Menstrual Blood facts
While investigating facts about Menstrual Blood Clots and Menstrual Blood Color, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Menstrual stem cells (found in period blood) could be used to create more tissue types than other adult stem cells, including bone, blood vessel, fat, brain, lung, liver, pancreas, & heart. They grow more readily & rapidly than other types of adult stem cells from bone marrow & umbilical cords.
how menstrual blood flow?
Menstrual (Period) Blood is a Rich Source of Stem Cells Without the Ethical Dilemma of Other Sources
What's menstrual blood?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what menstrual blood contains. Here are 20 of the best facts about Menstrual Blood Loss Calculator and Menstrual Blood Smell I managed to collect.
what menstrual blood says about your health?
Stem cells from menstrual blood can be used to treat arthritis, multiple sclerosis and heart ailments.
Garden cress can regulate menstrual cycle, increase production of milk in breastfeeding women and improve libido. Seeds are used to purify blood, stimulate appetite, boost immune system and memory and in treatment of dysentery, diarrhea, sore throat, asthma and cough.
Sir Isaac Newton believed that menstrual blood of whores possessed magical properties
Leaves and essential oils obtained from the leaves of Canada fleabane are used in herbal medicine today, usually in treatment of dysentery and diarrhea, bleeding hemorrhoids, inflamed tonsils and throat and to reduce increased blood sugar level. Root of Canada fleabane is used in treatment of menstrual irregularities.
In the times of Leonardo Da Vinci, people thought that mother's milk was made from refined menstrual blood.
Signs that someone might be suffering from bulimia include a constant preoccupation with number of calories consumed, being extremely conscious of one's weight, low blood pressure, low self-esteem, irregular menstrual cycles, depression, frequent trips to the washroom, consuming large amounts of food in a short time period, and possibly excessive exercise.
Borborites - an early Christian sect - smeared hands with menstrual blood and semen, consuming it as the body of christ. They extracted fetuses from pregnant women who became pregnant during sexual rituals, and ate them. Everything that is known about the Borborites comes from opponents.
Famous art critic John Ruskin annulled his unconsumed marriage after six years, because he found his wife's body repulsive. The leading theory is that he had never seen pubic hair in art and was horrified by his wife's bush. Other theories are menstrual blood or body-odour on the wedding night.
There was an ancient religion in which the followers would smear their hands with menstrual blood and semen and then consume it as a variant of eucharist.
There's a comic book character named Heavy Flo who βcan fire high-pressured menstrual blood from her genitals. Seriously.β
Menstrual Blood data charts
For your convenience take a look at Menstrual Blood figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why menstrual blood smells?
You can easily fact check why menstrual blood is black by examining the linked well-known sources.
An ancient Christian cult called the Phibionites that would eat semen as representing the body of Christ and drink menstrual blood as representing the blood of Christ.
There is a company called THINX that specialize in "period panties for the modern woman" that can absorb and comfortably hold up to 2 tampons worth of menstrual blood for up to 8 hours. - source
Sexual interrogation methods were used as a form of torture in Guantanamo Bay. In one case a female interrogator pretended to wipe her menstrual blood on a Muslim prisoner β with the cells water turned off β to prevent him from praying. - source
Back around 2004, US Military used female interrogators to try to break Muslim detainees using sex at the U.S. prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, including one woman rubbing menstrual blood on her detainee's face.
Back in 2005, Eric Saar a US military translator, detailed torture techniques used at Guantanamo Bay. One included a female interrogator using sex to break her Muslim detainee's including a lap dance and rubbing what appeared to be menstrual blood (actually ink) on the detainee's face. - source
When menstrual blood is black?
There is a Marvel character called Heavy Flo who "can fire high-pressured menstrual blood from her genitals. Seriously"
How much menstrual blood is too much?
A Bengali mystic sect ritually drinks 'the four moons': urine, feces, menstrual blood and semen.
Menstrual cups" exist. The cup is worn inside the vagina to collect menstrual blood and is emptied into the toilet or sink. They are a healthier alternative to tampons and does not cause Toxic Shock Syndrome.