Mario Mario facts
While investigating facts about Mario Mario, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Mario Puzo, the author of the Godfather books who’d also adapted them to film, had no idea what he was doing as he’d never written a screenplay before. After winning two Oscars, he decided to buy a book on screenwriting to learn how. In the first chapter, it said “Study Godfather I”.
Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of such Nintendo games as Mario, Donkey Kong, and Zelda, has a hobby of guessing the measurements of objects, then checking to see if he was correct. He enjoys the hobby so much he carries a tape measure with him everywhere.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Mario Mario I managed to collect.
The rapper Logic played Mario Kart against different rappers every night on stage for one of his tours and won all 35 games
Nintendo will not allow the creator of Super Mario to bike to work because they consider his safety to be too important
Mario Andretti once refused to drive a racing car when he discovered that the Church of Scientology was one of its sponsors.
Nintendo's character Mario is named after Mario Segale, who was the company's landlord in 1981. All Segale has publicly said about this is "I'm still waiting for my royalty checks".
Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of Super Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong, is not allowed to bike to work because his safety is too important to Nintendo
Kanye West first started making beats when trying to make a Mario style game about a giant penis
In 2004, a Mario game had a transgender playable character with a subplot about being accepted by her family. This was censored in the American version.
Nintendo encouraged Wreck it Ralph producers to use Mario in the film but the producers thought Mario's fame would take away from Ralph and the story.
The original Super Mario Bros game had 256 "Hidden" levels that were only accessible by swapping the game cartridge with a copy of "Tennis" while the game was running.
A 10-year-old saved his great-grandmother’s life in a speeding vehicle after she fell unconscious while driving. As they veered into oncoming traffic, the boy grabbed the wheel and guided the car to a halt in a mud filled ditch. Hailed as a hero, he credited his skills to playing Mario Kart.
Mario Mario data charts
For your convenience take a look at Mario Mario figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about mario mario?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
A 10-year-old saved his great-grandmother’s life in a speeding vehicle after she fell unconscious while driving. As they veered into oncoming traffic, the boy grabbed the wheel and guided the car to a halt in a mud filled ditch. Hailed as a hero, he credited his skills to playing Mario Kart.
Scientists in Berlin asked adults to play Super Mario 64 over a period of 2 months for 30 minutes a day. The group showed increases of grey matter, demonstrating "the direct causal link between video gaming and a volumetric brain increase." - source
Nintendo is so protective of its property that it bought the rights of a super Mario brothers porn parody so that it would not be distributed. - source
During filming of "Super Mario Bros." Bob Haskins (Mario) and John Leguizamo (Luigi) were so unhappy working on what they knew to be a bad movie that they would often get drunk to go through with shooting scenes.
A study conducted at the University of Montreal showed that young people who played the 1996 game Super Mario 64 for just two months had increased spatial and episodic memory, which improves brain capacity and helping to forestall dementia. - source
An A.I. bot was designed to learn how to win at games like Super Mario & Tetris. Eventually the A.I. learned the best way to not lose would be to pause the game forever.
The "Wa" in Wario and Waluigi isn't an upturned M, it's actually a portmanteu of Mario and Luigi's name and the Japanese adjective warui which means "bad", literally translating to "bad Mario" or "bad Luigi".
The Koopas in Super Mario are based on Japanese myth creatures who hid in toilets to fondle women's butts while they went to the bathroom
In the Original Nintendo Games that Mario's Hat was created due to the graphical limitations of arcade hardware since hair couldn't be represented well.
When Dennis Hopper's 7-year-old son asked him why he played King Koopa in "Super Mario Brothers," Dennis told him "So you can have shoes." The son replied, "I don't need shoes."
Mario mario infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Mario Mario numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

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