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Gag Simpsons facts

While investigating facts about Couch Gag Simpsons and Couch Gag Simpsons Wiki, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When the band Judas Priest appeared on The Simpsons, they were mistakenly defined as "death metal". The producers decided to apologize for the mistake by having Bart Simpson write "Judas Priest is not 'Death Metal'" in the opening sequence chalkboard gag.

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The Couch Gag in The Simpsons intro developed into a clever way to adjust the show's runtime as needed.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 16 of the best facts about Chalkboard Gag Simpsons and Rake Gag Simpsons I managed to collect.

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  1. The original idea behind Marge Simpson's hair was to conceal large rabbit ears. The gag was intended to be revealed in the final episode of the series, but was scrapped early on due to inconsistencies.

  2. The Simpson's couch gag is frequently used by the show's writers to make the show longer or shorter, depending on the length of the episode itself.

  3. When Banksy storyboarded that infamous Simpson's Asian sweatshop couch gag, it was outsourced to a South Korean studio (like all other animation on the show). The animators were not amused.

  4. Marge Simpson's hair was originally supposed to conceal large rabbit ears, but the designers chose to scrap the gag before it was revealed.

  5. In The Simpsons, couch gag at the beginning of each episode makes it easier for production to extend the length of the episode if needed. The typical couch gag lasts about 5 seconds while the longest one on record lasts 46 seconds.

  6. In 1994, Matt Groening planned to make a live-action spin-off of The Simpsons starring Dan Castellaneta as Krusty the Clown as he moved to Los Angeles. Negotiations for the show fell through, partly due to the large cost of trained beavers required for a running gag about Krusty's house.

  7. Back in the 4th season of The Simpsons, they were dragged into a controversy with one of its songs bashing New Orleans. The next week, a chalkboard gag was made saying "I will not defame New Orleans."

  8. In the mid-1970s pranksters recorded a series of prank calls to a bar in Jersey City, asking for an "Al Coholic" or "Mike Hunt" etc. The recordings and the barman's responses became an underground hit, and may have inspired a running gag on The Simpsons.

  9. The first chalkboard gag from The Simpsons was on the second episode and it stated "I will not waste chalk."

gag simpsons facts
What are the best facts about Gag Simpsons?

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Singer Robert Goulet’s wife Vera also served as his manager, making this classic Simpsons gag even better!

Simpson's Worker & Parasite gag was a satire of Gene Deitch's Tom and Jerry - source

Lenny from The Simpsons has a running gag on the show where he keeps getting hit in the eye. - source

Banksy did the intro and couch gag for a Simpsons episode.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Gag Simpsons. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Gag Simpsons so important!

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