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Ha Ha facts

While investigating facts about Halong Bay Cruise and Ha Ha Clinton Dix, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The “ah-choo” sound people make when sneezing is a cultural learned behavior. For example, in the Phillipines they instead say “ha-ching”, the Japanese say “hakashun”, and deaf people don’t add any sounds at all.

ha ha how song?

Killing Fields, a movie about the Cambodian Genocide, starred Haing Ngor, an actual genocide survivor. Co-star John Malkovich defended Ngor's lack of prior acting experience, saying he had to be a pretty good actor to survive the Khmer Rouge. Ngor went on to win an Oscar for his performance.

What is a brew ha ha?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is ha ha tonka. Here are 50 of the best facts about Ha Hasi Ban Gaye and Ha Ha Tonka State Park I managed to collect.

what is a ha ha wall?

  1. In Thai, the number 5 is pronounced "ha" -- so instead of saying "hahahahaha," Thai speakers will sometimes write "55555."

  2. A recessed landscape design element that creates a vertical barrier while preserving an uninterrupted view of the landscape beyond is called a "ha-ha"

  3. 2 people (Max Martin and Dr. Luke) are the hidden talents crating virtually every single huge pop song. They define the biggest hits of Taylor Swift, Maroon 5, Katy Perry, Pitbull, Miley Cyrus, P!nk, Ariana Grande, Taio Cruz, Kelly Clarkson, Britney Spears, and Ke$ha.

  4. Matt Groening was once subjected to a strip-search by airport security who considered him a suspicious character. As he was led away, a little boy said, "Ha, ha!" just like Nelson on The Simpsons. Groening found the boy's mockery the most irritating thing about the entire incident.

  5. The American gangster John Dillinger escaped from jail with a wooden pistol. After whittling it in his cell, in March 1934 he used the fake weapon to intimidate 33 people before getting a real machine gun. "Ha, ha, ha! And I did all this with a wooden gun!" he bragged while leaving.

  6. Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha! in Quebec, Canada, is the only town in the world with two exclamation points in its name.

  7. A doctor named Haing S. Ngor survived the Cambodian Genocide by concealing his education, profession, and the fact he wore glasses. With no acting experience, he went on to star in The Killing Fields and won an Oscar. He was murdered in 1996 for reasons that are still unclear.

  8. About Haing S. Ngor - a Cambodian doctor who was sent to a Khmer Rouge concentration camp in 1975, was tortured for 4 years, escaped in 1979, won an Oscar in 1985, wrote an acclaimed memoir in 1988, started a charity in 1990, and was murdered by an LA gang in 1996.

  9. In India there are 29 caves joined together which are filled with paintings from over 3 religions(Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism), which were constructed in 520 BCE and has a size of 8,242 ha, making it one of the largest man-made cave structures ever built

ha ha facts
What is the meaning of ha ha ha?

What is true about ha ha?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 1972, Col. John Ripley under intense unrelenting enemy fire, dangled for 3 hours under the Dong Ha bridge in order to attach 500 pounds of explosives to the span, ultimately obliterating it. His action, under enemy fire, thwarted an onslaught by 20,000 troops

Thai people type "555" to mean "LOL" because 5 sounds like "ha" in Thai - source

A mountain named "Chinaman's Peak" was renamed to "Ha Ling Peak" because it was seen as derogatory. Ha Ling was the first to climb it and had named it himself.

The hidden messages "Don't tell Brain I hid this secret message. Ha ha! Narf!" (0:17) and "I know about your silly secret message, Pinky." (0:42), are in the opening of 'Pinky and the Brain'. - source

When i go ha ha ha ha?

The ha-ha, a sunken wall designed to keep out livestock while maintaining an unbroken view. It's name relates to the surprise people expressed when seeing the unexpected wall


While Ke$ha was in rehab she asked fans to send her teeth. She got over 1000 human teeth and she made it into a bra top, and a headdress, earrings, and necklaces.

The video for A-ha's most famous track "Take on Me" is only part one of a visual & story trilogy - with the video for "The Sun Always Shines on TV" and "Train of Thought" continuing the story.

They use 555 instead of lol in Thailand. That's because five is ha in Thai so 555 is hahaha.

"555" is the Thai variation of "LOL". "5" in Thai is pronounced "ha", three of them being "hahaha".

A-Ha's keyboardist loved the viral literal version of the Take On Me music video, calling it "amazing" and saying "the lyrics make so much more sense than the one we have."

Interesting facts about ha ha

A Ha-ha is a landscaping feature that creates a vertical barrier while still preserving the landscape.

Ha Ling Peak in Canada was originally called "Chinaman" peak after a Chinese cook in 1896 was bet he couldn't summit the peak, plant a flag and return in under 10hrs. The name was changed in 1997 for obvious reasons.

The Black Friday bushfires in Australia were among the worst natural bushfires in the world. It burnt 2,000,000 ha of land, 71 people died and several towns were completely destroyed.

There's a canadian village called Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha! that is the only municipality in the world that has two exclamation marks in its name

London has some strange street names including Quaggy Walk, Cyclops Mews, Uamvar Street, Hooker's Road, and Ha Ha Road.

Ha ha how about no?

There are only two towns in the world with exclamation marks in their official names: "Westward Ho!" in England, and "Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha!" in Canada.

Prior to being named the Colorado River, this river was known by several different names including Xakxwet, Aha Kwahwat, Ha Tay G"am Sil Gsvgov, Hakhwata, Rio del Tizon and Rio Colorado.

There are actual places in Canada named Punkeydoodles Corner, Pinchgut Tickle, Saint-Louis-du-Ha!-Ha! and Man Drowned Himself Lake

Tulips in the 1600's became extremely valuable (as valuable as 12 acres/5 ha of land) before the price crashed in just a few weeks and they became worthless

The Flaming Lips released a vinyl that was filled with blood from other artists such as Ke$ha and Coldplay's Chris Martin

The peak of Mt Chimborazo in Ecuador is the point farthest from the Earth's center because of the Earth's shape. So all those people summiting Mt Everest all these years haven't actually been on top of the world. HA!

The longest surveyed caves in the world include Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, Sistema Sac Actun/ Sistema Dos Ojos in Mexico, Jewel Cave in South Dakota, Sistema Ox Bel Ha in Mexico, and Optymistychna Cave in Ukraine.

Steve Barron, the director of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film, also directed many essential music videos of the 80s, including those for Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean," Dire Straits' "Money for Nothing," and a-ha's "Take On Me"

JetBlue airlines names all of their aircraft. The names are all puns on the words “Blue” and “Mint” such as “ha-Blue Español” and “Minterial Girl”.

The US Embassy in Baghdad is 104 acres (42 ha), and is the largest and most expensive embassy in the world, and is nearly as large as Vatican City.

In 1972, Marine Corps Captain John Walter Ripley braved enemy fire alone to wire up and demolish the strategic Dong Ha bridge in Vietnam, turned back a force of 200 tanks and 20,000 North Vietnamese troops that been rushing south to seize the vital city of Hue.

About Destruction Island. A small 30-acre (12 ha) island near the coast of state Washington. It got it's name after two shore parties where brutally slaughtered by native Indians in 1775 and 1787. After three ships wrecked in 1889 the "Destruction Island Light" was constructed.

A no.2 hit in the UK, "O Superman" was over 8mins long, and consisted largely of just the word 'ha' repeated over and over, with a few synthesized lyrics over the top.

In 2012 Ke$ha collected the teeth of her fans to create a bra

Ha-ha and he-he and ho-ho have all been used to write out laughs in English for centuries, but ha-ha has been the most popular since the early 19th century

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Ha Ha. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Ha Ha so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor