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Margarine Butter facts

While investigating facts about Margarine Buttercream and Margarine Butter Brands, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Anti-margarine Senator Gordon Roselip incorrectly identified margarine as butter in a blind taste test. His wife later confessed that she had been feeding him margarine and telling him that it was butter.

how to make icing without butter or margarine?

In the 1870s margarine, the economical rival to butter, was mandated in New Hampshire to be dyed pink in order to help dairy farmers. The reasoning: nobody would buy pink margarine.

What is the difference between butter and margarine?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what margarine has unlike butter. Here are 24 of the best facts about Margarine Butter Difference and Margarine Butter Substitute I managed to collect.

what's margarine butter?

  1. Pro-butter Senator Gordon Roselip. In a 1955 Wisconsin senatorial blind taste test Roselip preferred margarine, insisting it was butter. It later transpired that Roselip’s wife, worried about his heart, had for years been substituting yellow margarine for butter at the Senator’s dinner table.

  2. In 1902, due to pressure from the butter industry, the U.S. government made it illegal to put yellow food coloring into margarine. This caused annual margarine consumption to drop from 54k tons to 22k tons due to the unappetizing stark white color of undyed margarine.

  3. In France the butter content of a croissant is indicated by its shape. As a matter of law, only croissants made with butter can be shaped straight. Croissants made with margarine or other fats have their ends curled in.

  4. Fairy bread. It is sliced white bread spread with margarine or butter and covered with sprinkles. It's mainly eaten by children during parties in Australia.

  5. Margarine was invented when Napoleon offered a prize for anyone who developed an affordable butter alternative for the army and lower classes.

  6. Iowa made it illegal to pass off margarine as butter

  7. It's illegal for a restaurant to serve margarine as a butter substitute in Wisconsin

  8. In Quebec, there is an old law that states margarine must be a different color than butter.

  9. Wisconsin's Statute 97.18(4) states "the serving of colored oleomargarine or margarine at a public eating place as a substitute for table butter is prohibited unless it is ordered by the customer."

  10. "butter and fortified margarine" was a food group from 1943 - 1956 according to the USDA.

margarine butter facts
What is healthier butter or margarine?

Which is better butter or margarine why?

You can easily fact check why use margarine instead of butter by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Margarine Creating Process Is Worse For Humans Than the Butter It Was Meant to Replace

Yellow margarine was outlawed in Missouri until 2010 because dairy farmers wanted to increase butter sales - source

In the American diet from 1909 to 1999, as reported by USDA: Consumption of whole milk dropped 49.8% Consumption of skim milk increased 57.8% Consumption of butter dropped 72.2% Consumption of margarine increased 800% Consumption of oils increased 1,450%

Claims that 'butter is safe' and 'margarine deadly' are simplistic. There's no evidence that eating higher amounts of saturated fat raised the risk of death, heart disease, stroke or diabetes, but the results are not clear-cut, and future research could change the picture. - source

Can you substitute margarine for butter when baking?

Under Wisconsin's "Oleomargarine Regulations" law, students, patients, and inmates in state institutions will be served butter with meals unless a doctor says that margarine is necessary for their health. It also forbids the substitution of margarine for butter in a public eating place.

How to tell butter from margarine?

It's a misdemeanour to try to pass off margarine as real butter in Iowa.

In 1965 Wisconsin State Sen. Gordon Roseleip failed a taste test between butter and illegal margarine, the reason? his family had been secretly feeding him margarine for years

“straight” croissants are made with real butter and the “curved” croissants with margarine. Making the “straight” ones seen as the superior choice.

Natural margarine is an unappetizing white. For decades it was illegal in many places to sell margarine dyed yellow over fears it would cause sales of butter to drop. To get around this law manufacturers would include a separate capsule of yellow dye which could be mixed in with the margarine.

When a recipe calls for margarine can i use butter?

Wisconsin outlawed margarine in 1895 and only decriminalized it in 1967 after the governor was given a blind taste test in which he couldn't tell the difference in taste from butter, though his wife later stated that she'd fed him margarine for years without telling him.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Margarine Butter. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Margarine Butter so important!

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