Incredible and fun facts to explore

Job Applicants facts

While investigating facts about Job Applicants Are Generally Highly Sensitive To and Job Applicants Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:

One of the most sought-after jobs in Venice is that of gondolier. There are only 425 licenses issued, and applicants must be Venetian by birth. Apprenticeships involve over 400 hours of training, and when a gondolier dies the license passes to the beneficiary, who then decides the replacement.

what is different about how job applicants spend time looking?

In 2006, the BBC accidentally filmed a live TV interview with a job applicant due to a waiting room mix-up.

What to say to unsuccessful job applicants?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to ask applicants in a job interview. Here are 19 of the best facts about Job Applicants Ghosting and Job Applicants Synonym I managed to collect.

what's job applicants?

  1. Police can refuse to interview job applicants if they score too high on an intelligence test

  2. Google Maps once generated a phantom town, Argleton, it appeared for job applicants, shops, real estate and had its own postcode.

  3. If you wrote on your resume or a job application that you were Time magazine's 2006 person of the year, you would not be lying.

  4. When you apply for a job, if the relevant keywords are missing in your resume, you'll most likely be rejected automatically without even having your application read by a human

  5. Jack Ma, founder of Ali baba and China's richest man, applied for a job at KFC when he was young. The were 24 applications, and 23 job available. He didn't get it.

  6. Even Einstein failed Edison's job applicant test. "A score of 90% or better was needed to pass the test – and Edison scored the tests himself. Passing scores were labeled 'Class A' men; only 4-5% of all applicants measured up."

  7. After his jail time Hunter joined the United States Air Force. He studied electronics while enlisted, and while serving at Elgin Air Force Base in Florida he became a sports editor at The Command Courier. He lied on his application to get the job.

  8. In France 50-75% of employers will make use of handwriting analysis when assessing job applicants

  9. Job applicants whose résumés betray a religious affiliation are 26 percent less likely to be contacted by an employer — unless they're Jewish.

  10. In South Korea, it is still completely legal for businesses and corporations to discriminate against potential job applicants based on the color of their skin

job applicants facts
What to say to applicants who didn't get the job?

Job Applicants data charts

For your convenience take a look at Job Applicants figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

job applicants fact data chart about The number of job applications it took to become a Viz Pract
The number of job applications it took to become a Viz Practitioner

job applicants fact data chart about Electrical Engineer - new grad job applications
Electrical Engineer - new grad job applications

Why does the lra protect job applicants?

You can easily fact check why are employment websites good for job applicants by examining the linked well-known sources.

A German animator once applied for an internship at Tim Schafer's company Double Fine by programming his application in the style of an old LucasArts adventure game. He got the job.

Osama Bin Laden was extremely concerned about Climate Change. Also, Al Qaeda has job applications. - source

U.S. Companies Often Assume Black Job Applicants Do Drugs - source

In 2006, an interviewee for a job application at BBC News named Guy Goma was mistaken for a technology expert named Guy Kewney. Guy Goma was led to a dressing room with makeup and wired with a microphone to be interviewed on BBC News as Guy Kewney, which Goma pretended to be Kewney.

There are agencies that help psychologically disqualified applicants pass mental evaluation exams for law enforcement jobs. - source

When job applicants should—and shouldn’t—wear luxury brands?

People who fill out online job applications using browsers that did not come with the computer (such as Microsoft Internet Explorer) but had to be deliberately installed (like Firefox or Chrome) perform better and change jobs less often.

How does social media affect job applicants?

I learned that 48% of all China expat job applicants get cheated or scammed during the recruitment and hiring process, but this new Reddit sub eliminates the risks including identity theft!

Job applicants infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Job Applicants numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

job applicants fact infographic about Sankey Diagram of job applications for junior data scientist

Sankey Diagram of job applications for junior data scientist position

job applicants fact infographic about Improved: The number of job applications it took to become a

Improved: The number of job applications it took to become a Viz Practitioner

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Job Applicants. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Job Applicants so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor