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Guinea Worm facts

While investigating facts about Guinea Worm Disease and Guinea Worm Removal, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Dr. Donald Hopkins. He helped eradicate Smallpox, and is on the verge of killing another disease. He's taken Guinea Worm Disease down from 3.5 million cases a year to just 28 cases last year.

how guinea worm is transmitted?

After President Carter retired, he started an effort to eradicate the Guinea Worm, which infected millions of people with worms that slowly and painfully burrow out of the body over 3 months. By 2001, the infection rate was reduced by 98%, with 80% of the remaining cases in the Sudan warzone.

What is guinea worm disease?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what causes guinea worm. Here are 19 of the best facts about Guinea Worm Eradication and Guinea Worm Pictures I managed to collect.

what guinea worm means?

  1. Former U.S President Jimmy Carter helped to reduce the Guinea Worm Disease cases from 3.5 million to 126. This disease is now at the brink of extinction.

  2. The Guinea Worm. In 1986, it infected 3.5 million people . Now it is down to 2 cases in 2016. It stands to be the second globally eradicated infectious disease in history, after smallpox.

  3. Jimmy Carter played a major role in eliminating guinea-worm disease - a parasite that is drank, and then burrows out of your body in the form of a worm.

  4. The symbol for medicine, and the "fiery serpents" from the Old Testament are most likely Guinea Worms. The worm causes a burning sensation-hence fiery serpent, and is extracted by being wrapped around a stick-hence the symbol

  5. Guinea fowl eats different types of worms, insects, reptiles, spiders, berries, seed, tubers, roots and grains. It can survive prolonged period of time without water.

  6. That, over the last 25 years, the Carter Center has nearly eradicated Guinea Worm worldwide: from 3.5 million cases to less than 200 last year.

  7. Dracunculiasis is a disease in which a Guinea worm emerges through a blister in the skin about a year after infection. This worm is removed over the course of a few weeks by rolling it over a stick. They can grow up to a meter long.

  8. The standard written treatment for removing Guinea worms has not changed since c. 1550 BC.

  9. Dr. Donald Hopkins. He helped eradicate Smallpox, and is on the verge of killing another disease. He's taken Guinea Worm Disease down from 3.5 million cases a year to just 28 cases last year.

guinea worm facts
What are the symptoms of guinea worm?

Why is guinea worm?

You can easily fact check why might guinea worm infections be prevented by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Guinea worm is "rolled out" of the human body with a stick and this is speculated to be the source for the Rod of Asclepius

The Rod of Asclepius, the serpent-entwined staff associated with healing and medicine may represent the traditional method of treating Guinea worm disease - where worms were slowly pulled out of wounds over a period of hours to weeks and wrapped around a stick. - source

The Fore people of Papua New Guinea used to practice cannibalism in a highly ritualized ceremony. It was considered far more dignified to eat the body of a loved one than to bury them in the ground to be devoured by insects and worms instead. They viewed burial as synonymous with neglect. - source

The larvae of the tumba fly pop out of dogs' flesh when it is squeezed, while fully grown (up to 3 ft) Guinea worms form a blister and can be pulled out slowly from their human hosts

In order to put pressure on Ghana to eradicate Guinea Worm, President Jimmy Carter threatened to rename the disease to "Ghana Worm" The threat worked, and Ghana is now free from the disease. - source

When was guinea worm eradicated in nigeria?

The Rod of Asclepius (Snake around a rod) is a symbol of medical treat likely referring to the removal of the Guinea worm parasite in humans, which involves pulling out the 3 ft. worm by twisting around a stick. Jimmy Carter has spent much of his later life trying to eradicate the worm.

How guinea worm disease is spread?

Jimmy Carter has led a nearly successful effort to annihilate guinea worm

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Guinea Worm. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Guinea Worm so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor