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Makeup Artist facts

While investigating facts about Makeup Artist Near Me and Makeup Artist Jobs, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Movie Dallas Buyers Club budget was so low, they had only 250$ for the makeups. The film's artists were able to work with that, and the film's Makeup and Hairstyling won an Oscar.

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While filming Fight Club, Helena Bonham Carter insisted that her makeup artist apply all of her eye makeup with her left hand, as she did not believe that Marla Singer would be someone who was particularly good at applying makeup

What's makeup artists?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a freelance makeup artist. Here are 22 of the best facts about Makeup Artist Choice and Makeup Artist Salary I managed to collect.

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  1. In 1993, during a Friar's Club roast of Whoopi Goldberg, her then-boyfriend Ted Danson appeared in 'black-face' and began telling racially charged jokes. Whoopi came to his defense because she infact wrote much of the material and even referred him to the makeup artist.

  2. John Caglione Jr, the makeup artist responsible for Heath Ledgers Joker, had Ledger scrunch and contort his face as he applied the makeup. This had the affect of creating lines and creases in the paint to make it look like the character had been wearing his makeup for days.

  3. Steven Spielberg had a makeup artist color in his bald spot on the night he received his Oscar for "Schindler's List". But, during the Oscars after-party, the makeup smeared because he kept patting his head and stroking his face. And that's the reason why he's always wearing a baseball cap.

  4. Max Headroom, the iconic 1980’s digital talking head, was not actually digital, but a real actor wearing prosthetics and makeup. The studio heads wanted to keep it secret at the time, and wouldn’t even allow the artists to be submitted for makeup awards.

  5. There were so many complaints that the Academy Awards didn't honor the amazing work the artists did in creating the title character in 'The Elephant Man' that the following year the Oscars created a new category, Best Makeup and Hairstyling.

  6. Makeup artists that work in film and television do not always have to make the actor or actress look their best. They are also responsible for making them appear older, younger, sick, or even deceased depending on the part they are playing.

  7. The allied forces hired a makeup artist to draw sketches of Hitler in various disguises.

  8. Max Factor was a 20th century makeup artist who also coined the word "makeup".

  9. When Maurice Seiderman, the makeup artist on Citizen Kane whose work in the film is considered pioneering, would not be given a credit due to not technically being a department head, Orson Welles opted to not have a makeup credit and instead took out a billboard personally thanking Seiderman.

  10. Charles Gemora was a makeup artist and costume designer who played a gorilla in 40 films in the 1930s and 40s

makeup artist facts
What is makeup artistry?

Why be a makeup artist?

You can easily fact check why hire a makeup artist by examining the linked well-known sources.

Jeremy Renner worked as a makeup artist before he became an actor.

That, in 1997, John Chambers - Academy Award winning makeup artist on Planet of the Apes - denied faking the 1967 Patterson-Gimlin "Bigfoot" film. "I'm good," he said, "but not THAT good." - source

Rachel McAdams has a younger sister Kayleen who is a celebrity makeup artist. She also has a younger brother named Daniel.

The lead actor Chaim Topol, who brilliantly portrayed a middle-aged milkman in 'Fiddler On The Roof', was only 34 years old when they made the film. "The makeup artist would even pluck gray whiskers from the beard of director Norman Jewison and glue them into Topol's eyebrows"

More than 100 people work on every Barbie doll design and character creation before she is released. This includes fashion designers and makeup artists.

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How makeup artist salary?

A skeleton seen in Dawn Of The Dead was real and not fake like the makeup artist Tom Savini thought.

About Milicent Patrick, actress, makeup & special effects artist, first female animator at Disney and the designer of the iconic mask used in "The Creature From The Black Lagoon". She was fired for taking credit for the design and never worked behind-the-scenes in Hollywood again.

About Milicent Patrick, actress, makeup & special effects artist, first female animator at Disney and the designer of the iconic mask used in "The Creature From The Black Lagoon". She was fired for taking credit for the design and never worked behind-the-scenes in Hollywood again.

Makeup artist Dick Smith was injured on the job in 1961, losing his ring finger on his left hand. To make it look more natural he had doctors remove the metacarpal bone in his hand that went to that finger.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Makeup Artist. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Makeup Artist so important!

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