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George B Mcclellan facts

While investigating facts about George B Mcclellan Civil War and George B Mcclellan Jr, I found out little known, but curios details like:

George B. McClellan died of a heart attack at the age of fifty-eight in Orange, New Jersey on October 29, 1885.

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Although a diehard Unionist, McClellan was a lifelong Democrat and was sympathetic to the Southern cause.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering who was george b mcclellan and what did he do. Here are 17 of the best facts about George B Mcclellan Apush and George B Mcclellan Family I managed to collect.

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  1. Despite technically leading the Union victory at the Battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862, McClellan refused to pursue and crush General Lee's forces, so President Lincoln on November 5, 1862.

  2. McClellan replaced Winfield Scott as the general-in-chief of the Union Army on November 1, 1861.

  3. McClellan's inaction was often the result of his belief that he simply did not have enough men to fight: his lack of confidence and indecision are often seen as the reason why he lost the Seven Days Battles (June 25-July 1, 1862) and the ultimate Union withdrawal from the Peninsula Campaign.

  4. After the war, McClellan worked as an engineer, wrote, and eventually became the governor of New Jersey.

  5. Although McClellan's organization of the Union Army into a modern fighting force was a major factor in the Union's long-term success, his battlefield tactics were often outdated and ineffective: he favored massive, frontal engagements that were very costly.

  6. Between the Mexican-American War and the American Civil War, McClellan worked as an executive for different railroads.

  7. McClellan was generally well-liked by his troops, who referred to him as "Young Napoleon" and "Little Mac."

  8. During the spring and summer of 1862, McClellan led the Union army on the Peninsula Campaign, which was intended to encircle Richmond.

  9. George McClellan was promoted to major general in the Union Army on May 14, 1861.

  10. The Democrats nominated McClellan to run against President Abraham Lincoln in the 1864 presidential election: McClellan lost to Lincoln in a landslide.

george b mcclellan facts
What are the best facts about George B Mcclellan?

What is true about george b mcclellan?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

After touring Europe in the 1850s, McClellan designed a new saddle for the United States Army.

McClellan's service in the Mexican-American War shaped his later military philosophy, particularly the merging of military, civilian, and political affairs.

Democratic Candidates John C. Breckinridge (1860) and George B. McClellan (1864) used the terms "Idiot" "Yahoo" and "The Original Gorilla" to describe their opponent, Republican Presidential Candidate Abraham Lincoln. - source

Always known for being more of an intellectual, scholarly soldier, McClellan wrote numerous pamphlets and papers on military tactics.

During the Civil War a copy of an order on invasion issued by Confederate general Robert E Lee was found in an envelope with three cigars, and given to Union general George B McClellan who famously said "Here is a paper with which, if I cannot whip Bobby Lee, I will be willing to go home." - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about George B Mcclellan. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is George B Mcclellan so important!

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