Mosquito Borne facts
While investigating facts about Mosquito Borne Diseases and Mosquito Borne Eee Virus, I found out little known, but curios details like:
To try to combat mosquito outbreaks, Disney World monitors coops of “sentinel chickens” that are stationed around the park. If a mosquito-borne virus shows up in the chickens’ blood, Disney doubles down on its bug-slaying efforts in the area.
how dengue mosquito borne?
Disney uses test chickens to see where mosquitos are in the park. Disney strategically places groups of chickens around the park and regularly test them for mosquito borne viruses to see where mosquitoes are in the park.
What mosquito borne means?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are mosquito borne diseases. Here are 17 of the best facts about Mosquito Borne Illness and Mosquito Borne Virus I managed to collect.
what mosquito borne illness is caused by a roundworm parasite?
In DNA tests of Tutankhamun's mummy, scientists found DNA from the mosquito-borne parasites that cause malaria. This is currently the oldest known genetic proof of the disease.
The Zika virus is the first insect-borne disease that has been shown to pass from human to human by sexual contact. Zika is normally transmitted by mosquitoes. It has symptoms similar to dengue fever.
There's a "mosquito factory" in eastern Brazil breeding genetically modified male Mosquitos with a gene that will kill any larvae they produce. It has reduced the mosquito population by 96% in one Brazilian town, and has the potential to drastically reduce or eliminate mosquito-borne diseases
There's a factory in Brazil that breeds genetically modified mosquitoes whose offspring die when born
Sentinel chickens are standing guard, protecting us from disease. Health authorities keep flocks of sentinel chickens to track & monitor the spread of mosquito borne viruses.
Disney has a mosquito surveillance program which uses sentinel chickens and other methods to fight mosquitos-borne viruses.
Sentinal Chickens are an important ally to detect mosquito borne diseases.
There are dozens of diseases with the a mosquito species as the vector. "Nearly 700 million people get a mosquito borne illness each year resulting in greater than one million deaths"
Until the mid-1980s, waste tires were considered more of a nuisance and environmental threat than the possible foci of mosquito-borne disease epidemics.
All mosquito-borne illnesses have killed about 50% of the human population since we evolved 300,000 years ago. (This is a repost but with a fixed title)
Mosquito Borne data charts
For your convenience take a look at Mosquito Borne figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about mosquito borne?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Cuban-born Tony "The Mosquito" Ordeñana only played one game for the Pirates when most players were gone because of WWII and has a career batting average of .500 with 3 RBIs
Half of all humans who ever lived could have been killed by the same mosquito-borne disease - source
Nearly 725000 are killed by mosquito borne disease every year. Another interesting fact here is that they were killed by female mosquitoes only a male mosquito eats only plants. - source
Nearly 700 million people get a mosquito-borne illness each year. 19 diseases are transmitted by mosquitoes include Malaria, Dengue, West Nile virus, Keystone virus, Rift Valley fever, La Crosse encephalitis, Chikungunya, Zika fever, etc. Doctors can typically identify a mosquito bite by sight.
Scotland was a fully independent and sovereign kingdom until it's expedition attempts to the New World were decimated when over half its explorers died from mosquito-borne illness. The financial ruin drove the Scottish to at last accept a unification offer with England. - source