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Ketchup Bottle facts

While investigating facts about Ketchup Bottle Costume and Ketchup Bottle Plastic, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Heinz ketchup became so popular because Heinz invented a way to keep commercially produced ketchup red, which allowed him to package it in clear glass bottle and look more appealing. Before it, commercially produced ketchup was brown.

how ketchup bottles are made?

The food company Heinz has apologized after a QR code on a bottle of tomato ketchup directed people to a pornography website.

What does the 57 mean on the heinz ketchup bottle?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering the 57 on heinz ketchup bottles represents what. Here are 31 of the best facts about Ketchup Bottle Drawing and Ketchup Bottle Water Tower I managed to collect.

what does the 57 on the heinz ketchup bottle refer to?

  1. An old Heinz QR code on a ketchup bottle linked to a German hardcore porn site. A German man who scanned the code thinking it would go to a design you own label page, got an apology from Heinz, and offer of a free year's subscription from the porn site.

  2. A QR code on a Heinz ketchup bottle once took people to a porn site.

  3. Before Heinz took over, 90% of ketchup on the market contained so many "injurious ingredients" that a bottle of it could literally kill you.

  4. The reason ketchup bottles are meant to be shaken is because ketchup is a shear thinning non newtonian fluid. This means at high velocity the ketchup turns into a less viscous fluid, the opposite of cornstarch and water which solidifies with force.

  5. The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the 57 varieties of pickles Heinz once sold

  6. Ketchup leaves the bottle at a speed of 25 miles per year

  7. The person who invented the granola bar also invented he disposable diaper, the squeezable ketchup bottle, microwave cookware, Mentadent foaming toothpaste, and self-heating shaving cream.

  8. Ketchup contains an additive that makes it a pseudoplastic. This causes a "shear thinning" effect, so that the harder you squeeze or tap a bottle of it, the more fluid it becomes.

  9. The viscosity of Ketchup changes under stress, which is the reason why hitting and shaking the bottle makes it flow smoothly. Other examples of these so called "Non-Newtonian Fluids" are Flubber (slime) and plant resin.

  10. In 2012, thousands of ketchup bottles exploded. The culprit was counterfeiters filling fake name-brand bottles with cheap bulk ketchup.

ketchup bottle facts
What are ketchup bottles made of?

Why is there a 57 on ketchup bottles?

You can easily fact check why does ketchup taste better in a glass bottle by examining the linked well-known sources.

Tapping the 57 around the glass of a bottle of Heinz ketchup releases the ketchup much easier than if you tapped the bottom of the bottle.

The 57 on the front of the Heinz Ketchup bottle was based on an advertisement for "21 styles of shoes" that H. J. Heinz saw. The reason for the 57 is both because of the amount of products Heinz sold, and also because Heinz felt that 57 was a lucky number. - source

The '57' mark on the neck of a ketchup bottle is – according to Heinz – "the best place to tap", so the sauce comes out more smoothly. - source

Ketchup is a Non-Newtonian fluid...the harder you squeeze the bottle, the more solid it gets.

Your bottle of Heinz Tomato Ketchup specifically mentions tomato in the name because when it was introduced, ketchups of other varieties other than tomato were common. - source

When did ketchup come in a squeeze bottle?

Marcia and Bill Baker found Heinz was underfilling their 20-oz ketchup bottles by 1.5 oz. Heinz paid civil penalties and costs of $180,000 and had to overfill all ketchup bottles in California by 1/8 oz for a year

How much sugar is in a bottle of ketchup?

Ed Sheeran loves ketchup and even has a tattoo of a ketchup bottle

In "Goodfellas", Robert DeNiro learned details about the real Jimmy Burke. He found that Jimmy loved ketchup, and how he poured it-because dispensing ketchup out of a glass bottle was a common problem then. The "spin" technique is what he used in the film, the way the real Jimmy did.

Richard Heener, father and perpetrator of the "Balloon Boy" hoax is an inventor and has recently put to market Your Shakedown, a $179 device that helps you get ketchup out of the bottle.

The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had.

When was the squeeze ketchup bottle invented?

The best way to get ketchup out of a bottle is to tap the neck of the bottle, not spanking the rear

Tapping the '57' on the Heinz glass bottle makes the ketchup pour a lot quicker! (look at point #3)

Heinz had to apologise after link on ketchup bottle directed to hardcore porn site

How many tomatoes in a bottle of ketchup?

Heinz Ketchup exits the iconic glass bottle at .028 miles per hour, therefore, taking 120 years to travel the US coast to coast

The "57" on the neck of a bottle of Heinz Ketchup is intentionally placed there to indicate the ideal place to hit the bottle so the ketchup will pour out more quickly.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Ketchup Bottle. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Ketchup Bottle so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor