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Minnie Mouse facts

While investigating facts about Minnie Mouse Cake and Minnie Mouse Costume, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Wayne Allwine, the voice actor who played Mickey Mouse for 32 years, got married to Russi Taylor who voiced Minnie Mouse. They remained married for 18 years and continued voicing their iconic characters until Allwine passed away in 2009.

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About Minnie Moo a real cow owned by Disney World that had spots that looked like Mickey Mouse

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's minnie mouse's cat's name. Here are 41 of the best facts about Minnie Mouse Toys and Minnie Mouse Ears I managed to collect.

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  1. In 1991, Wayne Allwine, the voice of Mickey Mouse, married Russi Taylor—the voice of Minnie

  2. Mickey and Minnie Mouse are married in their private life, but on the screen they may be married or not depending on what each script demands (according to Walt Disney)

  3. Mickey and Minnie Mouse is short for Michael and Minerva

  4. Mickey Mouse once broke up with Minnie and made multiple suicide attempts

  5. In 1991, Wayne Allwine, the voice of Mickey Mouse, married Russi Taylor—the voice of Minnie.

  6. Mickey and Minnie Mouse are actually Michael Theodore and Minerva Mouse

  7. Mickey Mouse was originally schedule to be named Mortimer Mouse but Walt Disney's wife Lillian rejected this idea. Later on, the name Mortimer Mouse was given to a rival of Mickey's for Minnie's affection.

  8. The voice of Mickey Mouse played by Wayne Allwine is married to Russi Taylor the voice of Minnie Mouse

  9. With one exception, Minnie Mouse did not speak between 1952 and 1986.

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Minnie Mouse data charts

For your convenience take a look at Minnie Mouse figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

minnie mouse fact data chart about April 25, 2017...6:05 p.m. Disney -Minnie Mouse...ME! (Syl)
April 25, 2017...6:05 p.m. Disney -Minnie Mouse...ME! (Syl)

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You can easily fact check why is minnie mouse pink by examining the linked well-known sources.

The voice of Mickey Mouse and the voice of Minnie Mouse got married in real life

The official voice actors for Mickey & Minnie Mouse were married in real life from 1991-2009. - source

Disney spent several years in the early '80s trying to develop a version of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" with Paul Reubens (Pee-wee Herman) as the voice of Roger and Russi Taylor (who later became the voice of Minnie Mouse) as Jessica Rabbit. - source

The actor that played Mickey Mouse, married the actor who played Minnie Mouse until the day of his death - source

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The voices of Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Wayne Allwine and Russi Taylor were married in real life until Allwine's death in 2009.

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The 1970's and 1980's voice actors for Mickey and Minnie Mouse were married in real life. Wayne Allright held the role of Mickey until his death in and Toni Russi was the longest-running voice in Minnie's history.

A Minnie Mouse helium balloon severed a power line and caused the Hong Kong subway to be shut down

The guy who did the voice for Mickey Mouse was married IRL to the lady who did the voice for Minnie Mouse.

The man who served as the voice of Mickey Mouse was married to the woman who served as the voice of Minnie Mouse

There are two different characters named Mortimer Mouse in the Mickey Mouse Universe. One is Minnie's uncle and the other is Minnie's ex-boyfriend.

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The voice actors of Mickey and Minnie Mouse where actually married in real live

The voice actors who voiced Mickey and Minnie Mouse married in real life.

The voice of Minnie Mouse (Russi Taylor) was married to the voice actor for Mickey Mouse (Wayne Allwine)

There is a Minnie Mouse episode where pluto thinks she's trying to kill him

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Wayne Allwine, who voiced Mickey Mouse for over three decades till his death in 2009, was married to Russi Taylor, the artist who voices Minnie.

The voice actor of Mickey Mouse married the voice actress of Minnie Mouse.

Russi Taylor, the voice behind Minnie Mouse for 30 years was married to the voice behind Mickey Mouse

The Voice Actors For Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Wayne Allwine and Russi Taylor, Got Married IRL in 1991, and Remained Married Until Wayne's Death in 2009

The voice actors for Mickey and Minnie Mouse were married

A parody comic drawn in 1971 by cartoonist Dan O’Neill in which Mickey and Minnie Mouse engaged in explicit sexual behavior and in the consumption of drugs. Disney sued for copyright infringement and O’Neill had to pay $1.9M.

The woman who was the voice of Minnie Mouse (Russi Taylor) was married to the man who was the voice of Mickey Mouse (Wayne Allwine).

If you invite Micky Mouse to your wedding, you will receive Micky and Minnie's autographs, a picture of them on their wedding day, complete with you and your fiancé’s name on a congratulatory certificate.

Annual sales of Winnie the Pooh merchandise generate as much revenue as Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, and Pluto combined.

Minnie and Mickey Mouse were married in real life. The two voice actors were married in 1991 and both passed away this summer.

In a 1930's Mickey Mouse comic, Mickey catches Minnie cheating on him and decides to commit suicide. For the next 3 days, he tries 3 different methods—shooting himself; bridge-jumping; and poisoning himself—and all 3 times, Mickey fails in what is intended to be a comical fashion.

The voice actors for Mickey and Minnie Mouse (Wayne Allwine and Russi Taylor) fell in love and were married in 1991.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Minnie Mouse. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Minnie Mouse so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor