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Hair Blond facts

While investigating facts about Hair Blond, I found out little known, but curios details like:

5-10% of Melanesians (a dark-skinned Pacific Island people) have blonde hair. This is not due to mixture with European populations, but rather due to an independently arising mutation.

About Werner Goldberg, a blond-haired blue-eyed German soldier who was used in Nazi propoganda and recruiting as the "ideal German Soldier". He was later dismissed as he was part Jewish.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Hair Blond I managed to collect.

  1. Dennis Rodman started dying his hair blonde after seeing Wesley Snipes’ character in the movie Demolition Man.

  2. Blond hair in humans developed only 11,000 years ago as an evolutionary response to the lack of sunlight in Northern Europe to enable more Vitamin D synthesis.

  3. Ancient Romans would dye their hair black, because blonde hair was associated with prostitutes or French and German slaves. This trend began declining when Augustus Caesar, who was blonde, became Rome's first emperor.

  4. People on the Solomon Islands have a gene that causes blonde hair, despite their dark skin. This gene is unrelated to the one that causes blondeness in European peoples and evolved independently.

  5. When the Romans returned from France and Germany with blonde slaves, some Roman women tried copying the look by dying their hair blond, only for it to fall out. Instead the women cut off the slaves hair to use as wigs.

  6. The founder of Japan's McDonald's stated, "Japanese people are so short and have yellow skins because they have eaten nothing but fish and rice for two thousand years. If we eat McDonald's hamburgers for a thousand years we will become taller, our skin become white, and our hair blonde."

  7. In 1944, Mary Babnik Brown became the first woman to have her hair used in crosshairs for military aircraft bombsights. The hair had to fit strict criteria such as being blonde, over 22 inches long and never been treated with chemicals or hot irons.

  8. When Barry Allen "died" in the DC Comics, Marvel introduced an amnesiac speedster with blonde hair and red suit who can't remember his name but knows it sounds like "Buried Alien". He was named the "fastest man alive" in his first appearance.

  9. The people of Melanesia independently developed a recessive gene for blond hair. This is distinct from the blond hair gene found in Western populations

  10. "chemo curls", a documented phenomenon that can occur after chemotherapy where one's hair structure can completely change from blonde to dark and/or straight to curly and vise versa.

hair blond facts
What are the best facts about Hair Blond?

What is true about hair blond?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

There are Pacific Islanders with black skin and blond hair who's DNA is the only type in the world to show more of a link to Denisovans than Neanderthals.

Redheads are more sensitive to pain because of a mutation in a gene that affects hair color and require, on average, about 20 percent more general anesthesia than people with dark hair or blond coloring. - source

Blond hair in humans developed only 11,000 years ago as an evolutionary response to the lack of sunlight in Northern Europe to enable more Vitamin D synthesis. - source

When Robin Wright showed up at Rob Reiner's house to meet William Goldman, the door opened and "[Wright] was standing there in this little white summer dress, with her long blonde hair, and she had a halo from the sun. She was backlit by God. And Bill Goldman… said, 'Well, that's what I wrote.'"

There is a town in China where some people have Caucasian-like physical traits, such as Aquiline noses, blond or light-colored hair, blue or green eyes, and fairer skin tone, leading some people to create myths of them being descended from a lost legion of Romans. - source

Aboriginal Australians, especially in the west-central parts of the continent, have a high frequency of natural blond-to-brown hair, with as many as 90–100% of children having blond hair in some areas.

A gypsy boxer in Nazi Germany was threatened by the Nazis to throw his next match. He came into that match with his hair dyed blonde and with whiteface. He took blows for five rounds like he was asked before collapsing. The boxers name was Johann Trollmann

Elvis was a natural blonde. He started to dye his hair at a young age to have an edgier look.

When the legions that conquered Gaul returned with blond slaves, Roman women tried to lighten their hair. However, the substances often caused hair loss, so they resorted to wigs made from the captives’ hair.

The largest found ancient Egyptian cemetery had 54% blondes and redheads, with 87% light hair when light brown is included

Redheads typically have the least amount of hair with 90,000 hairs on average, while blondes generally have the most hair with an average of 150,000 hairs

Interesting facts about hair blond

Only two percent of people in the world have natural blond hair.

Den Fujita who opened the first McDonald's in Japan believed if the Japanese ate McDonald's hamburgers and potatoes for one thousand years it would make the people taller, have white skin and turn their hair blonde.

Some indigenous Pacific Islanders have dark skin and naturally blond hair, and the blond hair is a separate genetic variant not due to genetic heritage from Europeans

Ever since a brand of jeans called "gurls" has started selling in Japan in the 70s with the slogan "I can't live without men", a whole subculture named "gyaru" has evolved consisting of women that dye their hair blonde, apply excessive makeup and excessively tan their skin.

Jupiter, Apollo, Mars, Aurora, Bacchus, Ceres, Diana, Mercury, Minerva and Venus are all blondes. Augustus, founder of the Roman Empire, who had blonde hair, used this to his advantage by claiming divine ancestry.

L during world war 2, mary babnik brown became the first woman to have her hair used in the crosshairs of bombers. her hair fit all the criteria, such as being blonde, never been treated with chemicals or hot irons, and be more that 22 inches long(her hair was 34 inches long, down to her knees)

Lemon juice is used for lighting of blonde hair and for the cleaning of the skin (in the form of facial mask).

European women are twice as likely to have blonde hair than men and researchers don't know why.

In Scotland, 10% of the population have red hair and approximately 35% carry the recessive redhead gene. In Ireland as many as 10% of the population have red, auburn, or strawberry blond hair. It is thought that up to 46% of the Irish population carry the recessive redhead gene.

Homemade chamomile tea can be used for lighting of the blond hair.

The disappearing blonde gene was a hoax about how a scientific study had estimated that natural blonds would become extinct, repeated as fact in reputable media such as the BBC and the Sunday Times between 2002 and 2006. Claims that blond hair would disappear have been made since 1865

Princess Peach has blonde hair and a pink dress, with eyes that were designed to be somewhat catlike.

The NFL team Washington Redskins cited US patented brands such as Dumb Blond beer, Midget-Man condoms, Oh! My Nappy Hair shampoo, and Take Yo Panties Off clothing when a federal judge ordered the cancellation of their federal trademark registrations for disparaging Native Americans.

Vikings preferred blond hair and they often bleached their hair with special soap that is believed to have helped fight head lice as well.

There's a syndrome called Bullerby Syndrom, that is referring to an idealization of Sweden, which consists of a stereotype image of Sweden with usually positive associations, including Wooden houses, Clear lakes, green forests, mooses, People with blond hair, Happy people and midsummer Sunshine

The most common hair color is black. Only 2% of the population worldwide has blonde hair and only 1% of the world's population has red hair.

Blonde people have more hair than dark haired people and red haired people have the least (150,000, 100,000 & 90,000 Respectively)

Elvis Presley naturally had blond hair, but he dyed his hair black to achieve an edgier look.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Hair Blond. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Hair Blond so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor