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Gender Neutral facts

While investigating facts about Gender Neutral Names and Gender Neutral Pronouns, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The word "girl" was originally a gender neutral term for a child, and that boys were called "knave girls" and girls were called "gay girls".

how to use gender neutral pronouns?

The gender-neutral "they" was used as the 3rd person singular in English until about 1800, when "he" and "she" became widespread to make English more like Latin

What's gender neutral mean?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does gender neutral mean. Here are 46 of the best facts about Gender Neutral Baby Clothes and Gender Neutral Baby I managed to collect.

what's gender neutral?

  1. The gender neutral term for a niece/nephew is a nibling, just like the gender neutral term for a brother/sister is a sibling.

  2. In Old English, 'man' was a gender neutral term. Males were known as 'wermen' and females were known as 'wifmen'.

  3. In 2016, the U.S. Marine Corps changed 19 official job titles, such as “infantryman,” to a gender neutral alternative, like “basic infantry Marine.”

  4. Farsi (Persian) is a completely gender neutral language with no distinction between he and she او.

  5. The word "man" was originally gender neutral and "wer" and "wif" were used to describe males and females respectively. This is where the words like "wife" and "werewolf" are derived from.

  6. The pronoun "he" is traditional gender-neutral

  7. Activists in India have opposed making rape laws gender neutral. Under current laws only females can be rape victims

  8. A gender neutral honorific "Mx" was added to the Oxford dictionary

  9. Lojban (pronounced lozh-bahn) is a constructed language based on formal logic and was designed to be neutral between cultures allowing you to communicate more concisely, i.e. gender neutral, no tenses, the ability to basically speak in emoticons.

  10. In its 2017 edition the Associated Press Stylebook — a widely used reference for journalists — has begun to embrace the use of "they" as a singular, gender-neutral pronoun.

gender neutral facts
What are gender neutral pronouns?

Gender Neutral data charts

For your convenience take a look at Gender Neutral figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

gender neutral fact data chart about Only 3 more Karmas needed (Insert Gender Neutral slang here)
Only 3 more Karmas needed (Insert Gender Neutral slang here)

Why gender neutral bathrooms are important?

You can easily fact check why gender neutral bathrooms by examining the linked well-known sources.

Pink wasn't always a girl's color and Blue a boy's color. Children would wear gender neutral, mostly white clothing that was easy to bleach clean. It wasn't until stores started marketing gender-specific colors that parents began to worry about making their children wear right outfits.

The gender-neutral term for nieces and nephews is "Niblings." - source

The word 'Man' was originally a gender neutral word. - source

In 1997 a few men in Chicago were turned down for server jobs in Hooters, so they filed 2 law suits that were eventually combined into a class-action lawsuit. Hooters then settled the litigation for $3.75 million and agreed to open up some "gender-neutral" positions to men.

Estonian language only has gender neutral pronouns - source

When did gender neutral bathrooms start?

The gender neutral term for niece / nephew is "nibling."

How do you address a gender neutral person?

The gender-neutral pronoun, “hen,” was introduced in 2012 and was swiftly absorbed into mainstream Swedish culture to replace using “boys and girls."

Whoopi Goldberg who played Guinan in the Star Trek episode "Offspring", changed her character's dialog from a strictly heterosexual explanation to a gender-neutral version but was rebuffed by affiliates because it wouldn't be a "family show"

From the 16th to the early 20th century, in the Western world, boys up to age 8 often wore gender neutral clothing. Many famous historical figures such as FDR were "unbreeched" (wore gowns/dresses) as a child and breeching (switching to pants) was a rite of passage for young men.

In 1776, Jemima Wilkinson took on the gender-neutral name "Public Universal Friend" and began preaching as neither man nor woman. This allowed her/him to preach publicly since women were not allowed on the pulpit.

There have been several attempts at establishing gender neutral pronouns in the English language.

When to use gender neutral pronouns?

The white house has a gender neutral bathroom.

Alysia Rissling (born November 16, 1988) is a Canadian bobsledder. In 2015 she was the pilot for the first ever all-woman team in an official four-man bobsleigh race after the event became gender neutral.

Riley" is one of the most gender-neutral names in the U.S. according to birth records

Franklin D. Roosevelt would dress in pink skirts, have shoulder-length hair and marabou-feathered hats as a child, as those were considered gender-neutral clothes.

There’s a word that is gender neutral that encompasses nieces and nephews: nibling.

How do you refer to a gender neutral person?

Joanne Rowling was asked to use a more gender-neutral pen name in order to appeal to the male members of her readership, fearing that they would not be interested in reading a novel they knew to be written by a woman. She elected to use J.K.Rowling.

The gender neutral term for niece/nephew is Nibling.

The Gerald R. Ford U.S. aircraft carrier is built without any urinals, in order to be designed as "gender-neutral".

There's a gender-neutral preschool in Sweden where children are not called "him" and "her," or "boy" and "girl," in an attempt to fight gender stereotypes.

Gender neutral names like Sam and Alex are illegal in Germany, Portland, Denmark and Iceland, in order to avoid bullying and confusion over an individuals sex

There's a gender-neutral title called Mx.

In Sweden, people invented a gender-neutral pronoun, 'hen', that since 2014 is part of the official glossary.

Craft Beer is typically viewed as masculine item and if consumers knew it was made by a woman the beer’s value will decline according to a study by Stanford university. Cupcakes are considered feminine while Coffee is considered neutral gender item.

There is no gender-neutral English word for the singular version of the word "cattle" like there is for every other animal in existence.

Theta Pi Sigma, a "frarority" aimed at gender-neutral college students

Mattel has a new gender neutral line of dolls called “Creatable World”. The doll is fully gender neutral and can be accessorized to be a boy, a girl, neither or both.

The word “scientist” was not meant to be merely a gender-neutral neutral term. It was coined with the intention of actively celebrating “the peculiar illumination of the female mind”

The city of Stockholm attempted to enact a "Gender Neutral Snow Plowing Policy". It was a total disaster, making the city streets completely impassable.

On July 20, 2005, Canada became the fourth country in the world, and the first country outside Europe, to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide with the enactment of the Civil Marriage Act which provided a gender-neutral marriage definition.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Gender Neutral. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Gender Neutral so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor