Method Execution facts
While investigating facts about Method Execution Time In Java and Method Execution Time In Java 8, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The guillotine remained the official method of execution in France until the death penalty was abolished in 1981. The final three guillotinings in France were all child-murderers.
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Ivar the Boneless killed a rival Viking leader by snapping his ribs at his spine and pulling them out so they resembled wings, then wrenching the victim’s lungs out through the gaping cavity in his back. This particular method of execution became known as the Blood Eagle.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the name of the method used to schedule a thread for execution. Here are 50 of the best facts about Method Execution Time In C# and Method Execution In Java I managed to collect.
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Franz Schmidt, a German executioner from 1573 to 1617 left a diary detailing all 361 executions & 345 minor punishments he performed. The entries contain date, place & method of execution, name, origin & station in life of the condemned, & details of the crimes on which the sentence was based.
Japanese police are refusing to arrest a known serial killer of little girls because they want to avoid a scandal involving the execution of an innocent man convicted with a flawed DNA testing method
China has mobile "execution vans" that drive around carrying out the death penalty. The government claims this is both more cost-effective and more humane than traditional methods. China executed at least 1,634 people in 2015.
A judge used pictures from a botched execution using the electrical chair to convince the state of Florida to not use that method anymore for executions.
Dr. Jack Kevorkian proposed that inmates condemned to death be allowed to choose "medical experimentation under complete anaesthesia (at the time appointed for administering the penalty) as a form of execution in lieu of conventional methods prescribed by law."
Utah brought back firing squad as an execution method in 2015 when they had a shortage of lethal injection drugs.
Decimation" was a method of punishment in the roman army, where a tenth of all soldiers in a group got executed by their peers.
During the Second Angle-Afghan War, Afghan women would use an execution method against the British where they would prop the soldiers mouth open to prevent swallowing and then take turns urinating into the soldiers mouth to drown him with urine
Slow Slicing was a brutal Chinese method of torture and execution. It was banned in 1905.
During the Parsley Massacre, the Dominican soldiers would grab a parsley plant and ask what it was called. If the person couldn't roll the R in the Spanish word (Perejil) they were executed. Up to 30,000 people might have been killed through that method.
Method Execution data charts
For your convenience take a look at Method Execution figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
There existed an ancient Persian execution method where the condemned was plunged into a room full of ash. Wheels were constantly turned while he was alive, making the ash whirl about, and the person died by gradual suffocation.
"Blown By a Cannon" was a method of execution where you are tied to a cannon, with just a gunpowder charge, and it sends heads 40ft in the air and arms 100yds sideways. - source
An execution method called the "Blood Eagle". It was said to have been used by the Vikings and involved cutting through the victims back, and ripping out his lungs. - source
The Guillotine is named after Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, a French physician who opposed the death penalty and hoped that a less painful method of execution would lead to the abolition of capital punishment. The association would later cause him to change his name.
The guillotine remained the official method of execution in France until the death penalty was abolished... in 1981. - source
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An ancient execution method (and reportedly still employed in 19th century Persia) was to fasten the legs to two bent-down trees, which were then released, ripping the man in half.
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An ancient Persian method of execution called Scaphism. The word comes from Greek, meaning "anything scooped (or hollowed) out". It entailed trapping the victim inside two boats, feeding and covering him with milk and honey, and allowing him to fester and be devoured by vermin.
In the 1890's Emperor Menelek of Ethiopia was impressed by the new method of execution in the USA, the electric chair. He ordered three to be sent to his palace only to learn he needed electricity to use them. He gave two away and used the last chair as a throne.
From 1890-2010 in the United States, 3% of executions were botched, and lethal injection had the highest botch rate of any method at 7.1%
Scaphism, a Persian method of torturous execution where you basically die from your insides rotting out, and being eaten alive by insects.
Utah allows the firing squad as a method of execution if lethal injection is unavailable