Incredible and fun facts to explore

Generation Generation facts

While investigating facts about Generation Generation Z and Generation Generation X, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Taylor Swift was born into wealth. Her father is "a descendant of three generations of bank presidents" and worked for Merrill Lynch. At the age of 14 her family moved to Nashville where her father purchased a stake in Big Machine, the label to which Swift first signed.

generation how long is a generation?

Despite millennials often being seen as a ‘promiscuous’ generation, they have less sexual partners than previous generations and having less overall sex than their own parents.

What generation is generation x?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what generation comes after generation z. Here are 50 of the best facts about Generation Generation Of Computer and Generation Generation Y I managed to collect.

what generation is after generation z?

  1. There's a micro-generation called "Xennials" for those born between 1977 and 1985. These people grew up with an analog childhood and a digital adulthood

  2. Keurig K-Cups generate 10 times the solid waste that would be generated from a standard drip brewer and most of that waste isn't recyclable. Co-founder John Sylvan said, "I feel bad sometimes that I ever did it.”

  3. In 2013, Coca-Cola cancelled a promotion that paired randomly generated English and French words inside their caps until a lady received one that said "You Retard"

  4. Portland has started generating clean energy by replacing some water pipes with pipes that contain turbines. The turbines generate electricity from water that is already flowing under the city. The pipes are expected to generate $2,000,000 worth of renewable energy capacity over 20 years.

  5. The monarch butterfly’s life span is 2 to 6 weeks, except every 4th generation lives from 6 to 8 months so they can travel all the way down from Canada/USA to Mexico and back

  6. Female humans, pilot whales and killer whales are unique among animals: they are the only three mammals known to undergo menopause. This allows them to help their children survive into adulthood and—if they’re lucky—to act as grandmothers to the next generation.

  7. A woman who has won the Lottery four times since 1993. She was outed as a PhD of Statistics from Standford University and had figured out the pseudo-number generator for the distribution of the winning tickets. She won a total of $17million, and has since moved to Las Vegas.

  8. In one of Thomas Jefferson's letters to James Madison in 1789 he stated that the Constitution and laws should expire after 19 years. This was to allow the new generations to learn from the past and change accordingly, it was also to prevent older generations from "binding" subsequent ones.

  9. Triple Crown winner American Pharoah has sex 3 times every day and his owners charge a $200,000 fee per impregnation, generating about $30,000,000 a year annually.

  10. It's been 125,000 generations since the emergence of human species, 7,500 generations since human physiology reached what is essentially its modern state, 500 generations since the agricultural revolution, and ONLY 20 generations since the scientific revolution!

generation generation facts
What generation is generation z?

Generation Generation data charts

For your convenience take a look at Generation Generation figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

generation generation fact data chart about When each social media platform was generating its maximum b
When each social media platform was generating its maximum buzz on Google.

generation generation fact data chart about Distribution of digits generated by Java's random number fun
Distribution of digits generated by Java's random number function

What is true about generation generation?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

One of the few coastal areas to evacuate ahead of the 2004 tsunami was on the island of Simeulue. Due to island folklore recounting an earthquake/tsunami in 1907, the islanders fled inland following the initial shaking. Generational folklore saving the lives of the islanders 97 years later.

Astronomers discovered a bizarre rogue planet wandering the Milky Way. The free-range planet, which is nearly 13 times the mass of Jupiter and does not orbit a star, also displays stunningly bright auroras that are generated by a magnetic field 4 million times stronger than Earth's. - source

Irish American actor Robert De Niro was raised by an openly gay Catholic father and an atheist mother in New York just two generations after his family fled Ireland to escape the famine - source

Max Yasgur, the man who hosted Woodstock on his dairy farm. He got threats from his neighbors, but said "if the generation gap is to be closed, we older people have to do more than we have done." He also got angry when people were trying to sell water and provided it free of charge.

There is a hot spring hotel in Japan which is in business since the year 705, operated by 52 generations of the same family - source

Force that generates heat when two objects are rubbing?

Millennials Are Having Way Less Sex Than Their Parents and are twice as likely as the previous generation to be virgins

90% Of Family Wealth Is Lost By The 3rd Generation

Ore trains in Sweden traveling down to the coast generate five times the amount of electricity they use, powering nearby towns and the return trip for other trains.

A New Orleans restaurant has been owned by the same family since 1840. Antoine's, famous for Oyster Rockefeller and Baked Alaska, has had five generations of the family run it, and a sixth is preparing to take over. It is the US's oldest continuously family-run restaurant.

If you scream for 8 years, 7 months, and 6 days you will generate enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee

Nimrod didn't orginially mean idiot, he was a great hunter. The meaning changed when Bugs Bunny called Elmer Fudd it sarcastically and an entire generation of kids thought it meant moron.

Generation generation infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Generation Generation numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

generation generation fact infographic about Wrote an app to generate a report on your texts, here's me a

Wrote an app to generate a report on your texts, here's me and my girlfiend

generation generation fact infographic about Since you guys liked my first post, I made a little better o

Since you guys liked my first post, I made a little better one. Stats of all pokemons on generation 1, 2 and 3, stacked to total

When a reaction generates heat the reaction is termed endergonic?

North Koreans can be sentenced to "Three Generations of Punishment", meaning you and three generations of your family would be imprisoned

France generates roughly 73% of it's electricity from Nuclear Power, is one of the world's largest exporters of power, and has not had a single nuclear related fatality.

The New Zealand town of Brightwater had 5 electric street lights in 1911 powered by a hydroelectric generator which was auto-controlled by a flock of chickens. At night, the chickens would go inside their coop and their weight would close an electric circuit, turning on the street lights.

In 2014, Five Guys generated a billion dollars in revenue with an advertising budget of $0. By contrast, McDonalds spent almost a billion dollars on advertising to generate $25B revenue.

The baby boomer generation was labelled the 'Me Generation' in the 70s and was described as a 'culture of narcissism' by writers and journalists at the time.

Scientists were able to spin a calcium carbonate molecule to 600 million RPM, generating 1 billion Gs of force. Unfortunately, the molecule spun so fast that it disappeared from the experimental chamber and scientist are still trying to find out where it went to this day.

When capuchin monkeys were taught to gamble, they made the same irrational decisions a human gambler would make as well, and the data generated by the capuchin monkeys make them statistically indistinguishable from most stock-market investors.

There was a koi named Hanako that lived to be 226 years old. She was born in 1751 and was passed down the generations of one family until her death in 1977.

At least 43 buildings in NYC actually have their own zip code. Due to size, or amount of people who work there, or money they generate.

Drooping ears" is a trait for domesticated animals that doesn't occur in the wild (except elephants). Almost all species gain the trait when domesticated. One experiment successfully domesticated foxes over 40 generations, and by then their ears were drooping.

In traditional societies that have no access to processed sugars and white flour, many indigenous people have no cavities, and flash smiles with perfect pearly white teeth, even though tooth brushing is rare. The next generation of natives who eat processed food began to develop crooked teeth

About Yasuteru Yamada, a retired engineer who after watching the news coverage of the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster, organized a group of 200+ fellow retirees and volunteered to go to the site and assist in the cleanup so the younger generation didn't have to and risk exposure to radiation.

About the “7th generation” principle which was taught by Native Americans saying that in every decision, be it personal, governmental or corporate, we must consider how it will affect our descendents seven generations into the future.

Millennials being scrutinized isn't unique to this generation. Older generations have been doing it to younger generations for over 2,000 years. Similar criticisms include laziness, being self absorbed, spending too much money, expectations being too high, and the use of technology.

Star rappers Post Malone and Childish Gambino got their famous stage names by inputting their real name into the "Wu-Tang Name Generator" and using the first nickname to pop up.

There is an inn in Japan that has been in continuous operation since 718 -- over 1300 years & 46 generations -- and it's not even the Guinness Work Record holder for oldest inn.

The Baby Boomers were nicknamed the "Me Generation" due to their perceived narcissism.

About Xennials, a micro-generation described as having had "an analog childhood and a digital adulthood"

As of 2015, Japan's pachinko market generates more gambling revenue than that of Las Vegas, Macau and Singapore combined.

Ghana and Ivory Coast produce at least 70 percent of the world's cocoa beans. And the world is running out of cocoa farmers as the next generation refuses to take up this job because of the difficulty of the process and wages as low as 84 cents a day.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Generation Generation. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Generation Generation so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor