Free Throws facts
While investigating facts about Free Throws Or Pink Bows and Free Throws Per Game, I found out little known, but curios details like:
North Korea plays basketball with different rules. Slam Dunks are 3 pts, Three-point “nothing but net” shots are worth 4 pts, and teams lose points when they miss free throws.
how to shoot free throws?
Shooting free throws in basketball underhanded, or "granny style," is statistically more effective, but players don't do it because it doesn't look cool.
Why are tall players bad at free throws?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering why are some nba players bad at free throws. Here are 42 of the best facts about Free Throws In Basketball and Free Throws Made All Time I managed to collect.
why are centers bad at free throws?
North Korea has its own distinct basketball rules, such as three points for a dunk, four points for a three-pointer that does not touch the rim, minus one point for missing a free throw, and eight points for a basket scored in the final three seconds.
Many casinos are starting to introduce "skill-based" games because younger people are bored with the standard "luck-based" ones like slots and roulette. Gamblers will be able to bet and win money on things like free throw contests, "Cashteroids," a modified version of Angry Birds, and more.
About Repair Cafés where you can bring in broken household items and experts help you fix it for free rather than throwing the item out.
NBA player Rick Barry led the league seven times in free throw percentage by shooting the ball underhanded. His free throw percentage was 89.99 at the time of his retirement. Despite the effectiveness of his technique, almost no other basketball player has followed it.
The kakapo is a parrot grew up in a threat-free environment, he hasn't develope any defensive strategy. If attacked he will remain motionless or he will jump on some high branch and throw himself. Which is weird, since the kakapo can't fly.
In the 1997 NBA Finals Karl Malone got fouled with 9.2 seconds left in a tied game and went to shoot 2 free throws. Before he got to the line Scottie Pippen told him "The Mailman doesn't deliver on Sundays". Karl's nickname was "The Mailman". He misses both free throws and the Bulls win.
Americans throw away almost as much food as they eat because of a “cult of perfection" with their food. About 60 million tons of food are tossed out every year simply due to unrealistic cosmetic standards, ie: blemish free, perfect shape, etc.
Wilt Chamberlain was able to dunk a basketball from the free-throw line without a running start. Because of this, he routinely dunked his free throws and the NCAA and NBA eventually decided to institute rules to prevent this.
North Korea plays basketball with different rules. Dunks are worth 3 points. Three-pointers that do not touch the rim are worth 4 points. Teams lose points when they miss their free throws.
The rate at which NBA players make free throws has remained around 75% for 50 years. While athletes continue to get faster, throw farther, and jump higher — and records are broken across a variety of other sports — this statistic persists.
Free Throws data charts
For your convenience take a look at Free Throws figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are free throws so hard?
You can easily fact check why do nba players miss free throws by examining the linked well-known sources.
Basketball players used to be able to dunk free throws as long as they didn't step over the FT line. The NBA & NCAA changed the rule because Wilt Chamberlain was so good at it.
Thomas Amberry set the consecutive free throw record in 1993 at the age of 71. He shot and made 2,750 free throws over the course of twelve hours. However, the streak did not end due to a missed shot. Instead, a janitor kicked him out because the gym was closing for the night. - source
When in High School, Chris Paul purposefully missed a free-throw, ensuring he scored exactly 61 points. Exactly 1 point for each year his grandfather (who was murdered days earlier) was alive. - source
Wilt Chamberlain shot his free throws granny style during his 100 point game
Some of the free food must have included fruit because fruit trees often grew in the Colosseum. It doesn"t sound like the Romans had discovered garbage cans yet. Or perhaps the spectators chose to throw their fruit at those in the center of the Colosseum if they were unhappy with the performance!
When are free throws awarded in basketball?
In Repair Cafes, you can bring in a broken household item and experts will help you fix it for free rather than throwing the item away.
How to improve free throws 2k19?
Shaquille O'Neal attempted 11 free throws in a game and made NONE (NBA Record)
Hack-a-Shaq is a basketball strategy which is done by intentionally fouling the opposing team's worst free throw shooter for the purpose of stopping the clock
In North Korean basketball, you get three points for a dunk, four points for a three pointer that doesn't touch the rim, and eight points for a basket scored in the final three seconds. A missed free throw means minus-one point.
that despite being one of the worst free-throw shooters in NBA history (51%), Wilt Chamberlain shot 28-32 from the FT line the night he scored 100 points
The world record for consecutive free throws made is held by a guy who didn't make his high school A basketball team. He attributes his skill to the concentration he learned as a dairy farmer.