Iron Man facts
While investigating facts about Iron Man 3 and Iron Man 2, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Iron Sheik planned to kill the man who murdered his daughter by slitting his throat with a razor he hid in his mouth in the courtroom court. His family surrounded him and talked him out of it. Instead, as a tribute to his daughter, he quit drugs and got his life back on track.
how iron man dies?
Iron Man (2008) had no script. “They had no script, man. They had an outline.” Jeff Bridges described the improvised production of the first MCU film as being “saved by the improv prowess of the film’s director (Jon Favreau) and star. (Robert Downey Jr.)”
Who was the kid at iron man's funeral?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering who was at iron man funeral scene. Here are 50 of the best facts about Iron Man Cast and Iron Man 4 I managed to collect.
who was at iron man's funeral?
Iron Man was considered such a minor character when Marvel Studios began developing the 2008 movie that about 30 writers passed on writing the script, and Marvel produced three animated "advertorials" to introduce the character and show audiences that he wasn't simply a robot.
The Man in the Iron Mask. An unidentified prisoner held for 34 years, until his death in 1703, who was forced to wear a mask to ensure no one knew his true identity. His cell had multiple doors so no one could listen; if he spoke of anything other than his immediate needs he would be killed.
When casting the first Marvel Cinematic Universe film 'Iron Man', Marvel did not want Robert Downey Jr cast as the title character. The film's director 'would not take no for an answer' as he knew the character lined up perfectly with RDJ's life.
Robert Downey Jr. had such a bad criminal record that he was interrogated for 6 hours at customs on his way to the Iron Man premiere in Japan, before being told never to come back again
According to Robert Downey, Jr., they wanted Bill Murray to consider a role in Iron Man, but "nobody could find him."
The voice given for the A.I "Suit lady" aka "Karen" in Spider Man: Homecoming was none other than Jennifer Connelly who also happens to be the wife of Paul Bettany, the actor who voices J.A.R.V.I.S in the Iron Man films and later as Vision.
Jeff Bridges said of working on Iron Man, "They had no script, man. We would show up for big scenes every day and we wouldn't know what we were going to say. We would go into our trailer and call up writers on the phone, 'You got any ideas?'"
There are still 10 people in the world living in an iron lung, including a man in Dallas.
Iron Man was created by Stan Lee as a challenge to create a hero no one should like and force people to like him.
The co-founder of Pinkberry beat a homeless man with a tire iron after the homeless man flashed a tattoo that the co-founder thought was offensive. He's now doing seven years in prison.
Iron Man data charts
For your convenience take a look at Iron Man figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why iron man dies in endgame?
You can easily fact check why iron man died in avengers end game by examining the linked well-known sources.
Iron Man was created by Stan Lee as a challenge to create a hero no one should like and force people to like him
Robert Downey Jr. was paid 100X for Iron Man 3, than he was for Iron Man 1. (500K for Iron Man 1 vs. 50 Million for Iron Man 3. - source
The actor who played the scientist from "In a cave with a box of scraps" scene in Iron Man was Ralphie from A Christmas Story. He was also one of the executive producers of the film. - source
The actor who played Ralphie in "A Christmas Story" was the executive producer of "Iron Man"
Black Sabbath's Iron Man is about a man who goes to the future and sees the destruction of the world. When returning to his own time to warn people he is turned into iron and thus mocked. He decides to destroy the world bringing about the end he tried to prevent. - source
When iron man dies?
Time magazine had been naming a "Man of the Year" since 1927, but broke with tradition in 1982 to name the computer the "Machine of the Year". Ironically, the writer of the story wrote it on a typewriter, since Time's newsroom would not get computers for another year.
How iron man dies in comics?
Guardian of the Galaxy Groot was one of Stan Lee's first creations at Marvel (and originally a villain)predating Spider-Man and most of the Avengers, including the Hulk, Iron Man, and Thor
In 2009, Robert Downey Jr. was detained at a Japanese airport and held for 6 hours after authorities ran his passport and saw he’d failed to mention his previous convictions. He was eventually allowed to attend the ‘Iron Man’ premiere on the terms that he “never returned to Japan again.”
There was no script for the first Iron Man movie with Robert Downey Jr. Co-star Jeff Bridges claims that Downey and director Jon Favreau would improvise and create each day's scenes.
On October 6, 1909, Vancouver revealed its first Auto Ambulance and was taken on a test drive, when it ran over and almost instantly killed a wealthy man from Austin, Texas. Ironically, this man was the first person the ambulance picked up.