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Law Mandating facts

While investigating facts about Law Mandating Compulsory Education and Law Mandating Electronic Medical Records, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Law in India mandates that doctors write prescriptions in CAPITAL LETTERS in a 'Legible' writing as a measure to prevent deaths caused by the misinterpretation of their sloppy handwriting.

how law firms are structured?

Up until 1996, Japan had a law that mandated sterilisation for people judged to have disabilities.

What law forbids foreign interference in us elections?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what law forbids labor unions. Here are 31 of the best facts about Law Mandating Income Tax and Law Mandating Meaning I managed to collect.

what law forbids medicare from negotiating drug prices?

  1. The steamship Eastland, which, in 1915, capsized while still tied to the dock in Chicago. New safety laws which rushed through Congress after the Titanic sinking mandated so much safety gear installed that the ship was top heavy and rolled over, killing 844 people.

  2. There is EU law which mandates that all cellphones have the same charging port. Apple just ignores it anyway because paying the fine is the cheapest option for them

  3. Only two of the 185 countries in the International Labour Organization do not have laws mandating parental leave- the United States, and Papua New Guinea.

  4. Congress passed a law in 1973 that mandated safety features to prevent a car from starting unless the driver buckled their seatbelt; the technology was mostly effective, but was so unpopular with voters that Congress was pressured to repeal the law just one year later in 1974

  5. The US is pretty much the only first world nation, without mandated paid holidays or vacation by the law

  6. A 2008 Minnesota state law mandates all American flags sold within the state must be US made

  7. Some countries, such as Japan, have laws that mandate a woman be allowed to take time off (often unpaid) during their period.

  8. In the UK, Henry VIII and Elizabeth I both passed laws mandating landowners grow a quota of hemp on their land. Earliest evidence of hemp in the UK is found in Viking settlements, likely for fishing nets and rope.

  9. Doors usually open outwards because there are laws mandating it to prevent fire hazards

  10. In 1975, the State of Hawai'i State passed a law, The Exceptional Tree Act, that mandates each county to establish a County Arborist Advisory Committee which enacts regulations to protect trees of exceptional stature

law mandating facts
What principle of the law of war forbids the infliction of unnecessary suffering?

Why are law firms laying off?

You can easily fact check why magic circle law firms by examining the linked well-known sources.

In the US, there's no federal law mandating that egg producers must publish expiration dates. It's only compulsory for eggs to be sold within 30 days from the packaging date, regardless of when the eggs were laid. As a result, eggs may take much more than a month to reach consumers.

Millenials are about twice as likely as senior citizens to say that parents should decide whether their kids get vaccinated, rather than having it mandated by law. - source

France passed a law mandating that 40% of songs on the radio be sung primarily in French. - source

The father of Alaskan senator Mark Begich, Nick Begich (who was also an Alaskan politician), vanished when his plane disappeared with all its passengers in 1972. The accident prompted Congress to pass a law mandating emergency locator transmitters in all United States civil aircraft.

All states in the United States, only 28 states have laws mandating that motorcyclists must wear helmets on roads. - source

What law forbids medicare from negotiating drug prices?

Urukagina (24th century BCE), the Sumerian King of the city-state of Lagash, was the first known political reformer. Urukagina exempted orphans and widows from taxes, and set law that mandated that the rich/powerful man could not force the poor man to sell his goods against his will.

How much do partners at law firms make?

In Back to the Future, a custom speedometer was used because federal law mandated that car speedometers could only go up to 85 mph.

Utah has a law that requires bartenders in restaurants to hide behind a "Zion Curtain" to prepare drinks. They were mandated in hopes of combating excessive drinking by keeping alcohol out of sight of restaurant patrons who choose not to consume alcohol

The federal government had NO LAW which says that adult employees must get lunch or rest breaks. If your state also doesn't have any laws mandating breaks (like Florida), then your employer can technically work you for 8 hours straight, with no breaks, and face no legal consequence.

That, by law, Medicare must cover every cancer drug the FDA approves. A 2003 law, moreover, mandates payment at whatever price the manufacturers charge, plus a 6% cushion, prohibiting any negotiation between Medicare and the drug companies.

The last person prosecuted for contravening the British Witchcraft Act (1735) was convicted in 1944. Israel still has the same law, introduced by the British Mandate, and South Africa has a version influenced by it.

What law forbids foreign interference in us elections?

Despite having a law that mandates gun ownership Kennesaw GA has an extremely low crime rate.

The flow rate of Niagara Falls is mandated by law

USA food products are not legally mandated to have Country of Origin Labeling since Congress repealed the Country of Origin Labeling law in 2015 and made a statement that they are no longer enforcing it.

In most cases if you have bad shower pressure you can increase the pressure dramatically by removing the water restrictor, which manufacturers are mandated to put in by law.

How do law firms make money?

The Nazis studied US segregation and miscegenation laws to create the Nuremberg Laws and other forms of mandated oppression of Jews during the Third Reich

Nearly every state has a law mandating that employees be allowed to leave work to vote with no penalty. Some states even require that time off to be paid.

The flow rate over Niagara Falls is mandated at 100,000 cubic feet per second by law.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Law Mandating. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Law Mandating so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor