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Millennium Falcon facts

While investigating facts about Millennium Falcon Lego and Millennium Falcon Ride, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In Star Wars Tales #19: Han Solo travels through time and crashes on Earth. Han is killed in an attack by Natives, but Chewbacca lives and becomes the Sasquatch. 126 years later, Indiana Jones is tracking down the Sasquatch only to find the crashed Millennium Falcon and the body of Han Solo

how fast is the millennium falcon?

There’s a Star Wars comic where Han Solo and Chewbacca crashland on Earth. Han dies, Chewie becomes Big Foot, and Indiana Jones finds the wreckage of the Millennium Falcon.

What kind of ship is the millennium falcon?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the millennium falcon ride like. Here are 28 of the best facts about Millennium Falcon Smugglers Run and Millennium Falcon Toy I managed to collect.

what is the millennium falcon ride?

  1. There is a high school called Millennium and their mascot is the Falcon. So they are the Millennium Falcons.

  2. The Star Wars Millennium Falcon flight deck was modeled on the look of the WWII B-29 Superfortress bomber.

  3. ILM and George Lucas internally referred to the Millennium Falcon as the Pork Burger

  4. Star Wars' Millennium Falcon as well as other ships from the film we used to create the cityscapes in Blade Runner

  5. There is a group in Nashville working to build a life-size Millennium Falcon

  6. Some of the Millennium Falcon's engine sounds were provided from an EAA Airshow.

  7. Tantive IV (first ship shown in Star Wars Ep. IV) was intended to be the Millennium Falcon’s design, but the TV show “Space:1999” featured a ship that looked similar, so it was redesigned/adapted as Tantive IV. Though not visible in the first movie, a mini-PlayBoy centerfold hung in the cockpit.

  8. Some swedes found a formation resembling the millennium falcon on the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

  9. The original plan for "Star Trek: First Contact" included fighting a giant obelisk; and ILM also added a Millennium Falcon to the battle

  10. The Millennium Falcon's 'hyperdrive failure sound' came from a 1930s era airplane starter. [2:09]

millennium falcon facts
What type of ship is the millennium falcon?

Why does the millennium falcon look different?

You can easily fact check why is the millennium falcon different in solo by examining the linked well-known sources.

The 1st ship seen in Episode IV (Tantive IV) was the original prototype for the Millennium Falcon. [Star Wars]

There is a set of gold dice hanging in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon in Star Wars - Episode IV - source

Fully Animated Star Trek Enterprise vs Star Wars ships Part 1 Millennium falcon - source

In 1978 a Brazilian comedy group created a Star Wars parody. It has disco fight scenes, a black and gold Darth Vader, a millennium falcon made from picnic bowls/office chair parts, and shiny Chewbacca.

When will the ucs millennium falcon retire?

The Millennium Falcon was designed by Joe Johnston. the same guy who directed Jurassic Park 3 and Captain America: The First Avenger.

How to draw the millennium falcon?

Where the Millennium Falcon stalling sound comes from

Chewbacca couldn't sit down in his seat in the Millennium Falcon because the suit wouldn't fit without help.

The shape of the Millennium Falcon was inspired by a hamburger with an olive on the side

SpaceX's "Falcon" rockets are named after the Millennium Falcon (read it in "Elon Musk" by Ashlee Vance)

SpaceX's Falcon 9 is named after the Millennium Falcon.

When was the millennium falcon built?

The Millennium Falcon from Empire and Jedi was burned in a giant bonfire after filming.

The Millennium Falcon design was inspired by a hamburger

The Millennium Falcon's original purpose was akin to a tugboat's

The Millennium Falcon was a YT-1300 Freighter, part of an extensive line of freighter ships. Not a one of a kind ship as was my original understanding. (excluding Hans heavy modification)

How Han Solo in the Millennium Falcon used the Maw black hole cluster as a short cut to complete the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Millennium Falcon. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Millennium Falcon so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor