Honey Bee facts
While investigating facts about Honey Bees For Sale and Honey Bee Lyrics, I found out little known, but curios details like:
NYC beekeepers noticed their bees making red honey, which led to an investigation that ultimately exposed the city's largest marijuana farm in the basement of a Brooklyn cherry factory
how honey bees make honey?
Honey bees aren't native to North America. When they arrived from Europe they spread out faster than the colonists, and Native Americans considered the appearance of the "white man's fly" to indicate the approach of European settlers
What honey bees do?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what honey bees look like. Here are 50 of the best facts about Honey Bee Sting and Honey Bee Movie I managed to collect.
what honey bees eat?
Bees can be blue. Xylocopa Caerulea is a naturally blue carpenter bee from Southeast Asia. They are non aggressive and their honey is as thick as peanut butter
Honey Bees make decisions collectively--and democratically. Every year, faced with the life-or-death problem of choosing and traveling to a new home, honeybees stake everything on a process that includes collective fact-finding, vigorous debate, and consensus building, literally
When Male honey bees mate, their penises explode and they die. During the queen's nuptial flight, she'll mate with about a dozen partners and leave a trail of their dead, penisless corpses in her wake.
The Yao tribe in Africa uses the Greater Honeyguide bird to help them find bees. They have learned how to communicate with the birds, with a "Brrr-Hm" grunt, that the birds know mean "lets go find honey"
Archaeologists routinely find edible honey in ancient Egyptian tombs - the stuff never spoils, due to extremely low water-content, very low pH, and hydrogen peroxide (made by an enzyme in the bees' stomachs).
Honey bees ejaculate so forcefully that their penises explode. This kills the honey bee.
“telling the bees”, a European custom in which bees would be told of important events in their keeper’s lives, such as births or marriages. If the custom was forgotten then it was believed the bees would leave the hive or stop producing honey.
There were at least seven types of alcoholic beverages in the Americas before European contact. One of them is made from pineapple, and another is made from the honey of a domesticated stingless bee.
The larger a bee hive grows, the more efficient it becomes. A hive containing 30,000 bees produces 150% more honey than two hives of 15,000.
Killer bees are not natural and were created by scientists trying to increase honey production.
Honey Bee data charts
For your convenience take a look at Honey Bee figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why honey bees make honey?
You can easily fact check why honey bees die after stinging by examining the linked well-known sources.
Two tablespoons of honey would be enough to fuel a bee's entire flight around the world.
A French beekeeper trained bees to produce honey out of resin from marijuana plants - source
General Mills cereal company removed the bee from boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios to raise awareness of declining bee populations - source
The Himalayan Honey Bee, largest of the honey bees, makes a hallucinogenic honey that tribes collect
Honey bees initially have up to 21 virgin queen bees, who fight to the death until there is only one. - source
When honey bee bite?
Honey bees that return to the hive drunk are punished. The punishment ranges from leg biting to complete leg loss, for repeat offenders.
How honey bee produce honey?
There is a specied of bird called "Honeyguide" (in Africa) that reponds to humans' calls by guiding the humans to wild bees' hive, waiting until the humans have smoked out the bees and felled the tree with the hive and harvested the honey, and feed on the wax in the leftover bees' hive.
When male honey bees mate, their penises explode and they die. During the queen's nuptial flight, she'll mate with about a dozen partners and leave a trail of dead, penisless bees in her wake.
According to Egyptian mythology, when the ancient Egyptian sun god Re cried, his tears turned into honey bees upon touching the ground.
When a male honey bee has sex, its testicles explode and the bee dies
Honey bee's will only die after stinging mammals with thick skin, but can freely sting other insects such a spiders.