

There is brimming hip-hop culture in the slums of Dharavi in Mumbai, India.

In Mumbai India toilets are scarce and many people are forced to poop on the beach

Mumbai in India is home to the highest concentration of leopards anywhere in the world. They capitalise on hunting the animals that man brings into the city.

When IRAQ invaded 7-month brutal occupation of Kuwait in 1990, A total of about 170k Indian Citizens were tactically Air Lifted from to Mumbai in association with Indian Airlines, It is believed to be the largest civilian evacuation in history. Air India holds the Guinness World Record.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Mumbai India. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Mumbai India so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor