Light Bulb facts
While investigating facts about Light Bulbs and Light Bulb Types, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Light bulbs in the New York City subway system screw in "backwards" (i.e. with left-handed threads) so people won't steal them to use at home.
how light bulbs work?
The Centennial Light is the world's longest-lasting light bulb, burning since 1901. ] It is often cited as evidence for the existence of planned obsolescence in later-produced light bulbs.
What light bulb is the brightest?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what light bulb for salt lamp. Here are 50 of the best facts about Light Bulbs Near Me and Light Bulbs Unlimited I managed to collect.
what light bulbs are dimmable?
The Centennial Light is the world's longest-lasting light bulb, burning since 1901. It is often cited as evidence for the existence of planned obsolescence in later-produced light bulbs.
Light Bulb Manufacturers formed a Market Controlling 'Cartel' that disallowed 1000 Hour+ lightbulbs, and threatened legal action to any company who did.
Thomas Alva Edison did not invent the light bulb; electric light sources were being experimented since early 1800s and an English Physicist Sir Joseph Swan had a working prototype of electric incandescent light bulb more than a decade earlier than Edison.
Harriet the Tortoise died in an Australian zoo at the age of 176. She was born before the light bulb (not just Edison's) and the first power plant. Her death was announced on CNN. She was brought back from the Galapagos by a young scientist named Charles Darwin.
The measly 20W signal from Voyager 1, the equivalent of a fridge light-bulb, can be distinguished from background radiation in the sky almost instantly, despite being 11 billion miles away
Inventor Lewis Latimer, not only made Thomas Edison's Light Bulb more efficient & practical, he invented an Apparatus for Cooling & Disinfecting, making rooms more sanitary & climate-controlled. He also improved the design of elevators & co-invented (1874) a toilet for train cars.
Modern LED light bulbs use only a dollar in electricity per year
Light Bulb data charts
For your convenience take a look at Light Bulb figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why light bulbs keep burning out?
You can easily fact check why light bulb exploded by examining the linked well-known sources.
The leading manufacturers of incandescent light bulbs in the early 20th century, conspired to keep the lifetime of their bulbs far below their real technological capabilities. This way, they ensure the continuous demand for more bulbs and hence, long-term profit for themselves.
Before he became an actor, Vin Diesel once worked as a telemarketer selling light bulbs and mechanics tools. Doing that he managed to raise almost $50,000 and made his first feature “Stray” (1997). - source
LED light bulbs don’t burn out; they just dim over time - source
The tradition of putting Christmas lights up outside started in Denver, CO on Christmas Eve, 1914. D.D. Sturgeon, founder of Sturgeon Electric, wanted to give his ill son some Christmas joy, so he wrapped his pine trees with electric bulbs, which were dipped in red and green paint.
Glass has been recycled for almost 3,000 years. It never wears out as a raw material. Just one recycled clear glass bottle saves enough energy from the manufacturing process to light a 100-watt bulb for four hours. - source
When light bulb invented?
A real light bulb cartel lowered the average lifespan of a bulb to 1,000 hours in order to boost sales in the 1920s. Their successful work popularized the concept of planned obsolescence.
How light bulbs are made?
Costco regularly relocates necessities like toiletries and light bulbs so the customer has to search for them. This forces shoppers to explore new areas of the store.
Until the invention of the wall outlet, people had plug their electric appliances into an empty light bulb socket.
Fireflies are the most efficient producers of light in the world, even when compared to modern light bulbs.
The world's longest lasting light bulb has been burning for the past 114 years
The world's oldest still-functioning light bulb is purported to be the Centennial Light in Livermore, California. Maintained by the Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Dept, the bulb was installed in 1901 and has only been turned off a handful of times.