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Hogweed Plant facts

While investigating facts about Hogweed Plant Burns and Hogweed Plant Uk, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A plant called giant hogweed. Its sap is extremely phototoxic. If you touch the sap and are then exposed to UV rays it will produce severe caustic burns. These chemicals are also known to bond with your DNA and kill it.

how to destroy hogweed plant?

First signs of dermatitis appear 1 to 3 days after contact with sap. Usually 48 hours later, large, dark blisters arise. They turn into brown scars after couple of days. Scars remain on the skin from couple of months to 6 years. Skin remains sensitive to the sun for years after contact with giant hogweed.

What does a hogweed plant look like?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what plant looks like hogweed. Here are 24 of the best facts about Hogweed Plant Images and Hogweed Plant Pictures I managed to collect.

what is hogweed plant?

  1. Giant hogweed produces 100 000 winged, oval seeds. Animals, rain and wind facilitate seed dispersal. Seed is able to germinate even after 10 years of dormancy.

  2. Before people became aware of the hazardous effect of this plant, they were planting it as food for bees.

  3. Giant hogweed is a towering, invasive plant with toxic sap that burns the skin and eyes upon contact.

  4. Sap extracted from the leaves, stem, root, flowers and seed contains toxic chemicals known as furanocoumarins. These substances induce strong reaction on the human skin known as phytophotodermatitis (light-induced skin irritation). Plant's sap destroys natural defensive mechanisms which protect skin from the negative effects of the sun (more precisely of the UV rays). As a result, large burns and blisters appear on the skin.

  5. Giant hogweed is perennial plant that can survive from 5 to 7 years in the wild.

  6. Giant hogweed can grow to the height of 15 to 20 feet.

  7. Giant hogweed blooms once in a lifetime. Flowers can be seen from spring to midsummer.

  8. Dried seed of giant hogweed is used as spice in Iranian cuisine.

  9. Skin needs to be rinsed with water immediately after contact with giant hogweed to prevent seriousness of the reaction. Also, affected person needs to avoid sun exposure.

  10. Plant is scientifically known as "Heracleum" due to large dimensions and strength. Same characteristics were used to describe Greek's hero Hercules.

hogweed plant facts
What is giant hogweed plant?

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Sap of giant hogweed induces temporary or permanent blindness when it comes in contact with eyes.

Giant hogweed has thick green stem covered with purple blotches and white hairs.

Giant hogweed has thick green leaves that are lobed and toothed on the edges. They can reach 5 feet in diameter. Leaf stalks are covered with white hairs.

The Giant Hogweed, a plant native to Asia, but taken to Europe as an ornamental plant, has sap which is phototoxic, and exposure to it and sunlight can cause blisters, scars, and blindness. It has been increasingly spotted in North America, as well.

Giant hogweed produces white flowers arranged in terminal inflorescence known as umbel. Flower head can reach 2.5 feet in diameter.

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Rock band Genesis, wrote a song "The Return of the Giant Hogweed" in 1971. Song describes negative influence of the plant and inability of people to eradicate it.

How to identify hogweed plant?

About Hogweed. A plant with poisonous sap that acts like anti-sunscreen and the effect can last for years.

Sap from the giant hogweed plant and sunlight cause 3rd degree burns.

Sosnowsky's hogweed is called 'Stalin's revenge' because it's an highly invasive plant that is difficult to eradicate. In 1947 during Stalin's rule it was thought be a great silage plant, therefore it was brought to the Baltic States, Ukraine, and Poland.

The hogweed plant can transmit photo cytotoxins that cause 3rd degree burns and can last up to a decade, being re-activated by sunlight.

The sap of the Giant Hogweed plant can cause serious burns to skin and may result in blistering and scarring.

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If You See This Giant Hogweed Plant, Do Not Touch It - Saving Advice

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Hogweed Plant. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Hogweed Plant so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor