Melt Steel facts
While investigating facts about Melt Steel At Home and Melt Steel Temperature, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Steel loses 90% of it's strength at 50% of the melting point and doesn't need to melt to have a structural failure
how to make a foundry to melt steel?
While jet fuel cannot technically melt steel beams, it can burn hot enough to reduce the strength of steel by as much as 90%.
What temp does steel melt?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what temperature does stainless steel melt. Here are 16 of the best facts about Melt (steel Brothers Saga) and Melt Steel Brothers Saga Free Download I managed to collect.
what temperature does steel melt?
Steel doesn't need to melt to lose it's strength. At 50% of the melting temperature it already loses 90% structural integrity.
At the fall of Constantinopole the Turks melted down the Column of Justinian into cannons and when Romania became independent 400 years later it melted Turkish cannons into the Steel Crown of Romania
The United States is on pace to build a 1-megawatt laser weapon capable of melting 20 feet of steel per second.
Vibrating bubbles can produce bright light and temperatures hot enough to melt steel
The famous "Big Bertha" German howitzers were made from a molybdenum steel alloy, as steel alone melted under the heat from the blast.
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams but it can compromise their integrity
The Bessemer process forced air through melted iron which raised the temperature, burned off the impurities and removed carbon which simplified the manufacture of steel.
The maximum flame temperature of Jet Fuel (Kerosene - 2093 C) is actually high enough to melt steel beams (melting point ~ 1538 C)
The DEA destroy all of the drugs and guns they have by melting them down in steel factories.
Melt Steel data charts
For your convenience take a look at Melt Steel figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about melt steel?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Arc Furnaces, that use electricity to heat and melt steel. These furnaces are more efficient for melting down scrap steel that blast furnaces, and can quickly be turned on and off
Melting Glitter glue is possible with redhot steel ball - source
Polysterene, which, when untreated, burns hot enough to melt steel beams, while emitting Zyklon B and phosgene. It's an active component in Napalm B, and naturally, it's a very popular indoor finish material in Russia because of its low cost. - source
Jet fuel, which burns at 800° to 1500°F, is not hot enough to melt steel (2750°F)