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Highly Valued facts

While investigating facts about Highly Valued Thing Crossword and Highly Valued Or Regarded, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Asphalt pavements are America's most recycled product. Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) can be recycled into pavement that is as high, or even higher, in quality as pavements made of all-virgin materials. And, the same material can be recycled again and again; it never loses its value.

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McDonald's Monopoly was actually rigged for many years. The man who oversaw the distribution of game peices would give high value ones to friends and split the reward.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is highly valued contribution in wipro. Here are 50 of the best facts about Highly Valued Thing Crossword Clue and Highly Valued Synonym I managed to collect.

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  1. Every year Louis Vuitton burns all their left over handbags and accessories to preserve the high-class nature of the brand and it’s value

  2. For $170 per person per year, a hotel mogul turned around a rough Orlando neighborhood - cutting crime in half, multiplying property values and raising the high school graduation rate from 25% to nearly 100% by offering to pay full tuition for anyone who graduated and wanted to attend college.

  3. The "IKEA bias"makes you place a disproportionately high value on stuff you partially assemble yourself, regardless of the quality of the end result.

  4. The Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp acts like the medic of any saltwater aquarium. Many fish value its services so highly that they even allow the Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp to clean inside of their mouths without harming the shrimp.

  5. The Golden Age of Porn (1969.-1984.), when pornografic movies were regurarly shown in mainstream cinemas, had high production value and were dicussed by distinguished film critics, including Roger Ebert

  6. There is an Ikea effect in which a person places a disproportionately high value on objects that they partially assembled themselves, regardless of the quality of the end result.

  7. In 1739 a 16 year old girl in South Carolina was instrumental in creating an economy accounting for 1/3 the value of the colony's output pre-Revolution. George Washington held her in such high esteem, upon her death he travelled to Philadelphia to be one of her pallbearers.

  8. Because salt was so highly valued in the ancient world, the modern word for "salary" is derived from the latin word for salt.

  9. Tiffany won't buy back its own diamonds because they're sold at such a high margin that it would "undercut the widely held notion that diamonds go up in value."

  10. During the early penicillin era, the drug was so scarce and so highly valued that it became common to collect the urine from patients being treated, so that the penicillin in the urine could be isolated and reused

highly valued facts
What was highly valued in heian society?

Why is kuwaiti dinar so highly valued?

You can easily fact check why is sportsmanship highly valued by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 1992 Australia removed their one and two cent coins from circulation due to inflation reducing their value and the high cost of bronze. After removal, the coins were melted down and used to make the bronze medals for the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney.

Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani owns the world's second most expensive residence in the world, a 27-storey high building containing 21 elevators, 600 staff and 37,000 m2 (400,000 sq ft) of living space. The residence is valued at more than US$ 1 billion. - source

Besides its aroma, basil has high nutritional value. Basil is rich source of vitamins A, B6, C and K and minerals such as iron, manganese and magnesium.

Onion is rich source of vitamin C, manganese, potassium and phosphorus. It has low caloric value and high content of dietary fibers.

Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe got so bad, and the currency was worth so little that the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe issued bank notes with values as high as One Hundred Trillion Zimbabwean Dollars. - source

When something is highly valued?

The second national park located along the Argentine Sea was Monte Leon National Park, established in 2004. It contains several paleontological sites considered to be of high value as well as important archaeological sites. It is considered to be in a good state of conservation. It is 165,000 acres in size.

How to be highly valued?

The 1957 Chevrolet's image has been frequently used in toys, graphics, music, movies, and television. Restored original examples are increasingly rare and the the value of a meticulously restored '57 Chevrolet convertible has been as high as $100,000

Due to its high nutritional value, barley is important part of human diet. It is mostly used as an ingredient of breakfast cereals or in the form of flour. In the food industry, barley is used as soup thickener.

The annual value of the global fishing industry for tuna is $7.2 Billion, which has seen its population drop 70% since 1980. Now it is highly threatened to be extinct. About 3/4 of them are consumed in Sushi and Sashimi markets in Japan.

Mining iron ore is a high volume low margin business because the value of iron is predominately lower than other base metals. As a result, iron ore production is largely concentrated into the hands of a few major extractors, with Australia being the largest.

Mark Twain reviled Cuban cigars:"I dread high-priced Havanas with a fancy label; a label which augments the price of the cigar twenty-seven degrees beyond its value. I have accepted tons of those; and given them to the poor. It's not that I hate the poor but that I do not wish to waste anything.

Interesting facts about highly valued

Mother birds eat their babies' poop because newly hatched birds have underdeveloped digestive systems, so their poop has high nutritional value.

Gold was in use by ancient civilizations and already was highly valued at that time.

Humans, unique among primates, have stomach pH values closer to carrion feeders than to most carnivores and omnivores. In light of the number of pathogens that infect and kill humans, natural selection may have favored high stomach acidity because of its role in pathogen prevention.

Dactylis has high nutritional value. It is rich source of sugar, fibers and proteins. Dactylis can provide equal amount of nutrients as alfalfa, trefoil and many types of clover.

If you combine less valuable things with highly valuable things, the receiver tends to average the value rather than perceive them as combined value. This is called The Presenter’s Paradox.

How were knights highly valued in medieval society?

Alfalfa is cultivated mainly as animal fodder due to high protein content and good nutritional value. Hay or fresh alfalfa is used as food for horses, sheep, cows and goats.

The word "salary" comes from the Latin "sal" meaning salt because in ancient times salt was so highly valued that it was used as currency

Melons have high nutritional value. They are rich source of vitamin C, vitamins of the B group, and minerals such as potassium, manganese, iron and phosphorus.

Aboriginal culture places high value and importance on dance, storytelling, ceremony, and painting.

The San aboriginals are still highly valued today for their ability to track, which helps in the fight to stop poachers from illegally murdering animals.

The Sheriff's Office in Hillsborough auctions its high-value seized materials through a vendor called "Steal It Back"

A high school student wrote a letter to Steve Jobs requesting a discount to purchase Apple software for a school video project. In response, Steve Jobs arranged to have Apple's entire professional editing suite (valued at $1300) sent to the student for free.

The discovery of new species of fungi occurs at a very high rate, with an estimated value of 800 new species registered annually.

Mangosteen is often labeled as 'superfruit" due to high content of antioxidants (substances which prevent cell damage) and because of its high nutritional value.

Salt was once a highly valued trade item and considered a form of currency

About Velben Good(s). Luxury or nonessential items who demand a high price based on rarity & perceived value as a status symbol. I.e. fashion, cars, sporting memorabilia, et cetera.

The American artist, JSG Boggs, is famous for drawing highly detailed, whimsical copies of US banknotes. Very valuable and highly collectible, these "Boggs Bills" are often in circulation, spent at face value by the artist, at places that aren't familiar with his work.

Pale skin is valued so much in China that many women wear nylon "facekini" masks at the beach to prevent getting a suntan. The masks are so weird that they've now made their way into high fashion photoshoots.

British education, administration, scholarship of Indian history and biased literature all led to the effective 'colonization' of the Indian mind with European values. This led some Indians wanting to conform their religious practices and moral values to Victorian ideas of "high" civilization

Beetroot has high nutritional value. Besides high content of sugar, beetroot is rich source of vitamins B6 and B9 and minerals such as iron, magnesium and potassium.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Highly Valued. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Highly Valued so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor