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Freddy Fingered facts

While investigating facts about Green Freddy Fingered and Freddy Got Fingered Imdb, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Mr. Rogers was bullied as a child for being fat. "We're gonna get you, Fat Freddy!", the bullies would shout. “I used to cry to myself when I was alone,” Rogers said. “And I would cry through my fingers and make up songs on the piano.”

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After "Freddy Got Fingered" won multiple Razzie Awards, Tom Green personally attended to accept his awards. He brought his own red carpet, and during his speech he played the harmonica so poorly and for so long he had to be dragged off the stage.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the movie freddy got fingered about. Here are 12 of the best facts about Freddy Got Fingered Horse and Freddy Got Fingered Quotes I managed to collect.

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  1. When Tom Green won a Golden Rasberry Award for "Freddy Got Fingered", he showed up in a white cadillac, rolled out his own red carpet, told the crowd he wanted to win the award, then pulled out and played a harmonica until security dragged him offstage.

  2. Tom Green won 5 Rasberry Awards for "Freddie Got Fingered" in 2002. He showed up in a white Cadillac, rolled out his own red carpet, and had to be dragged off stage because he wouldn't stop playing the harmonica.

  3. Tom Green won 5 Raspberry Awards for "Freddy Got Fingered" in 2002. He showed up in a white Cadillac, rolled out his own red carpet, and had to be dragged off stage because he wouldn't stop playing a harmonica.

  4. Tom Green won five Razzies for Freddy Got Fingered and accepted the awards in person. He had to be dragged off the stage because he wouldn't stop playing the harmonica.

  5. Tom Green won 5 Raspberry Awards for "Freddy Got Fingered" in 2002. He showed up in a white Cadillac, rolled out his own red carpet, and had to be dragged off stage because he wouldn't stop play a harmonica.

  6. A man was arrested on a warrant in 2016 for not returning a copy of the movie “Freddy Got Fingered”. Tom Green agreed to pay his fines if they were not an “outrageous sum”

  7. Tom Green won 5 Raspberry Awards for “Freddie Got Fingered” in 2002. He showed up in a white Cadillac, rolled out his own red carpet, and had to be dragged off stage because he wouldn’t stop playing the harmonica.

  8. The birth scene from Freddie Got Fingered is still one of the most scientifically accurate birth scenes in any media. Scientists wrote letters of praise to the film crew for the accuracy.

  9. A North Carolina man was arrested 14 years later for failing to return a VHS rental of ‘Freddy Got Fingered’ in 2002. Tom Green contacted the guy and offered to pay his fines saying “If it’s 200 bucks of course I’ll pay it for him, just for the principle of the thing."

  10. Mariah Carey's cleavage received a Razzie Nomination for Worst Screen Couple in Glitter, but lost to Tom Green and any animal he abuses in Freddy Got Fingered.

freddy fingered facts
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This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Freddy Fingered. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Freddy Fingered so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor