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Gaming Pc facts

While investigating facts about Gaming Pc Cheap and Gaming Pc Build, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The classic PC game "Baldur's Gate" was developed, alongside its engine, in 18 months by a team of 60 people who had never worked on a video game before.

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Microsoft had planned to host multiplayer for Xbox and PC games on the same Microsoft LIVE network. Plans were cancelled after play-testing showed that PC players won virtually every match versus console opponents.

What gaming pc to buy?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what gaming pc do i need. Here are 50 of the best facts about Gaming Pc Bundle and Gaming Pc Builder I managed to collect.

what gaming pc should i buy?

  1. In 1986 Bethesda created their first PC title, a football game with advanced physics. EA approached Bethesda for the source code for their own franchise John Madden Football in return for publishing future Bethesda titles but mysteriously backed out of the deal after they received said code.

  2. Myst, released in 1993, held the record for best-selling PC game until 2002 -- when it was beaten by The Sims.

  3. Some very skilled Halo fans got tired of waiting for Microsoft to act and are creating an entire Halo game for the PC from scratch using CryEngine3 that will be released for free

  4. Apple in the 80s paid gaming magazines to downplay Mac's gaming abilities, which was better than the PC's, to project them as professional tools

  5. The release of Halo 2 for the PC was delayed because one of the developers put a picture of his butt in the game.

  6. Halo 2 PC was delayed because a Bungie dev hid a picture of his butt in the game.

  7. The PC game TIE Fighter, primarily a space combat simulator, enjoyed a remarkably positive critical reception after its 1994 release, as well as garnering acclaim in more recent retrospectives. IGN named it the "best Star Wars game ever made" in 2010.

  8. The PC game Gunpoint was made in Game Maker by a guy with very little programming experience. It was so commercially successful that he never needs to work again.

  9. Tiger Woods PGA Tour '99 was recalled because the entire South Park pilot was used as dummy data on the disc and players discovered they could watch the episode by simply putting the game disc into a PC.

  10. The company that created the successful series of 80's/90's educational PC games such as Reader Rabbit and Treasure Mountain was bought by Mattel in 1999 at a $4.2 billion evaluation. In 2000, it was sold at a loss of up to $3.6 billion, cited as one of the worst acquisitions of all time.

gaming pc facts
What gaming pc is best for fortnite?

Gaming Pc data charts

For your convenience take a look at Gaming Pc figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

gaming pc fact data chart about Costs of sustaining a gaming PC over 10 years
Costs of sustaining a gaming PC over 10 years

gaming pc fact data chart about $/hour for my top ten most played PC games (with time played
$/hour for my top ten most played PC games (with time played)

Why buy a gaming pc?

You can easily fact check why should i buy a gaming pc by examining the linked well-known sources.

Disney were planning to turn Discovery Island into a live action experience of the pc game, Myst.

China has a strong PC gaming community as consoles were illegal for 15 years until 2015 due to fears of negative mental development. - source

The PC release of Halo 2 was delayed because a Bungie employee hid a picture of his ass within the game - source

In 1984, at the of age 12, Elon Musk sold the code for a BASIC-based video game he created called Blastar to a magazine called PC and Office Technology for approximately US$500. A web version of the game is available online.

The term PC Master Race was originally coined by a game reviewer to mock PC gamers that he thought were elitist. - source

What to look for when buying a gaming pc?

Minecraft is the third best selling video game of all time after Tetris and Wii Sports, having sold 70 million copies across all platforms, including 20 million on PC alone.

How to build a gaming pc?

Limited editions of the PC game World in Conflict came with a piece of the Berlin Wall.

For the past 5 years, a group of fans have been making an updated version of the classic Megaman games for PC featuring 2.5D levels, remixed and original music, and co-op play.

Older gaming PC's would have 'Turbo Buttons' which worked by slowing the CPU's clock speed down to 4.77MHz

Prince had a PC game entitled Prince Interactive. It was similar to Myst and the player solves puzzles in the Paisley Park Studio

Elon Musk wrote and sold a video game, Blastar, in 1984. Musk, then 12, received $500 when it's source code was published in the South African magazine PC and Office Technology.

Gaming pc infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Gaming Pc numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

gaming pc fact infographic about Distributions of player ranks in popular PC games

Distributions of player ranks in popular PC games

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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas became such a popular game with users that it sold 17 million copies for the PlayStation 2 alone. It was also available for the Xbox 360, PC, and later versions of the PlayStation and Xbox.

Gaming PC is as efficient at heating up room as space heaters

The first released First-Person video game with movement was Maze War for the PC, which had players shoot each other in a maze as giant eyeballs. It was also one of the first games to have a level editor

Blizzard Entertainment got their start making SNES games before becoming a competitive PC game juggernaut.

There was a game for the Sega Dreamcast which contained a virus that would wipe all your data if inserted into a PC

How to build your own gaming pc?

Apple designed a video game console with Bandai called the Pippin. It released in 1996 and was placed on PC World's list of the "25 Worst Tech Products of All Time" a decade later

In the 1999 PC game "Omikron the Nomad Soul" "David Bowie, who had some input on the storyline and game's design, played two roles within the game, first as Boz, a game character who's a revolutionary wanted by authorities," and in the fictional band "The Dreamers,"

Tetris, the puzzle game of falling pieces, was bundled with Game Boy and became hugely successful, after having only moderate success on the PC.

Electronic Arts made the original Red Alert game for PC available as freeware shortly before releasing Red Alert 3

On the GameCube disc for Pikmin, there's an early debug build of the game that runs on PC.

TV series, "Murder She wrote" had a point-and-click video game released for the PC (2009), followed in 2012 by a sequel.

The first time Amy Poehler and Tina Fey worked on the same production was not on SNL but the 1999 PC game, "Deer Avenger 2: Deer in the City"

If the PC game Crysis Warhead was used without activation (e.g. via illegally downloaded cracks or patches), all of the guns would shoot chickens instead of bullets, making gameplay almost impossible.

Gaming computers are often associated with enthusiast computing due to an overlap in interests; however, while a gaming PC is built to achieve performance for actual gameplay, enthusiast PCs are built to maximize performance

PC game company Sierra was sued by Toys R Us over a reference to fictional store "Droids R Us" in the game Space Quest. When Space Quest was remade years later, Sierra was almost sued again for a reference to ZZ Top.

Sega makes more from gambling than PC and console games combined

The Soundtrack for the Supergiant PC Game Transistor was Created by Rock Musician Darren Korb Who had No Composing Experience.

Only 14 of the top 50 PC games were made in last decade

The awkward player controls for the 1998 PC game Jurassic Park: Trespasser were the inspiration for Surgeon Simulator

The game Black and White 2 scanned your PC for your name and whispered it to you in game!

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Gaming Pc. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Gaming Pc so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor