Media Outlet facts
While investigating facts about Media Outlets and Media Outlet Bias Chart, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Oliver Sipple, a veteran who saved Gerald Ford from being shot. Subsequently outed as gay, his family disowned him. He sued the media outlets that outed him to no avail. He developed schizophrenia and alcoholism. Found dead at 47, he never met Ford and his funeral was attended by 30 people
how many media outlets are there?
In mid 2008, media outlets reported that Dr Pepper would offer a free can of Dr Pepper to everyone in the USA —excluding former Guns N' Roses guitarists Buckethead and Slash— if the band released Chinese Democracy in 2008. They failed on their vow and were threatened litigation by Axl Rose.
What media outlets are unbiased?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what media outlets are conservative. Here are 24 of the best facts about Media Outlet Memphis and Media Outlet Definition I managed to collect.
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Many media outlets downplay reports of suicide to avoid "Suicide contagion," the phenomenon of vulnerable individuals seeing the action normalised and believing that they should be the ones to do it next.
Comcast charged a customer $60,000 in fees for cancelling a contract for services that were never installed and ten months past due. The fees were apparently credited after a media outlet's involvement.
SecureDrop, a secure way for whistleblowers to leak documents to the press, written by Aaron Swartz and used by media outlets worldwide
Scientists used a complex algorithm to gauge the level of bias in a media outlet by what quotes each outlet selected from a similar speech. It found that almost all forms of American media had statistically significant media bias.
A fake news story about a 'Cambodian Midget Fighting League' involving a Cambodian government sanctioned event where 42 midgets were mauled by an African lion, was picked up by several major media outlets as a legitimate news story in 2005.
The New York Times is the media outlet with the most Pulitzer Prizes (125) which is more than 2nd and 3rd place combined (The Washington Post: 65 and Associated Press:52)
The belief that when JFK said "Ich Bin Ein Berliner" he actually said "I am a jelly donut" is wrong. The myth was perpetuated by a novel in the 80's and continued on through retellings of the stories by newspapers and other media outlets.
- is a commercial, for-profit media outlet that has no meaningful connection with the Livestrong Foundation created by Lance Armstrong. It's just another content mill that licensed a name.
Millennials (16-34) on avg scored higher on test of "skills" ("literacy" and "numeracy") than 35-65 year olds, contrary to what some media outlets implied.
Some media outlets blamed the violence on Copperhead propaganda.
Media Outlet data charts
For your convenience take a look at Media Outlet figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why would media outlets impose self-censorship quizlet?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
News of the Christmas Truce was heavily censored in the countries involved and only began to leak out weeks later after American media outlets reported on it.
The Irving Family from Canada owns all the media outlets of the province as well as an intensive vertically integrated business model of the provincial businesses. - source
Major media outlets have pronounced Bitcoin dead over 30 times. It's still going. - source
Disney owns many media outlets such as ESPN and Vice
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (source often cited by major media outlets in the West) is run by one man in the UK who also runs a clothes shop. - source
When a media outlet distributes content with knowledge?
Around 10% of users across all major social media outlets are fake accounts.
How are media outlets funded?
While almost every big media outlet attends the White House Correspondents Dinner, once exception (since 2011) has been the New York Times
Mainstream media outlets reported that a 22-year-old student who had been missing for a month when the Boston Bombings happened was linked to the tragedy. He wasn't. In fact, he was already dead.
Missing White Woman Syndrome" is a phenomenon where news media outlets report on cases involving young, white, upper-middle-class women or girls extensively.
Rupert Murdoch and FOX TV is one of the left wing media outlets of Turkey
Spongebob Squarepants was once hated by right-wing media outlets because he supposedly promoted the "homosexual agenda" and warned about the dangers of global warming.
Media outlet infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Media Outlet numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.