Misaligned Teeth facts
While investigating facts about Misaligned Teeth Treatment and Misaligned Teeth After Braces, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Steve Buscemi adamantly refuses to have his famously misaligned teeth fixed and claims he won't work again if they are altered.
how to fix misaligned teeth?
All our ancestors had perfectly straight teeth. The irregularity has been in proportion to the level of civilisation with the last hundred years have seeing a dramatic rise in the levels of misalignment.
What is misaligned teeth?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to do with misaligned teeth. Here are 6 of the best facts about Misaligned Teeth Pain and Misaligned Teeth Cheek Biting I managed to collect.
what causes misaligned teeth?
Before the Industrial Revolution, many dental problems (cavities, plaque buildup, misaligned teeth) were limited by a diet of hard, unprocessed, unsweetened foods. Natural selection has not prepared us for soft, processed, sugary foods.
In the Middle East and Africa and parts of Asia, people use a natural toothbrush called Miswak to clean and loosen up and prevent misaligned teeth
Steve Buscemi admits to purposely having misaligned teeth, and claims to never work again if they're fixed.
Crooked teeth, overbites and underbites are usually inherited traits; in other cases, they are caused by misaligned bites and early loss of baby and adult teeth