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Minutes Seconds facts

While investigating facts about Minutes Seconds Calculator and Minutes Seconds To Degrees, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Prohibition agent Izzy Einstein bragged that he could find liquor in any city in under 30 minutes. In Chicago it took him 21 min. In Atlanta 17, and Pittsburgh just 11. But New Orleans set the record: 35 seconds. Einstein asked his taxi driver where to get a drink, and the driver handed him one.

how to convert seconds to minutes?

Mister Rogers once used an egg timer and simply let it run for sixty seconds on a television broadcast—in order to demonstrate how long a minute is. Unlike most TV made for kids, "Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood" was deliberately slow and contemplative.

What is 90 seconds in minutes?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is 100 seconds in minutes. Here are 50 of the best facts about Minutes Seconds Milliseconds and Minutes Seconds To Decimal I managed to collect.

what time is it in minutes and seconds?

  1. The Japanese marathon runner Shizo Kanakuri lost consciousness while taking a break during the 1912 Olympic marathon in Stockholm. In 1967 the Swedes invited him to return and finish the race. His final time was 54 years, 8 months, 6 days, 5 hours, 32 minutes and 20.3 seconds.

  2. The average delay of a Japanese bullet train is just 54 seconds, despite factors such as natural disasters. If the train is more than five minutes late, passengers are issued with a certificate that they can show their boss to show that they are late.

  3. Eminem set the Guiness World Record with "Rap God" for most words in a hit single. The song has a record breaking 1560 words in 6 minutes 4 seconds and averaging 4.28 words per second. One section of the song features 97 words in 15 seconds at 6.5 words per second.

  4. Gravity moves at the Speed of Light and is not Instantaneous. If the Sun were to disappear, we would continue our elliptical orbit for an additional 8 minutes and 20 seconds, the same time it would take us to stop seeing the light (according to General Relativity).

  5. After a composer released a song that was just 60 seconds of silence, he was sued by the estate of a man who had released a similar track, called 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence. His defense was, "I have been able to say in one minute what he could only say in four minutes and 33 seconds"

  6. The most accurate simulation of the human brain ever has been carried out, but a single second’s worth of brain activity took one of the world’s largest supercomputers 40 minutes to calculate.

  7. When NASA's New Horizons spacecraft passed by Pluto, the trip took about 1 minute less than predicted or in a decade-long journey, NASA's forecast was 99.99998% accurate or the equivalent of forecasting a trip from New York to Boston & being accurate to within four-millionths of a second.

  8. At the 1912 Olympics, a marathon runner quit and went home to Japan without telling officials and was considered a missing person in Sweden for 50 years. In 1966, he was invited to complete the marathon. His time: 54 years, 8 months, 6 days, 5 hours, 32 minutes and 20.379 seconds.

  9. Super Bowl performers have a strict 12 minute time limit so most performers try and squeeze as much as they can in that given time frame. Not Michael Jackson. After exploding onto stage, he stood still, staring at the world for 90 seconds.

minutes seconds facts
What is 5 minutes in seconds?

Minutes Seconds data charts

For your convenience take a look at Minutes Seconds figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

minutes seconds fact data chart about I watched 2790 videos with a total watch time of 13 days 5 h
I watched 2790 videos with a total watch time of 13 days 5 hours 45 minutes and 14 seconds on Youtube in 2017

minutes seconds fact data chart about Change in ISS Altitude during an orbit. Data collected every
Change in ISS Altitude during an orbit. Data collected every 30 seconds for 90 minutes.

Why 8 minutes and 46 seconds?

You can easily fact check why degrees minutes seconds by examining the linked well-known sources.

An Australian man waited 416 days to see what happens after his ipod timer passes 9999 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds

A second is called a second because it is the second division of the hour by 60, the first being a minute. - source

Weird Al put six seconds of screaming and loud noises at the end of his album "Off The Deep End" after ten minutes of silence to scare listeners into turning off their CD player. - source

A web developer went viral after he Rickrolled Vine by breaking their 6 second limit by hacking their code and uploading an entire 3 minute version of Rick Astley's immortal classic - "Never Gonna Give You Up".

The Navajo code is the only spoken military code never to have been deciphered. During WWII, since only 30 non-Navajo people could understand Navajo, the US used Navajos as code talkers. They could encode, transmit, and decode a three-line message in 20 seconds, versus 30 minutes for machines. - source

When seconds count the police are minutes away?

When Queen wanted to release "Bohemian Rhapsody", various executives told them that a song with a length of 5 minutes and 55 seconds was too long and would never be a hit. They even played it to other musicians who claimed that the song had "no hope" of being played on the radio.

How to convert minutes into seconds?

When Queen wanted to release Bohemian Rhapsody in 1975, various executives suggested to them that, at 5 minutes and 55 seconds, it was too long and would never be a hit.

The French have twice attempted to decimalise time, with 10 hour days, 100 minute in an hour and 100 seconds in a minute.

The Guinness World Record for longest note ever recorded on a saxophone, at 45 minutes and 47 seconds, is held by...Kenny G.

Adult Swim put an entire episode of Rick and Morty (Rixty Minutes) on instagram using 109 15 second clips, in reverse order, so that viewers couldn't watch sequentially until the last clip was posted. "It's our latest frustrating excercise in audience engagement."

France had its own calendar for only 12 years starting in 1792. Each week had 10 days, each day 10 hours, each hour 100 minutes, and each minute 100 seconds.

Minutes seconds infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Minutes Seconds numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

minutes seconds fact infographic about Average amount of seconds per minute

Average amount of seconds per minute

When were hours minutes and seconds invented?

Eminem set the Guiness book ofWorld Record with "Rap God" for most words in a hit single. The song has a record breaking 1560 words in 6 minutes 4 seconds and averaging 4.28 words per second. One section of the song features 97 words in 15 seconds at 6.5 words per second.

In 2007, a woman delivered twins in North Carolina. One was born at 1:32 a.m. and the second came 34 minutes later, but because the clocks switched back an hour, the second baby was technically born at 1:06 a.m.

African giant pouched rats are trained to detect tuberculosis, which is the world’s second most fatal infectious disease. Although they currently are not an accepted standalone diagnostic tool, one rat can evaluate more samples in 10 minutes than a lab technician can evaluate in 1 day.

The world's shortest commercially available flight is only 2 minutes long; can be as short as 47 seconds in ideal conditions!

It is illegal to bring a copy of "Robinson Crusoe" into the micro-nation of Elleore, and if you do, your punishment is 11 minutes and 17 seconds in prison.

How to convert seconds to minutes in excel?

Crew members of the Challenger space shuttle survived the “explosion,” manually activated their emergency breathing packs, and were very likely alive for the full 2 minute and 45 second, 65,000 foot free-fall until their crew cabin crashed into the ocean.

On Aug 21, 2017 there will be a complete solar eclipse that will travel the length of the US continent, from Oregon to South Carolina, in 90 minutes. This route is referred to as the Path of Totality and for 2 min and 41 seconds it will seem like night in the middle of the day.

Cheap yo-yos can spin approximately 10-20 seconds, with a record of nearly 4 minutes, while professional ball bearing yo-yos can spin for 1-4 minutes, with a record of just over 21 minutes.

With the invention of the pendulum clock in 1656, Christiaan Huygens increased the best accuracy of clocks from 15 minutes deviation a day to around 15 seconds a day.

GravityLight is an LED light powered by a bag filled with 20 lbs of rocks or earth, attached to a cord, which slowly descends and powers the light for up to 20 minutes & takes only seconds to reset. Intended as a replacement for kerosene lamps in the developing world it has no operating costs

At the 1912 Olympics, a marathon runner quit and went home to Japan without telling officials and was considered a missing person in Sweden for 50 years. In 1966, he was invited to complete the marathon. His time: 54 years, 8 months, 6 days, 5 hours, 32 minutes and 20.379 seconds.

The creators of ‘Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy’ ended up with so much footage after production that they actually made a second 90-minute film called ‘Wake Up, Ron Burgundy: The Lost Film,’ which investigated group of unprofessional bank-robbing thieves called “The Alarm Clock.”

On it's last flight one SR-71 Blackbird broke four world speed records. The trip from L.A. to D.C. was completed in a cool 64 minutes 20 seconds. The plane landed at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum and has never flown again.

In 1965 Pakistani pilot M.M. Alam shot down five jet fighters in less than a minute – the first four within 30 seconds, establishing a world record.

The original 'Gone in 60 Seconds' has the longest car chase in movie history at 40 minutes and wrecked and destroyed 93 cars in the process

The term 'second' is in reference to the second division of 60 of an hour. The first 1/60th are called minutes and the second 1/60th are called seconds, hence the name 'seconds'.

The 1981 Italian horror film 'Nightmare' was so controversial in the UK, the distributor received an 18 month prison sentence for refusing to edit 1 second of violence. The film had already been cut by over 3 minutes.

President William McKinley wore a red carnation in his lapel at all times as a good luck charm. During a public meeting in his second term, he took out the flower from his lapel and gave it to a 12-year-old girl. Minutes later, he was shot. He died a week later.

A chicken can be hypnotized by holding its head against the ground and drawing a line along the ground with a stick or finger, starting at the beak and extending straight in front of the chicken. It will remain immobile between 15 seconds and 30 minutes, continuing to stare at the line.

There's a real, working turret that fires 1,000,000 rounds per minute (or 16,666 bullets per second; a bullet every 0,002 seconds)

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Minutes Seconds. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Minutes Seconds so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor