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Growing Beard facts

While investigating facts about Growing Beard, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Growing the beard" is the polar opposite of "Jumping the shark" and describes the moment a TV Series became awesome.

A sailor who wishes to grow a beard in the Royal Navy has to submit a ‘permission to stop shaving’ form. He is then allowed two weeks to ‘grow a full set’ before he presents himself to the Master at Arms who will decide if his beard looks stupid or is respectably full enough to be permitted.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 42 of the best facts about Growing Beard I managed to collect.

  1. A few weeks before Abraham Lincoln was elected president, 11 year old Grace Bedell sent Lincoln a letter encouraging him to grow a beard, writing, "All the ladies like whiskers and they would tease their husbands to vote for you..." By the time of his inauguration, Lincoln had a full beard.

  2. The only rank allowed to grow a beard in the British Army is the Pioneer Sergeant

  3. Being Clean Shaven Was Popularized By Alexander The Great Because He Couldn't Grow A Proper Beard

  4. The more likely a man can grow a beard, the greater the risk he will go bald.

  5. Amish men don't wear wedding rings. Instead they grow their beards out. A married man shaving his beard is like lying about his relationship status.

  6. Some men are getting "facial hair implants" because they can't grow full beards. Plastic surgeons say more men have been getting the surgery in recent years as beards have become trendier.

  7. Facial hair doesn't "stop growing", but rather each follicle has a limited lifespan. People who can grow longer beards have follicles that survive for longer before falling out

  8. A Chassidic rabbi who does not have a beard. A victim of Mengele's experiments, he can no longer grow facial hair and is sterile.

  9. There is a unit of measurement defined as how long the average person's beard grows in a second straightfowardly named the beard-second

growing beard facts
What are the best facts about Growing Beard?

What is true about growing beard?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Ear-hair grows from the 'tragus' because 'tragos' was Greek for goat, and ear-hair resembles a goat's beard. Also, Ancient Athenian actors used to wear goatskin when they acted in serious plays, which is why the plays came to be known as 'the songs of the goat' or 'tragedies'

The US military allows Norse Heathens to grow beards and the Hammer of Thor symbol is allowed on headstones. - source

Some Prussian soldiers who couldn't grow facial hair were required to paint on a mustache or beard. - source

Charles I of England, during his treason trial, let his beard and hair grow long because Parliament had dismissed his barber; and he refused to let anyone else near him with a razor.

Males have bald red head and throat that are covered with small bumps. They develop 9 inches long beard composed of modified feathers that grow from the chest.

A scientific study showed that mens beards grow more when they think about sex. The anonymous paper entitled "Effects of sexual activity on beard growth in men" was published in Nature in 1970

Hadrian was the first Roman Emperor to grow a beard, to cover facial scars. The style was adopted by all Roman Emperors until Constantine.

Male students at Brigham Young University needed a doctor's note to grow a beard up until 2015

The `beard-second`, the length an average beard grows in one second, and the `Sheppey`, the closest distance at which sheep remain picturesque.

At stages of English rule, laws were passed that prevented Irish men and women from doing various activities such as participating in Catholic mass, joining certain religious orders, or holding government positions. One of the more obscure laws however, forbade Irish men from growing beards.

The New York Yankees have a corporate policy that allows employees to grow mustaches, but not beards. This includes all front office, on field staff, coaches, and players.

Interesting facts about growing beard

Amish men grow their beards after Rumspringa and baptism.

During the Trial of Charles I, he let his beard and hair grow long because Parliament had dismissed his barber, and he refused to let anyone else near him with a razor

In Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”, a character answers a question about a beard by saying “I would not have it grow on my chin.” Stage directors still argue over whether the line should be read emphasizing “my” (implying a beard on someone else) or “chin” (implying pubic hair).

Hair ice", also known as "ice wool" or "frost beard" requires a very specific fungus to grow, and will not grow without it. This was only discovered in 2015.

The Guinness World Record of holding the longest talk show belongs to Rabi Lamichhane who stayed live on air a Nepali TV news channel for more than 62 hrs straight. He ate on air and was allowed 5 mins break every hour; he even began growing a beard over the two-and-a-half day program.

If sailor wants to grow a beard in the Royal Navy has to submit a form called the permission to stop shaving form. He is given two weeks, if he can grow a full beard he can keep it.

Wanna grow a beard for 2020 ... Here's how

Male students at BYU have to get a doctors excuse to grow a beard.

A 'Beard-Second' is a valid scientific measurement unit defined as the length at which a beard grows in one second, and is equal to 10 angstroms (10 nanometers)

Male students at Brigham Young University need a doctor's note to grow a beard.

The New York Yankees do not allow their players to grow beards

It's possible to grow a beard if you can't grow one, using a drug called Minoxidil

If a BYU student wants to grow a beard he needs permission from a doctor.

Abe Lincoln deciding to grow his beard out is what kickstarted the game company Milton Bradley's (Candy Land, Connect Four, Twister, Life,) career.

The Council of Toulouse, in 1119, threatened Catholic Priests with excommunication if they “like a layman allowed hair and beard to grow”. So much for Movember..

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Growing Beard. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Growing Beard so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor