India Pakistan facts
While investigating facts about India Pakistan News and India Pakistan War, I found out little known, but curios details like:
During World War II King George VI was at war with Germany as the King of the UK, but as King of Ireland he was also at peace with Germany and validated the credentials of German ambassadors. After WWII he was at war with himself as King of India and separately King of Pakistan.
how india pakistan divided?
Neerja Bhanot, a 22 year old Indian air hostess who helped hide 41 American passports aboard a hijacked plane. She died shielding three children from gunfire and was posthumously awarded bravery medals from India, Pakistan, and the United States.
Why are india and pakistan at war 2019?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the name of india and pakistan border. Here are 50 of the best facts about India Pakistan Match and India Pakistan Border I managed to collect.
why are india and pakistan at war?
Norman Borlaug, "the man who saved a billion lives" by creating a new type of wheat that was highly productive and resistant to the weather - it saved Mexico, India and Pakistan from famine.
In 1947, India and Pakistan still had British Officers in their armies. When the first Indo-Pakistan War broke out, they commanded troops on both sides, and regularly corresponded via telephone.
France has done more nuclear weapons testing than the UK, China, Pakistan, India and North Korea combined
India has one of the world's only No First Use (NFU) nuclear doctrines, which dictates that India will only deploy nuclear weapons in the event of a nuclear attack on India occurring first. Pakistan has an active first use nuclear policy.
Coca-Cola made a vending machine exclusive to India and Pakistan called a "Small World Machine" where users in opposite countries are rewarded with a drink for cooperating with each other
Smoking dead scorpions has become the latest drug craze in Pakistan and India, where it has been discovered to be an intoxicant.
A pigeon was held in India and kept under police guard on allegation of spying for Pakistan
During World War II, the British Government covered the Taj Mahal with Bamboo scaffoldings to protect it from German Bombers. This was done again during 1965 and 1971, when India were involved in conflicts with Pakistan.
Coca-Cola created a campaign to promote unity between India and Pakistan by using high-end vending machines which allowed people in both countries to communicate with each other in real-time.
India Pakistan data charts
For your convenience take a look at India Pakistan figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why india pakistan fight?
You can easily fact check why india pakistan partition by examining the linked well-known sources.
The top 5 contributors to UN Peacekeepers, by no. of troops, are: Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Rwanda and Nepal.
The Kargil war in 1999 between India and Pakistan is the only war ever between two countries where both have weapons of mass destruction. - source
India once arrested a pigeon on suspicion of spying for Pakistan and held it under armed guard. - source
The largest surrender since ww2 occurred when Pakistan surrendered 93,000 troops and half of the country to India during India-Pakistan war of 1971.The other half later became what is known today as Bangladesh.
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In Pakistan and India smoking scorpions to get high is a growing trend. The high lasts about 10 hours, with the first 6 being quite painful. Addicts of scorpion smoking describe it as more addictive than heroin, saying the hallucinations make “Everything appears like it is dancing.”
How india pakistan separated?
A group of Hindus and Sikhs, who were forced out of Pakistan to India after the borders were drawn, now take care of, using the conventional Muslim tradition, the ornate Muslim graves and shrine originally maintained by the Muslims who were forced out of India into Pakistan during the same time.
In the Battle of Longewala,1971, India consisting of just 120 soldiers and a few jets defeated pakistan which had 2000 troops and 45 tanks.Only 2 indian soldiers were killed while 200+ pakistani soldiers died.
In the Battle of Asal Uttar (1965 Indo-Pakistan war), the Indian army let the Pakistan army think they had retreated, and then flooded the sugarcane fields they camping in overnight, causing the Pakistan tanks sink into the mud. The Pakistan army lost 100 tanks against India’s 10.
Cyril Radcliffe was given just five weeks to decide on a border between India and Pakistan. Before his appointment, he had never visited India and knew no one there.
Half the world's population lives in just six countries: China, India, the USA, Brazil, Pakistan and Indonesia.