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Fully Functional facts

While investigating facts about Fully Functional Dependency and Fully Functional Dependency In Dbms, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A man thought he had bladder cancer but he actually had a fully functioning female reproductive system.

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The F-82 "Twin Mustang" fighter plane, designed to escort bombers thousands of miles to Tokyo, was literally two P-51 Mustangs joined at the wing. Both cockpits were fully functional, so one pilot could sleep while the other flew the plane on missions that could last up to 12 hours.

What fully functional means?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is fully functional dependency. Here are 50 of the best facts about Fully Functional Synonym and Fully Functional Meaning I managed to collect.

which senses are not fully functional at birth?

  1. A 43-year-old man who had his penis torn off in a horrible accident at the age of 6 has received a "bionic", 8-inch, fully functional penis crafted and installed in a pioneering surgical procedure

  2. The jungle in Disneyland's Jungle Cruise is now it's own fully functioning ecosystem and no longer requires landscaping.

  3. Every single copy of GoldenEye 007 for the N64 shipped with a fully functioning ZX Spectrum emulator, along with ten games, hidden on the cartridge. This function can be reenabled using an emulator, letting users play the classic games.

  4. The chip on SIM cards and credit cards is a fully functioning computer, the device it is placed in simply provides power to it

  5. In 2004 authorities discovered a fully functioning movie theater in the Parisian catacombs, equipped with a fully functioning restaurant, stocked bar, and projecting equipment.

  6. French Queen Marie Antoinette had a fully functioning peasant village built on the grounds of Versailles. She loved strolling the village in simple shepherdess garb pretending to live a simple life milking cows or sheep, which were carefully maintained and cleaned by the servants.

  7. Moray eels (along with many other species) have a second fully-functioning set of extendable jaws at the base of their throat. They alternate biting and pulling with these so that the meal is never released as they attempt to swallow live prey.

  8. An estimated 3% of the population have a gene that allows them to fully function on six or less hours of sleep a night, rather than the general recommendation of eight hours.

  9. Every GoldenEye 007 N64 cartridge contains a fully functional ZX Spectrum emulator with ten Rare developed games

  10. Scientists can take neurons from the skin and graft them into the brain. These neurons become fully functional and integrated into the brain.

fully functional facts
What special sense is not fully functional at birth?

Why can't i get fully erect at 17?

You can easily fact check why is my dog fully erect by examining the linked well-known sources.

Thomas Edison gave a sketch of his phonograph invention to his mechanic, who was able to make it fully functional within 30 hours. He was amazed when it played back his spoken words the first time.

Leonardo Da Vinci sketched a design for an armor-clad robot. A robot was built based on the sketch and was found to be fully functional - source

The contract used in *The Hobbit* is a fully-functioning legal document. - source

A man named Vincent Ocasla has created a fully functional "flawless" Sim City 3000 game spanning 1.5 years of theory and planning, followed by 2.5 years of construction.

When Exposed to Hot Temperatures, Bearded Dragons Can Not Only Change Genders, but Change Fully Functional Reproductive Organs - source

When is the placenta fully functional?

The Automaton in 'Hugo' was a fully functioning Automaton capable of drawing the moon from 'A Trip to the Moon' in real-time. It is fully analog, and does not run on electricity, but instead is powered by a spring wound up like a clock. It moves its head, and even refills its pen as it works.

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The first fully functional & articulate, artificial biomemetic hand was developed by Zhe Xu and Emanuel Todorov of the University of Washington.

About the Cymothoa Exigua, a parasite which destroys the tongue of a fish and then itself replaces the tongue for the rest of its lifespan, essentially transforming itself into a living, parasitic, but fully functioning and otherwise harmless tongue

Beginning with the 1997 season, the Philadelphia Eagles implemented "Eagles Court" - a fully functional courtroom inside their stadium to deal with unruly fans that committed (mostly) minor offences.

There is a solid gold (18 karat) toilet in the Guggenheim Museum in New York. A security guard stays outside the door but it is fully functional and can be used by patrons of the museum

For 1 Billion € Austria built a fully functional Nuclear Reactor in 1978, but it was never turned on.

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The Army is developing robotic insects that will likely be fully functional in 10-15 years.

An engineer managed to build a fully functional miniature V8 engine entirely out of paper.

Surgeons in The Republic of Georgia replaced a cancer patient's amputated penis with a "fully-functioning" substitute made from skin grafts and the man's middle finger. He has two girlfriends and a full sex life.

Paris police found a fully functional movie theatre in the Parisian Catacombs in 2004.

French artist Julien Berthier designed a fully functional boat to look as if it is sinking.

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In 2004, police found a fully functioning movie theater, restaurant, and bar hidden in the catacombs of Paris. Their origins are still unknown

The biggest ballpoint pen ever made was in India. It has a length of 5.5m and weighs 37.23kg, and it's fully functioning.

There is an underwater post office off the cost of Vanuatu. It is fully functional.

The largest tree in Limpopo, South Africa, is ‘Sunland Baobab’, a 6,000 year old tree that has a fully functional pub located in the hollow of the trunk. The Sunland Baobab Pub took residence inside the tree in 1933, and today it can still comfortably serve 15 patrons.

Derinkuyu was a fully functional underground city in Turkey that once sheltered around 20,000 people and was built between the 8th and 7th century B.C.

The Sonnenburg Tunnel, a motorway tunnel and during the Cold War, a fully functioning fallout shelter capable of sheltering 20,000 people in the event of war.

There is a fully functioning town on Antarctica. It has a school for the local children, a church and a fully equipped gymnasium with a sauna.

The Serbian language is the only language in Europe with its speakers are fully functionally digraphic - it uses both Cyrillic and Latin alphabets

The first successful, fully functioning penis transplant took place in 2014; doctors say recipient is “very excited,” is capable of “experiencing pleasure,” and has already resumed his sex life.

RST Video will reopen this November. The video store, made famous in Clerks and Kevin Smith’s other View Askew films, closed two decades ago but will reopen as a fully functional video store with VHS, DVD, Blu-Ray and various other entertainment formats available for rent/sale.

About the McHive, a fully functioning bee-hive modeled after McDonald's, which is a part of McDonald's Sweden's sustanibility work.

A seven year old girl named Zora Ball created a fully functional mobile app in 2013 and unveiled it at the Bootstrap Expo in Pennsylvania.

In 1972 Bhutan produced "record stamps," playable on phonographs and fully functional / legal as postage

The fictional diner from TV’s “Saved by the Bell” (called “The Max”) was actually a fully functional restaurant serving actors and extras real food from the Kraft services table. They even received a "D" rating from the Los Angeles County Health Department.

Hawaii was originally a fully functioning monarchy until American businessmen organized a coup to overthrow the Queen. Hawaii was then illegally annexed by the U.S in 1898.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Fully Functional. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Fully Functional so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor