Incredible and fun facts to explore

Legalization Cannabis facts

While investigating facts about Legalization Cannabis, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Cannabis use is completely legal in North Korea

how many abortions since legalization?

Oaksterdam University is an internationally recognized college that trains students for the cannabis industry, with a mission to "legitimize the business and change the law to make cannabis legal"

What led to the legalization of abortion?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 32 of the best facts about Legalization Cannabis I managed to collect.

what is legalization of abortion?

  1. Cannabis is completely legal in North Korea and Uruguay

  2. Indoor production of Cannabis in the United States, both legal and illegal, accounts for an estimated 1% of national energy use

  3. The UK is the worlds largest producer and exporter of legal cannabis

  4. Until the early 1900s, most pharmacies carried cannabis and farmers were required to grow hemp (which was used as legal tender in Virginia, Pennsylvania and Maryland). Cannabis was made illegal after rumors that Mexican immigrants were going crazy from smoking marijuana and were killing people.

  5. Anlwick Garden in the north of England can legally grow Cannabis

  6. The same day an anti-gay "Religious Freedom" Act was passed in Indiana, the First Church of Cannabis was formed. The founder realized a loophole in the bill which legally allows its members to smoke marijuana.

  7. Fighting the "mainstreaming" of cannabis legalization is a personal passion of Sheldon Adelson (net worth $31 Billion), who lost his son Mitchell to a drug overdose.

  8. Washington is the only legal cannabis state to not allow home grows

  9. In North Korea, cannabis (marijuana) is completely legal and not even classified as a drug.

  10. George Zimmer (of Men's Wearhouse and "I Guarantee It" meme fame) supports research into the therapeutic use of MDMA, and legalizing cannabis.

legalization cannabis facts
What are the best facts about Legalization Cannabis?

Legalization Cannabis data charts

For your convenience take a look at Legalization Cannabis figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

legalization cannabis fact data chart about Grams of legal cannabis sold in Uruguay since the first lega
Grams of legal cannabis sold in Uruguay since the first legal sale in June 2017 to January 2019

legalization cannabis fact data chart about Fun fact: The Economist reports that legalizing cannabis res
Fun fact: The Economist reports that legalizing cannabis results in lower alcohol consumption and more munchies. Here are some graphs for the consumption of common junk foods.

Why are scottish notes not legal tender?

You can easily fact check why is money a legal tender by examining the linked well-known sources.

Medicinal Cannabis Patients cannot legally own a firearm

The Official Framework for the Legalization of Cannabis in Canada - source

Bill O'Reilly now supports cannabis legalization. - source

Synthetic marijuana (or "Spcie") results in the same withdrawal symptoms as crack cocaine, but is completely legal and cheaper than regular cannabis.

When Germanys drug commissioner Marlene Mortler (CSU) was asked why alcohol is legal and cannabis is prohibited, she answered "because cannabis is a illegal drug. Period." - source

Legal requirements when planning an event?

Marijuana is legal in Colorado, but federal law makes banking nearly impossible for the cannabis industry. The result: a dangerous all-cash operation that requires armed guards and layers of security.

In the Ottoman empire, the consumption of coffee and tobacco was punishable by death, while opium and cannabis were legal

UK is worlds largest legal cannabis producer exporting 70% of world total

Cannabis Roasted Coffee Has Been Legally Available For Purchase For Months.

There are 122,814 legal full-time cannabis jobs in America.

Legal requirements when checking a vehicle for compliance?

Which Country Produces the Most Legal Cannabis? Surprise! It's the United Kingdom! - International Cannabis Business Conference

Cannabis legalization Almost failed in California in 2016 due to the efforts a cabal of illegal growers, succulent but misinformed budtenders and aging hippies who would rather see fellow men in a cage then a free and open market for all.

Use of Cannabis was legal in India till 1985. It became illegal thereafter because of US's campaigning for global law against drugs.

On average, states that have legalized medical cannabis had a decrease in traffic-related fatalities by 8-11%.

In the 2012 elections, more people voted to legalize cannabis than voted for Barack Obama.

Salvia divinorum, a potent psychedelic, is illegal in Colorado, but legal in California. The reverse is true for Cannabis.

Cannabis possesion/use is completely legal in North Korea.

Although I can get fired for using legal cannabis on my unpaid days off, I could be prescribed methamphetamine and use it at work, even if I fail a drug test for it (because methamphetamine is Schedule 2)

Cannabis was legalized in Jamaica in 2018 because Cannabis consumption plays a prominent role in the nation's public image.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Legalization Cannabis. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Legalization Cannabis so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor