Jar Jar facts
While investigating facts about Jar Jar Binks and Jar Jar Binks Sith Lord, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1966 Ronald Reagan wrote to JellyBelly, saying "We owe you a special measure of thanks for helping keep our state government running smoothly." "It's gotten to the point...where we can hardly start a meeting or make a decision without passing around a jar of jelly beans."
how jar jar binks is a sith lord?
During his 2009 TED talk, Bill Gates opened a jar of mosquitoes saying “Malaria is spread by mosquitoes. I brought some… I’ll let them roam around. There is no reason only poor people should be infected” & waited for ~a minute before telling the audience that the bugs were malaria-free.
What happened to jar jar binks?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what star wars is jar jar binks in. Here are 50 of the best facts about Jar Jar Binks Actor and Jar Jar Binks Sith I managed to collect.
what jar jar binks?
2,000-year-old seeds were discovered in 1963 inside an ancient jar in Israel. They were planted in 2005 and a tree that had been extinct for over 1800 years sprouted.
Tom Dickson, the "Will it Blend?" guy, had his blender jar design ripped off by Vita-Mix. He took them to Federal court, won, and was eventually awarded $24M
A man is making thousands of pounds selling fresh air from the British countryside to people in China for £80 a jar
George Lucas made the working title of Star Wars Episode II "Jar Jar's Great Adventure" to troll the cast and crew, even labeling the script as such in the original drafts.
Ahmed Best, the actor who played Jar-Jar Binks, considered suicide after the backlash and hatred for the character
In Star Wars legends, Jar Jar Binks was given a father, named George R Binks, who was so ashamed of his son that he attempted suicide. In order to talk him down, his wife told him to think of his son. He then pulled the trigger
2,000 year old seeds were discovered inside an ancient jar in Israel 1963. They were planted in 2005 and a tree extinct for 1,800 years sprouted from the ground.
A Japanese professor searching to find out what happened to Einstein's brain discovered that it was being kept in a mason jar by a retiree in Kansas, who would occasionally shave off slices with a kitchen knife and mail it to people if they asked for some of it
“Gu”—a poison created by placing scorpions, centipedes, and snakes in a jar and having them fight. The poison would be drawn from the survivor and then used to incapacitate enemies in Ancient China.
2,000-year-old seeds were discovered in 1963 inside an ancient jar in Israel. They were planted in 2005 and a tree that had been extinct for over 1800 years sprouted.
Jar Jar data charts
For your convenience take a look at Jar Jar figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why jar jar is a sith lord?
You can easily fact check why jar jar binks by examining the linked well-known sources.
9/11 survivor George Mironis visits FDNY Ladder Company 10 House, across from the memorial, once a week and leaves a candle in a glass jar just outside the firehouse. He does this to honor a firefighter he passed in the North Tower stairwell on 9/11 who did not survive.
2,000-year-old seeds were discovered in 1963 inside an ancient jar in Israel. They were planted in 2005 and a tree that had been extinct for over 1800 years sprouted. - source
Elvis Presley flew to Denver and back one night just to pick up a Fool's Gold Loaf: an 8,000 calorie sandwich made from a hollowed out loaf filled with an entire jar of peanut butter, one jar of jelly, and a pound of bacon. - source
About the Baghdad Battery. A 2000 year old clay jar with a stopper made of asphalt. Sticking through the asphalt is an iron rod surrounded by a copper cylinder. When filled with vinegar or other electrolytic solution, the jar produces about 1.1 volts.
One night, Elvis flew from Graceland to Denver and back just to buy a Fool's Gold Loaf - an 8,000 calorie sandwich made from a hollowed out load of bread, a jar of peanut butter, a jar of jam and a pound of bacon. - source
When to do honey jar spell?
Pandora's Box" was actually "Pandora's Jar". A translation error made 500 years ago has persisted to this day.
How is jar jar a sith lord?
Peanut butter in a plastic jar at the supermarket usually has a sell-by date of about 18 months after it hits the shelf. Past this date, if it’s unopened it’s still perfectly good. Opened, peanut butter will slowly develop off-flavors of rancid nuts over the next five or so years.
In the Vietnamese version of Cinderella (Tam Cam), at the end, Cinderella dismembered her step sister, put the body into a jar of food and sent it to her step mother to eat, which she enjoyed until she found the skull at the bottom of the jar and died of shock.
J.J Abrams is considering putting Jar Jar Binks bones in the desert of episode 7
Bill Gates once released a jar full of mosquitos into the audience during a TED talk on malaria
Since 2012, there has been a pickle jar that sits on the guardrail on the I-270 North in Des Peres, Missouri. Every time the jar falls, breaks, or disappears, it is always replaced, but who does it remains a mystery.