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Laundry Detergents facts

While investigating facts about Laundry Detergents For Sensitive Skin and Laundry Detergents With Enzymes, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The U.S. Army has a list of approved laundry detergents. These detergents do not contain optical whiting compounds, which would cause laundered uniforms to glow in UV light, and stick out in night-vision imaging.

how laundry detergents work?

A New York ad agency tried marketing laundry detergent to Arab consumers through the use of sequential pictures showing laundry being cleaned. However, the advertisers didn't realize Arabic was read from right to left and their ad actually depicted the detergent soiling the clothing after wash

What laundry detergents are high efficiency?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what laundry detergents contain 1 4-dioxane. Here are 25 of the best facts about Laundry Detergents For Babies and Laundry Detergents With Phosphates I managed to collect.

what laundry detergents work for slime?

  1. When you use laundry detergent labelled as a "brightener," it doesn't make the clothing any cleaner or restore its's actually a chemical combination that absorbs more light in the electromagnetic spectrum and re-emits fluorescent light to make the clothing appear brighter.

  2. Tide laundry detergent is frequently stolen and used as currency by criminals

  3. Many laundry detergents use chemical trickery to make clothes appear whiter. They contain agents called optical brighteners that glow blue under florescent and incandescent light, making clothes appear whiter than they actually are. Incidentally, this trick does not work under LED lights.

  4. In some areas, laundry detergent has become such a hot commodity item, that criminals steal it from stores to resell. Police call the detergent "liquid gold" on the black market and it's been known to be traded or sold for illegal drugs.

  5. Criminals Steal Tide Laundry Detergent and Use It for Money.

  6. Soapberries are still used in the cosmetic industry for the manufacture of soaps and in the chemical industry for the manufacture of laundry detergents.

  7. Laundry detergent only removes stains and doesn't kill germs or bacteria. Only washing in hot water with bleach kills them. Washing clothes in cold water just spreads the germs around the clothes

  8. In Ancient Rome Urine Was Commonly Used as Laundry Detergent

  9. The amount of time washing machines takes to clean depends on water pressure, amount of soilage, laundry weight and amount of detergent used. Most washing machine calculate the time that an optimum load will take. This is why your washing machines timers are always "wrong"

laundry detergents facts
What laundry detergents have enzymes?

Why are some laundry detergents more expensive?

You can easily fact check why have phosphates been removed from laundry detergents by examining the linked well-known sources.

Before the modernization of laundry detergents, one of the bleaching chemicals used was urine, which would be left out to ferment into ammonia

Tide laundry detergent has grown to become a form of currency for drug sales. - source

There are people who (believe they) suffer from 'Multiple Sensitivity Disorder' ... experiencing "migraines, muscle pain, rashes, nausea, fatigue, and other debilitating symptoms they believe to be caused by low-level exposure to chemicals such as laundry detergent, perfume, and car exhaust."

There's actually people making money off of counterfeit laundry detergent. - source

What laundry detergents work for slime?

When pornstar, Marilyn Chambers', film, Behind the Green Door, was released, Proctor & Gamble, for whom she did (non-pornographic) modeling, put a picture of her cuddling a baby on a box of laundry detergent. A great controversy ensued.

How laundry detergents are made?

The Chinese laundry-detergent commercial was a "remake" of an Italian laundry-detergent commercial from 2007

Aluminum foil can be used to polish silverware by lining a deep pan with foil, filling the pan with cold water and a couple teaspoons of salt, then submerging your silverware in the solution. Silver jewelry can be cleaned by using hot water and a tablespoon of laundry detergent.

Dish soap can be a great laundry detergent to remove grease stains. I've tried it and haven't had any I Love Lucy moments...yet.

What laundry detergents are high efficiency?

Fake laundry detergent is a real problem.

Laundry detergent is a great way to clean oil and grease from your skin.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Laundry Detergents. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Laundry Detergents so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor