Highest Ranking facts
While investigating facts about Highest Ranking Military Officer and Highest Ranking General, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Winston Churchill, along with many of the Royal Navy's highest ranking men, came very close to death after the ship they were on was fired at by a U-boat with 3 torpedoes. All three struck the hull of the ship, but all failed to explode.
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Mark Felt; the Watergate scandal whistleblower known as "Deep Throat." As deputy director, he was the second highest ranking official in the entire FBI at the time he was leaking critical information which led to the resignation of Richard Nixon in 1974.
What is the highest ranking in the military?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the highest ranking in the army. Here are 50 of the best facts about Highest Ranking Hindu Caste and Highest Ranking Marine I managed to collect.
who was the highest-ranking nazi leader tried at nuremberg?
The Germans wouldn't fire at the king of Belgium out of respect for him being the highest ranking man on the front
The highest-ranking Billboard 200 death metal album of all time is from the virtual band Dethklok from the show Metalocalpyse. Frontman and co-creator Brendan Small performs the vocals, lead and rhythm guitars, keyboard, and bass in recordings; in the show he voices most of the main characters.
The town of Harrogate, UK has been ranked as the highest per capita hazardous drinkers and pornography watchers in Britain, but also the happiest.
East St. Louis, Illinois is not only one of the most violent cities in the United States, but it consistently ranks among the world's most dangerous cities. In 2014 the murder rate of the City was higher than that of Honduras, the country with the highest murder rate in the world.
Travis Kalanick, the CEO and co-founder of Uber, has the 2nd highest Wii Tennis ranking in the world
The highest-ranking death metal album of all time on the Billboard 200 is Dethalbum III by the virtual band Dethklok from Adult Swim's Metalocalpyse.
James Stewart is the highest-ranking actor in military history (Brigadier General). He was World War II and Vietnam War Veteran and Licensed Commercial Pilot. In 1996, he was due to have the battery in his pacemaker changed, but opted not to, preferring to let things happen naturally.
Despite being a Major General, 56, and needing a cane to walk, Theodore Roosevelt Jr was one of the first troops to land at Utah Beach, personally doing a recon mission and directing units onto their objectives under fire. He was both the oldest and highest ranking man to land with first wave.
Pan Am Flight 121, which crashed in the Syrian desert in 1948. Gene Roddenberry (future creator of Star Trek) was the highest-ranked surviving crew member and took command of rescue and relief efforts.
The real life 'Charlie' from Top Gun went on to become the highest ranking female Pentagon official in US history.
Highest Ranking data charts
For your convenience take a look at Highest Ranking figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Reason why human is classified as the highest ranking in animals?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Top Gun's Charlie was based on Christine Fox, a mathematician who worked at the Center for Naval Analyses, just accross the street from the Navy's Topgun School. In 2013 she became the Defense Department's acting Deputy Secretary, making her the highest ranking female in the DoD's history
After the highest-ranking defector from the Eastern Bloc, a 3-star general in the secret police of Romania, arrived in US, a bounty of 2 mil was placed on him. Yasser Arafat and Muammar al-Gaddafi set a 1 mil reward each. Additionally, Carlos the Jackal was hired. Gen. Pacepa still lives. - source
The highest ranking and rarest military decoration in ancient Rome was a crown made of grass. It was awarded to officers whose actions saved an entire legion, or an entire army, and was made up of only grass, wheat, and flowers. - source
The father of French author Alexandre Dumas (The Three Musketeers, etc.) was simultaneously born into slavery & nobility & became the highest ranking person of color of all time in a European Army.
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The finance minister of Latvia is also Woman Grandmaster of chess, the second highest-ranking chess title that exists for women
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It is legal to consume any drug privately in Spain and that the Spanish rank amongst the highest in Europe for cocaine usage.
Thomas-Alexandre Dumas the father of novelist Alexandre Dumas. Was a general in Revolutionary France and the highest-ranking person of color of all time in a European army. He was the first person of color in the French military to become general-in-chief of a French army
In 2015 David Copperfield was ranked the 20th highest-earning celebrity in the world. He's earned more than any solo entertainer in history.
Alexandre Dumas (Author of The Three Musketeers, etc.) was the son of Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, hero of the French Wars of Revolution and the highest ranking officer of African descent ever to serve in a European army
A shotgun to the head has the highest suicide lethality percentage at 99.0% from a study done in 1995 that ranked suicide methods by lethality percentage, time until death, and amount of pain/agony
Highest ranking infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Highest Ranking numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.