Graphic Designers facts
While investigating facts about Graphic Designers, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Queen logo, called the Queen crest, was designed by Freddie Mercury himself, who held a degree in graphic design. The logo combines the zodiac signs of the four band members.
There's a shade of blue that doesn't reproduce on a black and white copy machine or grayscale scan. It's used extensively in the graphic design industry.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Graphic Designers I managed to collect.
In 1992, a team of game developers used a white puffball as a placeholder graphic while they designed their game’s protagonist. They grew fond of the puffball, and decided to keep him rather than replace him with a real character. He became the iconic character Kirby.
Harvey Ball, the graphic designer who designed the yellow smiley face icon in 1963, was only paid $45 for his work. The Smiley Company, which licenses the image, made $419.9 million in 2017.
In Japan, some watermelons are grown into cubes for storing efficiency. This practise was invented by graphic designer Tomoyuki Ono in 1978.
Queen was probably the most educated rock band ever. Freddie Mercury - degree in Art & Graphic Design, Roger Taylor - Biology, John Deacon - Electronics & Brian May - Astrophysics (& recently completed his doctorate after a 30-year hiatus).
The Nike "swoosh" logo was purchased from a graphic designer in 1971 for $35.
Phil Hartman was a successful graphic designer before becoming a comedian, and also helped co-create, along with Paul Reubens, the character of Pee-Wee Herman
Smiley faces were invented in 1963 by a graphics designer from Worcester, MA, named Harvey Ball, to cheer up people at an insurance company (now knows as Hanover Insurance)
While programming the Space Invaders, Tomohiro Nishikado discovered that the processor was able to render the alien graphics faster the fewer were on screen. Rather than design the game to compensate for the speed increase, he decided to keep it as a challenging gameplay mechanism.
The original Nike logo was designed by Carolyn Davidson, a graphic design student whose assistant professor was Phil Knight, Nike's founder. Davidson was asked by Knight to design a logo for his new shoe company. Davidson produced the iconic "Swoosh" and was paid $35.
The “65” in the band “Eiffel 65” came to be when their producer accidentally wrote part of a phone number on the label copy sent to the graphic designer. The mistake wasn’t noticed until the single “Blue” went to print so the band decided to adopt the “65” as part of their official name.
Graphic Designers data charts
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What is true about graphic designers?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Graphic designer Simon Oxley received under $6 for creating the Twitter logo, and gave away the GitHub logo for free
Hugh Hefner put together the first issue of Playboy with the help of Art Paul, a Chicago graphics designer, who created the Rabbit Head logo in an hour - source
The "hamburger button" menu icon, which appears as , was originally designed by Norm Cox for the 1981 Xerox "Star", one of the earliest graphical user interfaces - source
About "Audio Games", games that have minimal or no graphical interface but instead use immersive audio and narration with keyboard controls, being designed for the visually impaired. Genres range from card, puzzle, and adventure games to multiplayer racing, first-person shooter, and adult games.
Before turning to comedy and eventually joining the cast of "Saturday Night Live," Phil Hartman was a graphic designer whose credits include the cover of the '70s classic "Aja" by Steely Dan. - source
'A113' an Easter Egg added in many animated films and shows by alumni of California Institute of the Arts. It's originally the door number to the classroom of first year Graphic Design students.
Comedian Phil Hartman had a first career as a graphic designer. He designed several famous album covers, including Steely Dan's "Aja."
Carolyn Davidson, a then Portland State University graphic design student, created the now globally recognized NIKE Swoosh logo. She was paid $35.
Pulitzer prize winner Art Spiegelman, author of the Holocaust graphic-novel Maus designed the original run of Garbage Pail Kids trading cards
Lorem ipsum text, the place holding text typesetters and graphic designers use, is typically a scrambled section of the 1st-century BC Latin text, De finibus bonorum et malorum, by Cicero, with words altered, added, and removed to make it nonsensical.