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Government Sanctioned facts

While investigating facts about Government Sanctioned Meaning and Government Sanctioned Definition, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There are six million iPhones in Iran, despite them being banned by both the Iranian government and international sanctions.

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Captain Morgan (who the rum is named after) sailed as a legally sanctioned privateer of the British Government to pillage Spanish ships. King George II then knighted Captain Morgan for his efforts.

What does government sanctioned mean?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what kinds of local government are sanctioned by the constitution of virginia. Here are 17 of the best facts about Government Sanctioned Activities To Improve Ecosystems and Government Sanctioned Walk I managed to collect.

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  1. The Canadian government stores hundreds of millions of dollars worth of maple syrup in a government-sanctioned cartel in Quebec.

  2. A Canadian land artist turned 800 acres of his homestead into a work of installation art, converting it to 'intellectual property' and thus protecting it from government-sanctioned use by corporate interests in the creation of an oil pipeline

  3. A fake news story about a 'Cambodian Midget Fighting League' involving a Cambodian government sanctioned event where 42 midgets were mauled by an African lion, was picked up by several major media outlets as a legitimate news story in 2005.

  4. Within weeks of proclaiming the drug overdose crisis to be a public health emergency in 2016, British Columbia implemented dozens of government-sanctioned "overdose prevention sites" around B.C. Since then, thousands of overdoses have been reversed and there have been no deaths at the sites.

  5. Forced sterilization of people with disabilitys is an ongoing practice that remains legal and sanctioned by governments in Australia.

  6. Canada keeps a Global Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve, sanctioned by the government and worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

  7. In Taiwan there is a superstition about "lucky" tampons and pads improving the chances of getting pregnant, which even materialized into a government-sanctioned donation program

  8. About a secretive cold war era government sanctioned hit squad called "The Murder Bureau" stationed in Bulgaria

  9. The 59,409 posts in Delhi government schools, just 33,569 are filled with regular teachers and in one case, the government affidavit states that at Sarvodaya Bal Vidyalaya, Peeragarhi, 57 of its 59 sanctioned posts are vacant.

  10. About Los Frikis, a Cuban punk movement, who purposely infected themselves with HIV in the early 90s. The punks used this method as a way to get sent to government-sanctioned sanatoriums where they were given better resources than they had on the streets.

government sanctioned facts
What is a government sanctioned nonprofit?

According to government officials in peru why are dolphins dying?

You can easily fact check why do government officials use blackberry by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Australian Government in NSW has sanctioned a dictionary to help people submit and understand ”Aussie Slang” that anyone can access for free

In Israel there are around 8 government-sanctioned marijuana growing operations. In 2012, one of these companies developed a marijuana strain "said to carry all the reported medical benefits of cannabis, but without THC, the psychoactive chemical component that causes a high." - source

In Letter from a Birmingham Jail, MLK argued government-sanctioned racism and injustice happens when any given law relegates any given person to the status of a thing.

Scrabble has been a government-sanctioned sport in Nigeria since the 1990s. Tournaments get corporate sponsorship and offer big cash prizes. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Government Sanctioned. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Government Sanctioned so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor